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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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to forza akoma exei dromo.einai sto 60% tou paixnidiou k to pws tha einai i teliki build exei anakoinwthei k exei ginei post.oso gia tin eswteriki kamera nomizw oti einai geloio na pisteuei kapoios oti den ginete logo isxis.auto pou eipan einai oti de bazoun eswteriki kamera,epeidi de niwthoun ti diaforeretiko prosferei.allwste apo grafiko exei akoma dromo

Oxi eipan oti den exoun ton xrono na ftiaxoun eswterikes kameres gia ka8e ena apo ta 300 amaxia pou exoun sto paixnidi

  • Απαντ. 14,1k
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Και γιατι δεν το ποσταρεις; :)


He begins by DOAX2, he says that he's had all the time he wanted to implement everything the way he wanted, so there is no absolutely no cut-back at all the features and quality he wanted to have in.

he says that working at 360 for a year and a half, he now feels he has mastered it and this will be shown.


he praises microsoft and says it reminds him of golden sega, where they delivered what they promised.

he also praises m$ support, he says he really appreciates it, and that it is only with this support that a game like Dead or Alive 4 could be out in a launch window.


then he goes on to Ninja Gaiden Sigma on ps3.

he urges people to go at TGS show and compare the DOAX2 playable demo on 360 to the rolling video of NJΣ on ps3.

he says that they will notice great difference (DOAX2 being the better)


He says that who makes the games is most important. However Hayashi is his student, Itagaki taught he everything he knows.

he is young (27), and he predicts that Hayashi is in for a great challenge, but he is certain that his student will do his best. he predicts some good things and some not-so-good things, but he says its for the future to prove. it still has a long way to go.


Itagaki says that this is a good thing, since with this arrangement, he will reamain totally focused on xbox platform, continuing to produce great games at the pace he has done until now or even faster.

he pledges total support for his xbox fans (he even makes an "X" mark with his hand!!), and promises never to dissapoint them.(!! )


then he goes on to Ninja Gaiden on xbox1, and how while everyone demanded that it should be ported to other formats, that was completely impossible.

he says that ps2 had about 1/5-1/6 of the power of xbox1(!!!), and for him lowering graphics, engine or quality is never an option.

he even said that m$ had a really hard time emulating it on 360. thats how much of xbox1 he was using.


"gears of wars is fantastic", he says, and he really appreciates that. he makes a distinction of the violence of gears and the violence on his games.

gears has "american" violence, while his games have "ninja" violence. he explains that.

and he states that this is why he can never create such a game. but that is good because he only has to enjoy playing that game and not analyse that philosophy in order to create it. (guess what that points to...)

he also states that he had not got the time to play games recently since he's working hard, but he brings up chibi-robo as a great game.


then, he turns to the screen and by pointing his finger, he says:

"I'm only gonna say this once: My next game is gonna be what everyone is expecting"


Pro Evolution Soccer 6 achievements :


1. Won the Serie A - Aim to win the Serie A - 40 Gamerpoints

2. Won the Eredivisie - Aim to win the Eredivisie - 40 Gamerpoints

3. Won the Liga Española - Aim to win the Liga Española - 40 Gamerpoints

4. Won the Ligue 1 - Aim to win the Ligue 1 - 40 Gamerpoints

5. Won the England League - Aim to win the England League - 40 Gamerpoints

6. Won the International League - Aim to win the International League - 40 Gamerpoints

7. Won the Reebok Cup - Aim to win the Reebok Cup - 40 Gamerpoints

8. Won the International Cup - Aim to win the International Cup - 40 Gamerpoints

9. Won the European Cup - Aim to win the European Cup - 40 Gamerpoints

10. Won the African Cup - Aim to win the African Cup - 40 Gamerpoints

11. Won the American Cup - Aim to win the American Cup - 40 Gamerpoints

12. Won the Asia-Oceanian Cup - Aim to win the Asia-Oceanian Cup - 40 Gamerpoints

13. Won the Konami Cup - Aim to win the Konami Cup - 40 Gamerpoints

14. Won the Master League: D2 League - Aim to win the Master League: D2 League - 40 Gamerpoints

15. Won the Master League: D2 Cup - Aim to win the Master League: D2 Cup - 40 Gamerpoints

16. Won the Master League: D1 League - Aim to win the Master League: D1 League - 40 Gamerpoints

17. Won the Master League: D1 Cup - Aim to win the Master League: D1 Cup - 40 Gamerpoints

18. First online match - Experience online matches. (ranked match) - 20 Gamerpoints

19. 10 online matches - Aim to play 10 online matches. (ranked match) - 10 Gamerpoints

