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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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September 22, 2006 - Though Gears of War wasn't on the floor at TGS 2006, it was being shown behind closed doors. We snuck in for a peek at the single player demo, a single chapter of the solo campaign. The story centers on Marcus Fenix, who starts the game off in jail for disobeying orders from a superior. Don Santiago, one of Fenix's buddies, breaks him out as the game begins. The level we got to see takes place very soon after getting out of jail. Marcus, Dom and some other squadmates are on their way to a battlefield, riding in a chopper. They arrive at a ruined town square in front of a cathedral-like structure, and are informed Alpha Squad who'd headed in before them had gone missing.


This mission was part of the single player campaigns first act, called Ashes: Trial by Fire. In the game there'll be five Acts total, each broken up into chapters. Apparently the game will be around 10 hours long for the single player, though a number of multiplayer modes exist. What exactly those modes are, beyond the standard team deathmatch type we played at E3, representatives weren't saying. The game will support play over Xbox Live, through system link, and via split screen. Only two players can play split screen on any one TV, we were told. Setting up an offline two on two match would require two Xbox 360 units connected via system link, with two players going split screen on two televisions. Representatives were unsure if two players could play online split screen on the same console. Cooperative play for two players will be supported for the entire single player campaign, with Dom and Marcus as the controllable characters.


Getting back to the mission, Marcus and three others stormed the church's stairs after getting their orders. Though squad movement command can be issued, it wasn't possible in the demo as Marcus wasn't the squad leader. Tapping Y at any time directs Marcus' attention to any points of interest in the area. Near the start he would glance up at the chopper as it departed. At the end of the mission players had to use Y to spot Alpha Squad's brutalized corpses. If there's nothing particularly attention worthy in the area, Marcus will look over at the squad leader.


As has been the case with all the other Gears of War demos, the emphasis was again on taking cover. Marcus can sprint to get behind cover ahead, vault over short walls, and spin from cover point to adjacent cover point. He can also peek around corners to fire on enemies with bursts from his SMG. At close range, a chainsaw can be revved up to shred an enemy to bits. That's not recommended, however, since enemies will be taking cover as well.


While firing from behind cover can work to blow up enemy heads, using flanking maneuvers seems to be more effective. For instance, if you sprint up on an enemy position and pepper them from one side, they'll respond and adjust their cover. Ideally that would allow your teammates to take advantage and get some open shots. Moving out from cover is dangerous, however. In Gears of War, there's no real health bar or gear logo. Instead, a gear icon pops up in the center of the screen as Locusts drill you with firearms. With more damage, the logo fills in with red. If you move away from battle the logo will eventually flicker away, indicating you're back at full health. Should it completely fill in, you die.


To prevent death, killing others works best. Marcus can carry four armament types at a time: a pistol, grenades, and two larger weapons. In the demo he only had an standard issue COG SMG, but was able to scrounge some Locust guns after their brains were sufficiently stuffed with bullets. Ammo crates left behind by previous squads can also be found, replenishing numerous ammo types. When it comes time to reload, there's a choice. Either reload in the traditional fashion, or attempt an active reload. By hitting the right bumper, a minigame starts up. By stopping a moving bar in a specific place on the ammo display at the screen's top right, players can earn bonuses. A perfect stop gives players bullets with extra damage. A good stop gives players an instant reload. Poorly stopping the bar jams the gun, so there's a risk.


Using giant stone pillars and tarnished stone planters, Marcus and crew made their way through the church and various courtyards. Locusts spawned into areas via emergence holes, which were yawning gaps in the ground. Lobbing in a grenade closes up the hole, preventing more Locusts from spawning into the area. At one point a teammate went down, causing an icon to pop up in the top right of the screen. By heading over to him, Marcus was able to perform a revive. Should teammates die in the single player mode, the game doesn't end. However, progress will become more difficult with less guns beating back the enemy.


Players can also revive in the cooperative and multiplayer modes. In coop, players must ensure only one of them goes down at a time, since if both go down at once it's game over. There's a checkpoint system in place to let killed players continue their game for both coop and single player, and it generally seemed to start off near where the death occurred. In multiplayer, opponents have the opportunity to curb stomp a downed player's face, preventing revival.


From what we saw, Gears of War is one of the prettiest Xbox 360 titles out there. It's got great animations, nice explosions, and unnecessarily messy blood effects. The frame rate seemed more stable than the last few times we've seen this one, which is definitely good to see. Though there are plenty of cover options for Gears of War, we're hoping the gameplay manages to stay interesting over 10 hours. We'll see more of this one at X06 in Barcelona, where designer Cliff Bleszinski will be on hand with some single and multiplayer content.



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Bungies First Podcast


Oh crikey. Itʼs the first ever Bungie Podcast. We did a sneak preview a few weeks back, but thanks to Jay Weinland, Marty OʼDonnell and C Paul Johnson, we finally got the first one edited together.


