Blackjim Δημοσ. 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Gia osous kseroun kai vlepoun tennis , auto to Virtua Tennis einai apisteuta pseftiko. Arcade sto full dld. Wraia grafika ktl , alla ap'osa vlepw , 10 fores to top spin...
telegamesvg Δημοσ. 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Σημερα μολις ανοιξα το xbox360 , εγινε καποιο upgrade ....γνωριζει κανεις τιποτα περισσοτερο γι'αυτο ??
Stormwatch Δημοσ. 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Τι ωρα συνεβη αυτο telegamesvg; Εγω ημουν μεσα μεχρι τις 6.30 και δεν μου εγινε τιποτα....
telegamesvg Δημοσ. 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Απογευματακι .....γυρω στις 17:00 18:00 ........μολις ειχα ετοιμασει το Test Drive Unliited και το ειχα βαλει να δω αν παιζει ......
jimbrav Δημοσ. 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Σημερα μολις ανοιξα το xbox360 , εγινε καποιο upgrade ....γνωριζει κανεις τιποτα περισσοτερο γι'αυτο ?? μηπως σου εκανε update για το Test Drive Unliited ?? και σε εμενα ετσι ειχε κανει οταν πρωτοεβαλα το game. περα απ αυτο σημερα μπηκα βγηκα αρκετες φορες αλλα κανενα update..
telegamesvg Δημοσ. 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Mαλλον αυτο θα ειναι.....update στο TDU .... ειναι η ποιο λογικη εξηγηση ......λυθηκε η απορια λοιπον .. thanks....
Daredevil Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 TGS 2006: WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 Hands-On Kane and Triple H hit smash each other around on the show floor. Wildly popular in the United States, Yuke's WWE SmackDown Vs. Raw doesn't quite have the same impact in Japan. Playing on two monitors in Sega's TGS 2006 booth and one in Microsoft's, crowds weren't exactly clamoring to get their hands on this one. The build on display was looking polished, with detailed character models and smooth animations. Only a single match mode without a manager was available to play. With the two controllers at each display, players could choose between either Kane or Triple H. We tried it out with both characters, and got our face smashed by the A.I. both times. The computer kept busting out choke slams and Pedigrees. Our punch barrages, kicks, and running clotheslines could do little to sway the tide of battle after we got hit with those things. Once while playing with Kane we were fortunate enough to launch Triple H over the ropes, giving us some breathing room. Pressing and holding B regained our stamina, which kept us from the inevitable three count for a little while longer. There were some nice graphical touches included in the build. The crowd was a particular standout. From what we could tell, most of those up close to the ring were performing individualized cheers and movements. Holding up signs with phrases like "the referee is blind" and "I'm with stupid" was silly, but helped add to the atmosphere of the fight. More than the signs, the game gave a really good impression that there were seething throngs of fans outside the rings perimeter that seemed generally interested in what was going on in the ring. Ring intros were another graphical highlight. Triple H walked in to the arena to sets of flickering multicolored lights, carrying his trademark water bottle. The way the skin textures reflected all the different shades was done particularly well, and the facial expressions were surprisingly realistic. We noticed this even more after we got Pedigreed by a computer controlled Triple H. Kane's face afterward showed a mixture of pain and fear, like he just wanted to flee the ring and ditch the fight entirely. Two controllers were hooked up to the console, but nobody else was around to start a two player game. Despite most of the nice visuals, there was still some awkwardness in the characters' animations when transitioning from standing to grapple. Be sure to head over to our object page for tons of additional information on this title. TGS 2006: Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom Eyes-On Scorpions and snake people, in trailer form only. September 23, 2006 - We finally got to check out Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom at TGS 2006, but only as a trailer. Playing on a lonely PC in ATI's tiny booth, the video of Microsoft's action RPG title was playing on loop. Part of the footage can be seen on the media page, but they were running an extended version at the booth showing off a few more battle scenes. Two characters appear to be playable in this upcoming KUF, a heavily armored male warrior and a springy female. Both have melee and ranged combat abilities. The male fights with a large hammer weapon, and cuts enemies down at a distance with a large crossbow. With two swords, the female was scoring a lot of hits in the video as she twirled around, and could peg enemies from afar with a bow and arrow. Not much was shown of the environments. We saw three kinds of environments, a set of forest ruins, a dilapidated fountain built into a dusty mountainous region, and a magma chamber. Human-sized snakes and giant scorpions were the only enemies we could make out, aside from a giant fiery demon who looks a lot like Diablo from Blizzard's dungeon crawler. The demon is visible in the video we have up, but the trailer showed another scene where the female character had engaged him in battle. Magical abilities were present as well, including one quick scene showing some kind of nova explosion and another with a set of large red hands coming from the ground and causing damage. We hope to see more of this title at X06. TGS 2006: Sonic the Hedgehog Hands-On Sonic, Shadow, and Silver tear across TGS floor, in a figurative sense. September 23, 2006 - Sonic, Shadow, and Silver were running around on HDTVs at both Microsoft and Sega's TGS 2006 booths. We tried out all three of their short sojourns through perilously high platforms in an ancient ruins type of area. First up was Sonic, whose abilities were more familiar than the others. Aside from the obvious ability to run at extremely high speeds, the blue hedgehog can perform mid air spin dashes to destroy enemies. If he connects with it, he can vault higher into the air, allowing him to access higher platforms. Most of Sonic's level involved sprinting around cobblestone roads via chains of speedpad boosters and grabbing rings, mixed in with the occasional battle sequence. When fighting mechanical foes, Sonic could use his midair spin attack to bash into them, bounce up, then bash the next. This way, he wouldn't even have to touch the ground to take out the opposition. At one point we had to vault Sonic through the air toward a bridge flanked by flying machines. Slamming into the correct one with the midair dash brought the whole structure crumbling down, creating a new path to the next area. One of the more memorable sequences was sending sonic speeding along walkways made of water, which somehow remained suspended in the air. While running along, there were a few bonus rings Sonic could jump through to divert his path and take another route to the stage's finish. As will be familiar to any Sonic fan, checkpoint gates are set up at certain points of the stage, letting players start up there should they fall to their doom. We wound up falling quite a bit, as some of the jumping and mid-air spin dashes involved heading out over extremely deep canyons, leaving little room for error. Not too long after we'd ran along a few water slides and banged through some bumper pad sequences, we reached the level's end. Shadow's stage was a little more challenging than Sonics. He skates instead of runs, making him more awkward to control. Taking place in the same ruins as Sonic's stage, Shadow had a few boost pad and water slide sequences of his own, but most of his combat encounters differed. Instead of a straightforward air attack, Shadow had slightly more complex battle patterns. In midair, he could fire out an energy bolt that disabled mechanical enemies. While still hovering in midair, Shadow could then drop onto the enemy and spin kick them to pieces. The midair energy bolt helped Shadow out for crossing gaps as well, since it lets him repeatedly perform a midair hop. This way, he can continue jumping endlessly by firing energy bolts, jumping, and repeating. It's also possible for Shadow to stick to vertical surface and pick up upgrades for his energy attack. Silver's stage, which again took place in the same area as the other two, provided for some entirely different challenges. Instead of focusing on speed, Silver is able to telekinetically manipulate the environment. This involves hitting the right trigger to take control of whatever's around. Most of the time this meant large boxes of the wooden and explosive varieties. By lifting them up and hurling them at enemies, Silver could easily dispatch his foes as well as destroy environmental structures to open up new paths. For instance, in one case it was necessary for Silver to pick up around five boulders and fling them at the base of a stone tower, toppling it and allowing him to progress to the next area. Silver's best aspect is his ability to stop missiles in mid-air and fling them back. Not only could this be used to destroy the enemy that originally fired, but also to break apart a bridge in one case which, like the tower, opened the way to the next challenge. His other abilities included a limited time hover and bending apart metal grates, allowing him passage through. Of the three stages, Sonic's was the most fun, mixing speed and light action elements. Shadow's felt awkward to control, which the camera didn't help out by occasionally refusing to rotate to where the action was. Though we enjoyed Silver's stage better than Shadow's, the aiming on the psychic tossed didn't seem all that precise. Also, we couldn't help remembering how fast Sonic's stages were in comparison, and wishing Silver could move as quickly. TGS 2006: Hands-On Crackdown Microsoft reads us the riot act. Get it? September 23, 2006 - After waiting in a twenty minute line at the Microsoft booth at TGS we were escorted to a back room where we got our hands on Crackdown for the first time since Games Convention in Germany. The demo was strictly guided by a Microsoft representative and not at all like our last experience which pretty much allowed us to freely roam the city. We started in the protagonist's futuristic headquarters where we selected a vehicle. We had the option to choose between an SUV, sports car, or truck that would rise from the ground in the center of the building. Players could then hop in their ride and cruise through a neon lit tunnel that eventually blasted out into the city. It was taken directly from Batman but it still felt cool. Driving can be complete mayhem seeing as other vehicles are thrown into the atmosphere when collisions occur. Running over gang members is also the quickest way to rack up kills and acquire experience. Once we hit the streets, we were instructed to exit our vehicle and attack some gang members highlighted by bright colored skull icons floating over their heads. We shot down a few enemies, grabbed their weapons and then drove up the street to a gang headquarters. Using a few sticky grenades we cleared the front of the building of enemies and then our short demo was over. We look forward to more Crackdown in the future, especially access to some of the more powerful weapons. Give me a rocket launcher and fast car and I'm ready to play this game for hours. Stay with IGN for more Microsoft coverage from Tokyo Game Show.