20. 100 online matches - Aim to play 100 online matches. (ranked match) - 100 Gamerpoints

21. 10 online matches won - Aim to win 10 online matches. (ranked match) - 20 Gamerpoints

22. 50 online matches won - Aim to win 50 online matches. (ranked match) - 50 Gamerpoints

23. 100 online matches won - Aim to win 100 online matches. (ranked match) - 120 Gamerpoints


Ξέρουμε ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας του Assassins Creed; Μετά το Onstage Demo video που είδα απο την X06 δεν μπορώ να κοιμηθώ το βράδυ!

Πέστα βρε kostacurta, είναι ντροπή ραλάκια που θέλονται να αποκαλούνται simulations να μην έχουν εσωτερική κάμερα. Παιχνίδια σαν τα GTR, GTL, GTR2 και φυσικά το αγαπημένο μου LFS είναι και ο λόγος που δεν ασχολούμαι καθόλου με NFS, project gotham, forza motorsport κλπ. Είναι αδύνατον να παίξεις με εξωτερική κάμερα ή έστω από καπό. Μόνο το forza στο ΧΒΟΧ 1 πάλεψα λίγο γιατί είχε πολύ καλά επίπεδα εξομοίωσης. Από βδομάδα θα πάω να χτυπήσω ένα 360 (εν αναμονή του NBA 2k7) και είναι σκέτη απογοήτευση να ακούς τέτοια πράγματα. Ακούς εκεί...ας έβαζαν μόνο εσωτερική κάμερα και να μην είχε καμία άλλη όψη.

To PGR3 exei eswteriki kamera kai einai kaliteri k apo GTR... Prepei na to deis i mallon na to pai3eis gia na to pistepseis poso kali einai....


Twra oson afora to an exoun xrono gia 300 ama3ia na sxediasoun eswterika ktl den einai mono 8ema xronou alla kai xrimatwn.... distixws.... 8eloun na exoun sxetika meiwmeno kostos paragwgis.... eis baros tou gameplay....afou outws i allws forza einai kai 8a poulisei....

To PGR3 exei eswteriki kamera kai einai kaliteri k apo GTR... Prepei na to deis i mallon na to pai3eis gia na to pistepseis poso kali einai....


Twra oson afora to an exoun xrono gia 300 ama3ia na sxediasoun eswterika ktl den einai mono 8ema xronou alla kai xrimatwn.... distixws.... 8eloun na exoun sxetika meiwmeno kostos paragwgis.... eis baros tou gameplay....afou outws i allws forza einai kai 8a poulisei....


Λοιπόν αδερφέ, είσαι σωστός, το είχα ξεχάσει το PGR3. Είχα δει κάποτε σε trailer την εσωτερική κάμερα που έχει και όντως ήταν σκέτη απόλαυση, νομίζω μόνο στο LFS έχω δει τέτοια κίνηση στην κάμερα και πάλι φυσικά το PGR3 έχει πολύ καλύτερα γραφικά (σαν simulator όμως δεν ξέρω τι λέει). Τελοσπάντων, θα το τιμήσω οπωσδήποτε όταν με το καλό πάρω το 360 (μπορεί και αύριο το πρωί).


Από την άλλη με την έλευση της Logitech G25 (φαντάζομαι γνωρίζετε για τι πράγμα μιλάω) προβλέπω απίστευτο λιώσιμο στο PC με τα GTR2 και LFS και θα άντε μετά να παίξω Forza 2 με εξωτερική κάμερα, αδύνατον.


Kai to Test Drive Unlimited exi esoteriki kamera..

Mias omos o filos nzeppos efere 8ema sigrisis kai epidi exo ola ta game pou na proanafere exo na po to eksis..

Min sigrinete podilato me voi8itikes(PGR3)me Lamborghini(GTR,GTL,GTR2) sto 8ema eksomiosis..

To oti ta sigekrimena 3 games exoun vraveuti san oi kaliteri driving simulators aneksartitos format den sas lei tipota?



kaneis den sigrinei to PGR3 me ta GTR sto 8ema e3omiosi. To PGR3 den einai simulation! Einai omws Kati anamesa se sim kai arcade kai nomizw oti exei brei tin swsti tomi. Einai arketa diaskedastiko kai poli grigoro sesxei me tous prokatoxous tou....

nzeppo proxwra aka8ektos gia PGR3!!!


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