Itʼs a cavalcade of audio fun and includes the first ever brand new sound effects from Halo 3, as well as interesting interviews, features, special guests, news and reader mail (including the first ever realtime “Waaahmblulance). We want you to download it, listen to it and give us your feedback in the forum link at the end of this update. Weʼre excited, but we never did this before, and weʼll take all the advice and input you can give.


To download the first ever Bungie Podcast, right click the link below to save as. Itʼs in MP3 format, so itʼll work on any player and software – but do note itʼs a MONSTER clocking in at over 60 megs and about an hour of Bungie talk.


The first ever Bungie Podcast! Warning - More than 60MB file! Right click to save!


Weʼd also like to give a shout out to mellifluous Bob Deeken from The Mountain FM, without whom we would not enjoy the gift of pants.


Sketch has been incredibly busy working behind the scenes on stuff you donʼt often get to hear about, but he thought youʼd be interested in one of the projects heʼs been tooling around with. The new logo!




Forza 2


* - release date pushed back to January/February 2007

* - they are working on FM2 since 2 years now

* - the preview version shown to the press is based on a 60% finished version( devs are currently working on optimization, lightning, etc..)

* - the preview version features 10 cars to select

* - Tsukuba Circuit in the preview version runs at 30fps but they confirm the final game will have 60fps

* - 15 % more tuning/customization options for the cars compared to FM1

* - the Corvette Z06 shown in the pics is build up of 40.000 polygons

* - BMW is one of the new carmakers in the lineup

* - Xbox Live modes are already fully integrated

* - new cars and tracks are planned to be available for download every 6 months

* - there is a not yet announced mode that will be revealed near the games release in 1 or 2 months

* - number of layers per side increases from 100 to several hundreds

* - some cars will have the option of up to 4 different engine swaps

* - the car class system will be updated due to the new tuning options; behind the class letter there will be a three digit number perfectly representing the current tuning/performance level of your car (see this pic)

* - every car in the game will sound different

* - the new damage system now works much better, every part of the car will be dynamicly deformed depending on how hard it get hit; with parts like bumbers and spoilers falling of the car and staying on the track

* - the car can't be totalled but it can be damaged so far that you will be limited to drive only at a minimum of speed

* - fully 3D grass that is moving in the wind (well you won't see much of its beauty when you pass by at 180mph)

* - driving assists(Raceline, ABS,TCS,ATS) return and they are better then ever; simulation fans who turn it off will be rewarded with more money

* - most of the tracks from FM1 will return like Tokyo Circuit

* - due to the fact that this is a circuit race game the point-to-point tracks are gone

* - demo version over Xbox Live is planned

* - you'll be able to send the photos taken in photomode to friends via eMail

* - they are planning to host a "World Championship" via Xbox Live after release

* - a demo version will be playable at the X06 showfloor next week


360 HD DVD playback: Maximum 1080i via component, 1080p VGA-only



New has come forward that Microsoft's HD-DVD player via a Component Cable will play HD movies at 1080i. For 1080p output, you must use a VGA cable which is not liable to the same copyright limitations.

We were right, sort of. Even after the software upgrade this fall, via component cables, the Xbox 360 will still only upconvert DVDs to 480p, and will play HD DVD movies at a maximum resolution of 1080i. To get 1080p output for movies, you must use a VGA cable, which is not subject to the same copyright restrictions. This just means the Xbox 360 is just like every other HD DVD and Blu-ray player on the market, but you wouldn't know that by reading Microsoft's press releases yesterday. If you ran out and bought a 1080p HDTV yesterday don't return it just yet, you should be able to get equal picture quality to 1080p if your TV processes the incoming signal correctly, and if it supports 1080p via component you can still play upconverted and native-1080p games . We're still waiting to hear exactly how HD DVD's advanced audio capabilities will be handled by the 360 and oh yeah...a US price, please Microsoft?.


Update: Added list of supported resolutions after the break.

To break it all down what you will get from the Xbox 360 after this fall's software update:




HD DVD - 1080p resolution and all others


DVD - Upscaled as high as 1080p resolution and all others


Games - 720p games upscaled to 1080p, also supports native-1080p games in the future



HD DVD - 1080i resolution maximum, limited by AACS


DVD - Upscaled to 480p maximum, limited by CSS

Games - 720p games upscaled to 1080p, also supports native-1080p games in the future


News Source: Engadgethd.com


Εεειι, γυαλάκια, εσύ που παίζεις το Demo.. ναι εσύ, αν μας ακούς εμάς από ΕΛΛΑΔΑ, στείλε σε πακέτο το HDD απο το XBOX360 στο οποίο είναι αποθηκευμένο το Lost Odessy ΤΩΡΑ. Θα αμοιφθείς καταλλήλος....


Kala to LO 8elei kana xrono akomh gia na bgei kai to systhma maxhs 8a einai pio exelimeno apo ayto pou deixan twra.


Kikizo: Will the combat system be turns-based like the Final Fantasy series?


Sakaguchi: It's a new system...


Kikizo: Will it merge different styles?


Sakaguchi: It will merge different styles, and there's also a lot that is new.


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