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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


περιμέντε για to WE11 λοιπόν γιατί το Pes6 φαίνεται να είναι μόνο 1 απλή μεταφορά του WE10 που κυκλοφόρησε την περασμένη άνοιξη στο Ps2. Ανεβάζουν λίγο τα γραφικά κ κάνουν την...μεταφορά.......

  • Απαντ. 14,1k
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

First Look: Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel

You can look and touch, but you're not quite ready to drive.

It has been a while since console gamers have been able to enjoy their racing games the way real fans of the genre should -- with a first-party racing wheel peripheral. Microsoft is bringing them a Wireless Racing Wheel for the Xbox 360 on November 1 packaged complete with a force-feedback version of Project Gotham Racing 3 for the retail price of $149.99.


IGN got our first hands-on with the wheel today. Unfortunately, we felt a bit like kids at the arcade who are out of quarters but sitting in a game and steering anyway, because they couldn't let us demo the wheel with a game or hooked up to the X360.


We're pretty damn picky when it comes to racing wheels. A really great gaming racing wheel should give you a much deeper level of immersion; it should feel and respond like the real thing. It is a harder goal for the designer of a racing wheel, because with other peripherals like a joystick or even a lightgun, your average gamer probably hasn't actually flown a F-18 or fired an AK-47 so any disparity between reality and simulation isn't as great a divide. Most people have driven a car, though. Luckily, so did the team behind Microsoft's Wireless Racing Wheel.


You have the option to rest the wheel in your lap or attach it to a table. The wheel itself is weighty enough not to feel flimsy, but not so heavy that it was uncomfortable in our laps. It is balanced enough, and wide enough that it didn't want to tip. Naturally, the wheel feels a lot more stable attached to the table. It cranks on to fit the table quickly and easily. The wheel has 270 degrees of motion and feels comfortable and solid. Considering that the Forza Motorsport 2 team has helped with the design we're looking forward to taking it for a spin with a real game (once Microsoft lets us have a few quarters).


Any racing wheel superfan has probably killed a few flimsy pedals during heated races. During especially suspenseful moments it is natural to tend to STOMP a lot. We kicked these pedals pretty firmly and they didn't complain. Pedal systems have long struggled with a design that won't slide around on whatever surface you happen to be using. Microsoft has solved this problem with a new design which has a cutaway frame at along the base of the pedals that comfortably accommodates a player's heel where you naturally would rest your feet. It helps to keep the pedals from doing much sliding around. The pedals also have tiny foam feet to protect hard floors from any damage.


The wheel uses the same batteries as the X360 controllers and can be quickly switched out. Microsoft said they expect the batteries to last about 20 hours on average. We asked what sort of warranty the wheel will come with, but they were unable to answer by the time we went to press.

περιμέντε για to WE11 λοιπόν γιατί το Pes6 φαίνεται να είναι μόνο 1 απλή μεταφορά του WE10 που κυκλοφόρησε την περασμένη άνοιξη στο Ps2. Ανεβάζουν λίγο τα γραφικά κ κάνουν την...μεταφορά.......
Pistepse me , me tin ypomoni tha meineis. De prokeite na kanoun tpt to pio megaliwdes gia to PS3 i gia tin epomeni ekdosi genikotera.

Einai to stylaki tous tetoio pou de niwthoun na kanoun tpt kalo sta grafika.


H moni elpida einai ta tous faei para polles pwliseis i EA kai na anagkastoun na kanoun kati.




Winning Eleven Xbox 360 announced by Konami

it's the Pro Evolution Soccer 6 version for Japan market, out this winter (end of 2006 or start 2007).


Winning Eleven Xbox 360 and J.League WE10 + Europa league, the both presented on the TGS 2006.


Παιδια ερωτηση.

Κατεβασα το 2κ7(Μαμει και δερνει)και οταν μου κανουν φαουλ και παω στις βολες μου λεει οτι ξεσυνδεθηκε το χειριστιριο.Το ανοιγω και κανει παλι τα ιδια.

