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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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Xbox 360 HD DVD Player Hits (Japan) Nov. 22


According to my friendly neighborhood Shibuya sources, Microsoft will announce tomorrow (late tonight for those of you in saner time zones) that the Xbox 360 HD DVD player attachment will ship to its wee Japanese fanbase just in time for the holidays. Priced at a very reasonable 19800 yen (20790 yen with tax), my source was eager to mention its 1080p capabilities and Windows XP Media Center Edition compatability. Woo.


For those of you too lazy to type in "19800 japanese yen in US dollars", or your currency of choice, that's about 168 bucks, otherwise known as "cheap". As we all know, pricing in dollars to yen to euros to whatever is not created equal, so speculating other regional prices on current exchange rates doesn't always tell the full pricing strategy story.


We'll see what Microsoft has to say about worldwide release dates and cost at Barcelona, but it seems cheap ass 1080p-ers may have something to shout about. We'll follow up with more details following Microsoft's press event later today.





pooooooo vlepo to fifa na kanei to pio dynato basimo sthn istoria tou... ego pou katevasa to demo gia to pc entyposiastika apo to gameplay...oxi oti kseperna to PRO alla to exoun diorthosei arketa....deixnei poli pio realistiko...k vlepontas ta sceenshots apo to jim...den ksero...kati mou leei mesa mou alla de tha to po akoma...exoume kanena gameplay movie apo fifa07 giati psaxno psaxno alla tpt..gia 360 enoo...an kratisoun to gameplay idio opos sto demo tou pc milame gia poli kalo titlo!!!

pooooooo vlepo to fifa na kanei to pio dynato basimo sthn istoria tou... ego pou katevasa to demo gia to pc entyposiastika apo to gameplay...oxi oti kseperna to PRO alla to exoun diorthosei arketa....deixnei poli pio realistiko...k vlepontas ta sceenshots apo to jim...den ksero...kati mou leei mesa mou alla de tha to po akoma...exoume kanena gameplay movie apo fifa07 giati psaxno psaxno alla tpt..gia 360 enoo...an kratisoun to gameplay idio opos sto demo tou pc milame gia poli kalo titlo!!!
apo to videaki tis parousiasis tou Fifa 07 apo tin LGC pou eida ( katevase to an thes ) , perimenw kati arketa anwtero apo to demo tou pc ;)

pistepse me.

Esy les oti apla kontevei to pro?

Egw lew ( megali kouventa vevaia ) oti isws to Fifa 07 na kseperasei to PES6 sto gameplay ( gia 360 panta )!!

Stous allous tomeis profanws to Fifa 07 tha yperexei.

O oktomvris erxetai... poly hot minas :P :mrgreen:


Xbox Live Vision released, XBL parlor games patched



he Xbox Live Vision is in stores today according to an announcement by Microsoft. This camera peripheral for the Xbox 360 adds real-time video chat functionality to the Xbox Live service, along with various other features, including in-game support in current and upcoming titles. A paid Xbox Live Gold membership is required to take advantage of the video chat functionality.



Xbox Live Vision.


The camera ships as part of two different bundles, one for $39 including the camera, an Xbox 360 headset, and the games UNO and TotemBall; and the $79 "Xbox Live Vision Gold Pack", which includes a yearlong Xbox Live Gold subscription, 200 Microsoft Points that can be spent on Xbox Live Marketplace, and Robotron 2084, in addition to the headset and other two titles.


Furthermore, Microsoft announced that on September 20, four Xbox Live Arcade titles will be automatically be updated to include support for the new camera. These include Bankshot Billiards 2, Hardwood Hearts, Hardwood Spades, and Hardwood Backgammon. Up till now, the Xbox Live Arcade version of UNO was the only game to include camera support.



To play.com εχει ως ημερομηνια κυκλοφοριας της καμερας την 6/10/2006

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Για οσους ενδιαφερονται παντως το play.com δινει 12μηνη συνδρομη στο xbox live ΚΑΙ 1000 Microsoft points με 34,99 λιρες (περιπου 50 ευρω)


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op pou se re proevo bazelako? dysthxws to pro evo 3 paixnidia twra exei meinei stasimo, ta paixnidia meta3y tous eixan elaxistes diafores toso se gameplay oso kai grafika apo thn allh h ea synexws beltiwnete psaxnete ependyei se nees texnologeies klp klp. To pro evo 8elei ananewsh epigontws se oloius tous tomeis kai as tolmhsoun na kanoun kapoies basikes alages sto gameplay exw bare8ei 3 xronia twra na paizw to idio kai to idio


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