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 TGS 2006: Earth Defense Force 3 Hands-On Giant ants, killer flying saucers, and lots of blood. What's not to like? September 23, 2006 - Preposterous situations often make some of the most entertaining video games. Earth Defense Force 3 locks into that quite snugly. After choosing two weapons, ranging from automatic rifles to explosive missile and rocket launchers, the TGS 2006 build let players embark on a few destructive sojourns against fantastical enemies. We checked out two scenarios that took place in urban environments, one against shiny flying saucers and another featuring giant ant enemies. Both proved to be mindless fun. EDF 3 doesn't have great graphics or spectacular sound, but it does have plenty of killing. As the ant mission began, players saw a huge spherical spaceship floating above a cityscape. Trudging in amongst the buildings revealed swarms of mutant ant aliens, frothing at the opportunity to pick us to pieces. To fight back, we had plenty of bullets and explosives. The game seemed to give us an unlimited amount of ammo, so our shooting sprees were only slowed by the time it took to change out clips. Using a rocket launcher was the most rewarding, since in addition to sending ants flipping around to their bloody deaths, the projectiles also destroyed structures. There were loads of ants ripe for slaughtering. Their behavior wasn't anything intelligent. They'd occasionally climb the sides of buildings, but this was more humorous than a sign of advanced A.I. It didn't matter anyway, since we just blasted them to pieces before they really got an opportunity to attack us. We headed into a park area as the level progressed, and were accosted by yet more ants. Aside from our weaponry, we could pull off some evasive rolls to avoid their onslaught. City dwellers fled from the mutant mobs as we decimated carapaces, and occasionally we'd find ourselves backed up by some squadmates. Some of the ants would drop armor bonuses, helping to prolong our gooey destruction. That's pretty much as complicated as EDF 3 got, as far as we could tell. There's no complicated story, no finely-tuned gameplay mechanics, and no pretensions. It's all about killing as many mutant insects as rapidly and messily as possible. Taking out flying saucers wasn't quite as satisfying since it lacked the visceral elements. Still, there were tons onscreen for us to shoot at. Though we haven't heard anything about this one coming to U.S. shores, it's worth keeping an eye on. Just in case. TGS 2006: Xbox Live Arcade Update The cutting edge of 20 year old games. September 23, 2006 - At their press briefing last Wednesday, Microsoft announced a few new titles for the Xbox Live Arcade. At their TGS 2006 booth, they had a number of these on display. Available for play were a few titles already released in the United States, including Frogger, Marble Blast Ultra, Uno, and Pac-Man. In terms of unreleased titles, we saw Dig Dug, Ms. Pac-Man, Track and Field, Rush'n Attack, Yie Ar Kung Fu, Fatal Fury Special, Super Contra, Contra, Gyruss, New Rally X, and Totem Ball. From what we could tell, nearly all these titles had received "enhanced" graphical upgrades. Super Contra, for instance, featured some flashy shimmering swirl effects when enemies were pelted with bullets. Even the original Contra had been given a facelift. Others included Gyruss, Track and Field, and Rush n' Attack. We're assuming there are options to choose between enhanced and original visuals, as was the case with Frogger when it went live. Though some may balk at modifying what they consider classic presentation, it's still a welcome option. We also saw a number of these games supported Xbox Live. Not just leaderboards, but actual play. After booting up Super Contra, we were able to actually set up a server and wait for someone to join in for cooperative play. We'd love to bring you more details about what was included in each of the games' menus, but we can't read Japanese. At SNK's booth we picked up a pamphlet listing Metal Slug as destined for the XBLA. No release date was printed and it wasn't anywhere to be seen, but it's still good news for action fans.
xrest Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 TGS 2006: Long Lines for 360 RPGs Is this a good sign for Microsoft in Japan? Whether or not these games actually make a difference for Microsoft remains to be seen, but if the interest in Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon by TGS show goers is any indication, 360 may just have a chance in Japan. Both titles saw huge lines -- with wait times of well over an hour or two -- on the first public day of the show. It's not exactly surprising or unheard of -- there are far worse lines at the show (such as the line to get into Square-Enix's movie room) -- but it demonstrates that there's a clear interest from Japanese gamers in these two Xbox 360 RPGs. Are they liking what they're playing, though? That remains to be seen. We thought that Blue Dragon was pretty neat but Lost Odyssey, though it looked amazing, was kind of, well, blah.
