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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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The next Halo novel is Ghosts of Onyx, by Eric Nylund. Let the celebrations begin! Our new publishing partner, Tor, will release the latest novel in November, 2006 continuing and expanding the scenarios and characters created by Nylund, and expanding the Halo universe a little bit more.



The announcement of the new novel also heralds the fact that (at least) two other Halo novels will be published by Tor, and those will have some very exciting news attached to them, but we'll tell you more about that much later.



Ανακοινώθηκε μέσω...Peugeot το PGR4



Το γεγονός ότι η σειρά Project Gotham Racing θα είχε και συνέχεια μετά την τεράστια εμπορική επιτυχία της, είναι πασιφανές. Μέχρι σήμερα, τα Microsoft Game Studios (και η Microsoft γενικότερα) δεν είχαν ανοίξει τα χαρτιά τους, με αποτέλεσμα το PGR4 να υπάρχει στην σκέψη όλων, χωρίς ωστόσο να υπάρχει κάτι απτό. Την... λύση φαίνεται ότι έφερε η Peugeot, η οποία διοργάνωσε έναν διαγωνισμό σχεδιασμού μοντέλων με επιβράβευση της πρώτης θέσης την ενσωμάτωση του σχεδίου στο PGR4. Αναλυτικά, στο site της Peugeot εμφανίστηκε το εξής κείμενο: «Το σχέδιο που θα κερδίσει θα συμπεριληφθεί στο παιχνίδι Project Gotham Racing 4 της Microsoft, το οποίο θα κυκλοφορήσει αποκλειστικά στο Xbox 360 στο χρονικό διάστημα από τα τέλη 2007 έως το πρώτο εξάμηνο του 2008». Τόσο ο κολοσσός του Redmond, όσο και η Bizarre Creations δεν επιβεβαίωσαν κάτι από τα παραπάνω για τον τίτλο. Η Bizarre μάλιστα, τόνισε ότι δεν σχολιάζει φήμες καθώς αυτή την περίοδο συνεργάζεται με την SEGA για την κυκλοφορία ενός νέου franchise με την ονομασία The Club (first person shooter που θα κυκλοφορήσει το 2007).




New cars for Test Drive




With Test Drive Unlimited now available in the US and Europe, Atari has released a pair of new cars to celebrate - but you can't download them over here yet.


The new cars are the Audi RS4 Quattro and Nissan Skyline GT-R34 and should be available for nowt, but they're not yet appearing on the UK's Xbox Live Marketplace. If you've spotted them in your country's version, why not let us know on the comment thread?


We'll have a look again later to see if they've appeared. Atari UK didn't return our requests for clarification this lunchtime.



Still, it'd take a Herculean effort to have unlocked all the other cars available in TDU by default, so you're probably all right for a little while. If you haven't already, check out our review to see what we made of it.

New cars for Test Drive




With Test Drive Unlimited now available in the US and Europe, Atari has released a pair of new cars to celebrate - but you can't download them over here yet.


The new cars are the Audi RS4 Quattro and Nissan Skyline GT-R34 and should be available for nowt, but they're not yet appearing on the UK's Xbox Live Marketplace. If you've spotted them in your country's version, why not let us know on the comment thread?


We'll have a look again later to see if they've appeared. Atari UK didn't return our requests for clarification this lunchtime.



Still, it'd take a Herculean effort to have unlocked all the other cars available in TDU by default, so you're probably all right for a little while. If you haven't already, check out our review to see what we made of it.

Xtes eixa dei kapoious sta leaderboards me Skyline kai anarwtiomoun pou diaolo ta vrikane!!!


Pantws apo live to game einai aisxos pros to paron. To buy/sell de doulevei , oi servers mia mpainoun mia oxi, to club akomi den exw dei na doulevei...


An ta ftiaksoun ola auta tha einai tromero game. Xalali tou na valw kai gold. AN ta ftiaksoun omws.


Kai na prosthesoun kai nea amaksia episis poly kalo.

Milame gia free download?


...μολις κατεβασε ενα patch το Test Drive.

δεν ξερω ακομη τι κανει, παντως βγηκε πολυ γρηγορα.




απο την Atari Europe:


We would like to thank all the players for playing Test Drive Unlimited and reporting issues.


Atari, Eden and Microsoft are working on a Live product update for TDU which will fix various issues found after release. We are also working on increasing the server capacity, which will improve the performance, reduce the Clubs problems and connection issues (“TDU server unavailable”). This will be done no later than the end of the week.


The main issues reported are as follows:


Problem of progression being lost


The problem occurs when you sell a house which contains a car that youʼre trying to sell on the E-trade : this creates an issue and the playerʼs progression is lost.

In order to resolve this, the E-trade system has been temporarily deactivated. You cannot currently trade vehicles with other players, although you can still sell your vehicles via the direct selling option.

The problem is being dealt with as a priority and we will let you know as soon as the E-trade system is operational again.


Issues with CLUBS


During recent peak hours the demand on the servers reached unforeseen levels, resulting in some invitations for clubs being lost and players being unable to resend them.

