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GDC London: Epic's Rein - 'Gears Way Ahead of PS3 Launch Titles'


From gamasutra.com:

The ever-entertaining Epic Games VP Mark Rein, sassing "Don't take my picture!" at the photo-hungry crowd before the start of his GDC London talk on Unreal Engine 3 and Gears Of War, was bombastic as usual, commenting of the imminent debut of the X360 title: "Sony says the next generation starts when they say so - bullshit!" He also opined that Gears, as a second-gen Xbox 360 title is likely to look better than PS3 launch titles.


The Epic VP then took the stage, commenting that Gears Of War ships in around 6 weeks, commenting: "We're trying to counteract all the hype the game has" by keeping a lot of the game features concealed and fresh. He also revealed that Gears Of War itself will take twelve-and-a-half hours to complete (not a recently cited ten hours, he made sure to point out), and that there is "plenty of replayability" after the fact.


As Gears Of War ends, Rein explains that the concentration is changing to making the Unreal Engine 3 engine for PlayStation 3 better. He notes: "We have a couple of worried customers" regarding the PlayStation 3 and UE3, who are asking: "How are we going to get it to perform as well as the Xbox 360"? But this is now what Epic is concentrating on, as it moves toward the completion of Unreal Tournament 2007 "some time in 2007."

Read More: gamasutra.com


Gamerscore for Sale?


From Ozymandias' Blog (alias Andre Vrignaud, Microsoft's Director of Technical Strategy for Xbox Live):

Saw a post over on Joystiq that's talking about power leveling, or the ability pay someone real money to buff up your Gamerscore. To quote:

For years now, companies have offered to level your Everquest and World of Warcraft characters for a fee. By catering to the whims of players who want that level 60 mount but don't really have the time to obtain it on their own, firms that farm rake it in.

Therefore, 'twas only a matter of time before farmers that specialize in taking the grind out of virtual gruntwork made the leap over to the Xbox 360. A site called "Level My 360" has jumped in (har) and now offers 3,000 XBL gamer points for the low, low price of $300.


The thing that struck me as most interesting about this is that Achievements (and the Gamerscore associated with them) have become a currency... one just as valuable as virtual currency in MMOs, and one some people might be willing to pay real dollars for. I certainly don't condone it, but it does support my belief that competitors will need to have their own Achievements/Gamerscore system in the future as it's definitely a tipping aspect for some folks. (For the record, I now believe the rumor of PS3 "Entitlements" to be false; however, I fully expect a similar solution within the next year or so once the online service has launched.)


For what it's worth, I'm not too worried about this sort of thing damaging the Achievement "market." Since games each decide how/when to give out Achievements, there's plenty of slack in the system to help iron out spikes. On top of that, we're seeing developers getting more and more invested in Achievements and thinking harder about how to give them out. With every passing month we have more and more titles with Achievementsand Gamerscore to deepen the ocean. Over time I honestly doubt we'll see this as anything more than noise across the entire system.

  • Απαντ. 14,1k
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Concrete Details on Halo 3 in Next Month's EGM


We'd like to report that 1up.com is reporting that EGM is reporting on Bungie's upcoming title Halo 3 (you might have heard about it) in next month's EGM print magazine. They're saying there will be some juicy details. Is it just us, or is getting information about Halo 3 shaping up to be like nabbing pictures of celebrity children?

ta videakia molis ta eida, to paixnidi fainete apisteyto deite pws symperiferete h mpala sta controls kai stis pases
Ti , de ta vlepeis athlia pseftika aparadekta ktl ktl?? :P :p


Pantws i kinisi tou swmatos einai poly realistiki , to pws vazoun to podi gia kontrol kai to pws sygkrouwntai oi paixtes.


Kala , i mpala einai apisteuto to ti faltsa pairnei stis sentres. Elpizw kai i taxytita tis na einai realistiki kai swsti.


Sto fifa07 gia to PC oi GK omws einai ligo gtp. Eidika stis eksodous einai aparadektoi ! :P Elpizw stin 360 na to diorthwsan , giati se kanena videaki den eida eksodo apo GK :(


ontws to game fainetai katapliktiko,k sto animation.to terma k gw to fogamai k auti i prospatheia na piasei ti mpala de marese polli.sauto to videaki-->X06: Great Attempt (Off-Screen)


In his latest blog entry on the Ensemble website, founder Bruce Shelley reveals more info about Halo Wars, Ensemble's Xbox 360 exclusive real-time-strategy game based on Bungie's FPS series. Here's a bit:


Halo Wars has been proceeding for months under the code name Phoenix. We have been working with the Bungie team closely to be sure that the vision for Halo Wars syncs up with their games and story. Our goal is to develop a full RTS game specifically for the X-360. We think X-360 gamers are ready for the RTS experience and the MGS leadership believes a quality RTS can expand the platform community. Our team specifically sees this as a cool challenge to take advantage of the technology, do something different, and open up a new genre to the platform.


The Halo Wars team is the fastest growing at ES right now. Much of The WarChiefs team is rolling over to it and many of our new employees are also joining. The team is being led by veteran ES producer Chris Rippy and Lead Programmer Angelo Laudon. Both have been with ES from the start, nearly 12 years ago. Angelo was Lead Programmer on Age I and Age II. The Art Lead is Mathew Goldman, an industry veteran with many titles to his credit from years at Bioware. Lead Designer is Graeme Devine, another industry veteran with 20+ years experience. We think the project is in great hands.


This game has a long way to go before being published and we won't be getting into too many specifics about it for a while. But it is being played every day now and we are feeling very good about where it is and where it is going.




Demo: Need for Speed Carbon


ʽThe Battle for the City is Won in the Canyons. What starts in the city is settled in the canyons as Need for Speed Carbon immerses you in the worldʼs most dangerous and adrenaline-filled form of street racing. You and your Crew must race in an all-out war for the city, risking everything to take over your rivalsʼ neighborhoods one block at a time. As the police turn up the heat, the battle ultimately shifts to Carbon Canyon, where territories and reputations can be lost on every perilous curve. With Online racing and the most advanced graphics and car customization tools ever, Need for Speed Carbon is the ultimate next generation racing game.ʼ


This 1 GB demo is not available in the following Xbox Live regions: Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Sinagpore or Taiwan.


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