xrest Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 The Games at (and not at) Microsoft's X06 What's going to be there? What isn't? Nintendo did did their thing, then Sony stormed the Tokyo Game Show -- now it's Microsoft's turn. At their X06 conference in Barcelona, Spain instead of potentially sharing the spotlight with Sony at TGS,Microsoft will have all eyes on them. But what will these eyes see? Below are our best guesses at what existing games will be showing up at X06 (it's no fun to spoil the surprises, is it?). IT'LL BE THERE (COUNT ON IT) # Gears of War -- Like, duh, right? # Viva Pinata -- We're hoping to see even more progress and some new features. # Mass Effect -- This is where BioWare unveiled the title last year, will this be the event it's actually playable? # Forza 2 -- Shown at TGS behind closed doors, expect some new details to surface on this one. # Lost Planet -- Will this game's single player mode (beyond the already-released demo) finally be thawed? # Crackdown -- One of the recently-vacated holes in the release calendar, folks expected it this year, Microsoft's been evasive -- bumped to 2007, or a surprise 2006 release? # Alan Wake -- More details on this mercurial game are needed. Deliver, Microsoft. # Fable 2 -- All we've seen so far is a teaser trailer, will this be gameplay? # Bioshock -- It's at TGS, we're expecting even more at X06. # Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 -- File this under 'duh,' as well. # Shadowrun -- It's Microsoft's big Live Anywhere game, they'll take advantage of that again, right? # Alone in the Dark -- We want to be scared. # F.E.A.R. -- Yeah, people still care about this game, right? # Eragon -- The Lair killer? MIGHT BE THERE (WE HOPE) # Assassin's Creed -- Wanting this to be playable might be a pipe dream, maybe an Xbox 360-exclusive trailer, or some Marketplace content wouldn't be out of the question, right Ubisoft? # Project Gotham Racing 4 -- We're thinking announcement and a video. Wanna take bets? # Project Sylpheed -- Anything different from TGS? We doubt it. # Half-Life 2: Episode 2 -- While hands-on with Team Fortress 2 is likely out of the question, we're hoping to see HL2:E2 running on the 360. # Kane & Lynch -- Not much on this one, yet. Is X06 the place? # Splinter Cell: Double Agent -- The release is inching closer, this would be a good time for some playable impressions. # Rainbow Six: Vegas -- Ubisoft just held an event for this one, they could bring the same build and let more folks get their hands dirty. SIGNS POINT TO NO (BUT WE WANT TO BELIEVE) # Halo 3 -- Sorry to break it to you, and it's hard to imagine an X06 without Halo 3, but we're not expecting to see anything new on this one. What's a Microsoft event without a Halo game, though? We might not have to answer that question, after all. # Ninja Gaiden 2 -- Widely expected to be at X06 (and just like above, we want to be wrong so badly), we don't expect to see NG2 at X06, Tecmo will focus on pushing DOA:X2 and the just announced Ninja Gaiden Sigma before we see NG2 unsheath its sword. # World of Warcraft -- No. Just no. # Grand Theft Auto IV -- Rockstar shows what they want, when they want it, and X06 is just too early for GTA IV. # Too Human -- Don't expect to see this one at X06, or until Silicon Knights are truly ready to present it again. # Resident Evil 5 -- It didn't show up at TGS (yet), don't expect it to show up at X06 either. Despite rumors that the game has been "moneyhatted" (locked up as an exclusive) by both Sony and Microsoft (depending on who you listen to) it's not expected to appear at X06. WHAT THE CRYSTAL BALL DOESN'T EVEN KNOW We hope that Xbox Live Arcade games will be a big part of the presentation Microsoft is going to unfold, but we don't have a clue what they are going to show us. Maybe they'll actually stick a date on Lumines Live, though. Also, we don't see anything from EA on the above list -- but you'd think something from the huge publisher would show up, right? Aren't they working on all kinds of secretive, new, inventive IPs? Maybe one of them will materialize. Keep in mind Microsoft is just starting to push its Games For Windows platform, so maybe there will be a couple of PC-related surprises, too.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 USA Weekly Release Date List For September 25th Xbox360: 09/25/06 NBA 2K7 09/25/06 NBA Live 07 09/26/06 Just Cause 09/26/06 Import Tuner Challenge Europes Weekly Release Date List For September 25th Xbox360: World Snooker Championship 2007 (29.09.06)
privateer Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 The following content is now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace. Trailers: Battlestations Midway Eragon Import Tuner Challenge Need for Speed Carbon The Darkness Demos: FEAR Picture Packs: Mass Effect Picture Pack $ (Premium) Battlestar Galactica (US Only) Videos: TGS Showfloor video 3
xrest Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 lete na einai to idio me to demo tou OXM.ama arxizei me amaksi stin arxi k sti sinexeia katebainete se ena ipogeio lete,na kserw
Stormwatch Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Μαλλον αυτο πρεπει να ειναι αλλα σε πιο καινουρια build.... Απο οτι διαβασα στα forum του GAF, εχει καλυτερα γραφικα και 60fps σε σχεση με το demo του ΟΧΜ....
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