Τελειωσαν οι μπαταριες?


επιπλέον σχόλια για το nba2k7:

ΑΙ απίστευτα βελτιωμένη δίνει βοήθεια στην άμυνα και στην επίθεση θα σε καθαρίσει σε κάθε ευκαιρία.

η άμυνα έχει βελτιωθεί πάρα πολύ τα block είναι μαγεία και βλέπεις και εκεί διαφορετικά animation o Shaq παίρνει ριμπάουντ διαφορετικά.

τέρμα τα προβλήματα με την άμυνα δεν μπορείς με ένα παίχτη να καρφώνεις 1 εναντίον 5 θα πρέπει να δουλεύεις στην επίθεση

Στην επίθεση άπειρα animation και φοβερές λεπτομέρειες παντου το Post game είναι φοβερό πολλά νέα animation.

επιπλέον σχόλια για το nba2k7:

ΑΙ απίστευτα βελτιωμένη δίνει βοήθεια στην άμυνα και στην επίθεση θα σε καθαρίσει σε κάθε ευκαιρία.

η άμυνα έχει βελτιωθεί πάρα πολύ τα block είναι μαγεία και βλέπεις και εκεί διαφορετικά animation o Shaq παίρνει ριμπάουντ διαφορετικά.

τέρμα τα προβλήματα με την άμυνα δεν μπορείς με ένα παίχτη να καρφώνεις 1 εναντίον 5 θα πρέπει να δουλεύεις στην επίθεση

Στην επίθεση άπειρα animation και φοβερές λεπτομέρειες παντου το Post game είναι φοβερό πολλά νέα animation.

epeidi to kourazeis to thema...

me mia leksi , k@vla to NBA 2K7 :mrgreen:


XB Stream v1.0


"XB Stream v1.0 - RSS Feed Aggregator Software for Xbox 360


I'm emailing you today to share with you a piece of free software I have been working on for the past few months - XB Stream. XB Stream in a nutshell allows you to view XML (rss, rdf, xml, podcasts, blogcasts, itunes) based feeds on your Xbox 360. XB Stream also downloads audio feeds (blogcasts, podcasts) and builds them into playlists.

Xbox-Scene Xbox-Scene


The software works on all versions of Windows XP (Home, Professional, Media Center) as well as with Windows Vista. To get started make sure you have Windows Media Connect or Windows Media Player 11 (or higher) installed/configured and download a copy of XB Stream.


XB Stream automatically will download text based content feeds and render them into images that can be viewed on your Xbox 360 (media > pictures > computer) blade. Text feeds support html formatting and images, and will break up large feeds onto multiple images/feeds for easy navigation on your Xbox 360 console.


XB Stream also will download audio feeds and create playlists which are fully supported on Xbox 360. To listen to playlists on your Xbox 360 (media > music > computer> blade. You can now play your Xbox 360 games and listen to podcasts and blogcats from the vast gaming community on the internet.


XB Stream is fully configurable, allowing you to add new xml based feeds, edit and delete feeds you no longer wish to subscribe to. Not only that you can also set the frequency of how often XB Stream should update and determine the max number of content feed items to store for each content feed. XB Stream will even manage your content feeds and delete older feeds, thus freeing up important disk space on your computer!


XB Stream brings the Xbox gaming community together by consolidating all of the important gaming websites into one area where gamers can listen to and read about Xbox news, reviews, gossip and become participants in the emerging blogging craze.


The software is completely free of charge and is available to anyone with an XBox 360 video game console, and a Windows XP/Vista computer."






προσκυνατε!! :D



Next-Generation: JAPAN: Lost Odyssey Will Wow TGS

In this weekʼs Japan column, we look at Hironobu Sakaguchi's Lost Odyssey, the game that could steal the Tokyo Game Show and reverse Xbox 360ʼs fortunes over there…


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Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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