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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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Μιλαμε για κορυφαια γραφικα!

Μακαρι να φτιαξουν και το gameplay ωστε να μιλαμε για κορυφαια προταση!

exoun ksefygei omws!! :D

kai g@mw einai.


Egw to ksanalew , kai to gameplay tha einai para poly kalo.

Se 10 meres tha exoume to demo... ypomoni :P


koita 3ana lew ena paixnidi einai synolo grafikwn+gameplay+hxos, na paizw ena game me xalia gafika me xalaei oso kai na paizw ena paixnidi me xalia gameplay ;) to fifa apoti fainete exei pleon kai grafika kai hxo kai gameplay


Pay for Xbox 360 gamerpoints




Love gamerpoints, but can't be bothered to sit around all night questing after achievements? Well that's just life, isn't it? Stop moaning.


Unless you're rich and daft, of course, in which case you might want to cast your eyes in the direction of Levelmy360.com, where you can now effectively buy the gamerpoints that you crave.


Set up by the same sort of people who've been farming gold in World of Warcraft and performing similar services in other massively multiplayer games, the site offers those with cash to burn a range of gamerpoint upgrades.



At the low end, you can pay $39.99 for 500 more, while those who really have no shame at all can chuck them $299.99 for an extra 3000. You pay your money, and then give temporary control of your account to the site's operators, who will then notify you again when they've finished levelling you up.


Obviously it's got nothing to do with Microsoft, and it's a bit of a risk giving someone access to your account - particularly if you store credit card details within. Not only that, but there's no telling which games they'll use to level you up, so you might end up having it done with stuff you planned to buy and play yourself.Probably better to rely on FAQs and sites like Achieve360points.com instead - at least that's only half cheating. You cad.




an einai dinaton..


TotemBall dev working on two more for camera




TotemBall developer Strange Flavour is in the early stages of development on two more games that will take advantage of the Xbox Live Vision camera.


Speaking at a launch event in Central London this morning, representatives said the first would also use gesture-based controls, and should be ready in early 2007, while the other game would be more traditional.


TotemBall was released this morning on Xbox Live Arcade - and Microsoft reps were insistent that it would remain free, while Strange Flavour said it planned to release map-packs and other downloadable content in the future.



Meanwhile, those of you hoping to take advantage of the camera, which retails for GBP 34.99 from Friday, to keep an eye on each other's poker-face will be pleased to learn that a Texas Hold 'Em auto-update adding support is due out within two weeks.


Other games that support the camera include UNO (which is provided free with the camera if you haven't already bought it), Activision's World Series Poker and Ubisoft's Rainbow Six: Vegas.


In that game, facial mapping using the camera will allow you to play as yourself - with full support for custom faces in four-player co-op and sixteen-player multiplayer matches.


Microsoft also noted that other publishers are currently considering how to make use of the camera, with big-hitters like EA Sports said to be "thinking about it".


One thing that isn't being planned at the moment though is cross-platform chats between Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 users, despite the fact that the camera itself works with Windows as a simple USB webcam.


Look out for our review of the Xbox Live Vision camera, which also comes with an Xbox Live headset and a month of Xbox Live Gold access, in the near future.



Pay for Xbox 360 gamerpoints



Μήπως αυτή η εταιρία κάνει προσλήψεις? :mrgreen: Φαντάζεστε η δουλειά σου να είναι να παίζεις όλη μέρα?


Privateer, μη σου μπαίνουν ιδέες!!


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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