We are working on increasing the server limit, as well as fixing this issue with an update. The fix will check for lost invites and allow you to re-invite a player if the invitation was permanently lost.



Connections issues (message « TDU servers unavailable »)


Players may have noticed some "TDU server unavailable" messages during peak periods. This is partly due to the number of simultaneous players growing very quickly in a short time.

We are currently tweaking our server to improve the performances, so connection issues will be greatly reduced. The extension of the serverʼs capacity will also help to solve these issues.


Problem in Drive-in


The game freezes when the number of custom challenges in a drive-in is above 256. This is fixed. The maximum number of available custom challenges in a drive-in is now set to 255. This is a server based fix.


The Update will increase this limit so that anyone can post a challenge anytime



Difficulty to find Friends


This is partly due to the server becoming saturated during peak hours. It will be much easier to find your friends when the server capacity is increased.


Currently filters work only on the map - they are not properly implemented while driving. This will be fixed in the forthcoming patch and players will then be able to see only their friends in the game if they wish.


There follows some additional guidelines to make playing with friends easier:


How to play with your friends:


1- The first player goes into a less densely populated area as shown on the map, then zooms in to the island. Other people that want to join him then select him from the map. Players will join a session thatʼs not full in this area, so the chances are high that this will be the first playerʼs session.


2- As an alternative, the MS game invite is a very powerful tool, and can be used from a multiplayer lobby as follows:

- create a multiplayer private session

- send an invite to your friends

- race as you want in the created session

- if you get bored of the race you're in, you can change for another one and bring the whole party with you (option available once race is over, before restarting another one)


3- Another way to play with friends is to create a club, meet at the club and start play from there.




NOTE : The first Update was released on Monday September 11 which deals with a number of issues, but does not include any of the fixes listed above.

The first Update fixes a small number of gameplay exploits (loopholes). Weʼll keep you posted about the second Update.



Weʼre sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please continue to send your feedback to Atari and thanks for playing Test Drive Unlimited.


γρηγορη αποκριση προς το παρον η atari. 8)


Cell Phone Live Anywhere




Someone named “Dave” showed Mobility Today a few pictures of what Xbox Live is going to look on a mobile phone using the Live Anywhere platform Microsoft showed off at this yearʼs E3.The first picture is pretty blurry, but it shows Major Nelsonʼs gamertag and three selections, two of which are “Games” and “View Gamercard”. The middle is too blurry to make out, may have something to do with his online status. In the second picture, Live Anywhere has the same game comparison function as Xbox Live, just in case you needed to see if your buddy just beat your Small Arms score while, say, in the supermarket.


Less blurry screenshots and more information on the platform will probably be revealed at this monthʼs Tokyo Game Show and X06 in Europe.


Alone in the Dark

A deeper look at Edward Carnby's creepy new adventure


We recently had the opportunity to get the latest on one of the oldest game series in today's industry: Alone in the Dark -- The game that created the survival-horror genre back in 1992 and paved the way for series such as Capcom's Resident Evil and Konami's Silent Hill.


Eden Studios ("V-Rally") presented the status of the game and explained a few details regarding the gameplay. First of all, the developers explicitly want to get rid of the survival-horror tag, moving it slightly more into the direction of story-driven action. Elements of suspense clearly shine through all the way in Alone in the Dark, so fans of the series shouldn't fret.


Eden took us through a scene where the player makes use of the inventory -- wait, there is no inventory. Instead, the protagonist Edward Carnby will open his jacket and you'll see his gun in his left pocket and objects in his right pocket. The player can then intuitively pick items and weapons. In combat, players can access them quickly with a button and instantly put them away again.


Another instance of how the development team wants to immerse the player is the use of cars. Players can step right in behind the steering wheel, but by simply moving the analog stick they can move to the seat next to them, or onto the backseat. This may come in handy if -- for example -- there's an attack from the front or rear. In this case, players can shoot right through the window.


Eden Studios also showed off a technical demo where various visual effects such as depth of field, motion blur or dense lighting were shown. The result is amazing. Many effects known from TV series come to fruit in realtime, with particular attention being paid to the use of cameras. The lead character is wrapped into a yet unknown realm, controlled by unknown forces.


In Alone in the Dark, the developers want to create suspense by putting the action right into one of the most well known places: Central Park in New York City. Why is the park located in the heart of the city? And why does it have the rectangular shape it has? Fans of conspiracy theories should listen up because this might be precisely what they're looking for. Even though it's fictional, it raises some interesting questions, no matter how likely or unlikely they are.


Another aspect the developers spoke about was the delivery of episodic adventures. It's currently planned that people can buy a retail version of the first part and buy additional episodes via the Internet, similar to a season of a regular TV-series. It might also be possible to buy a whole season in stores. But when we asked about whether there's an expected pricing scheme yet, the developers had to state that there's been no definite decision yet.


In any case, Alone in the Dark is on the right path to return to the level of credibility it achieved back then in the early '90s.


Alone in the Dark is expected to ship for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 sometime in 2007.


GCN Outsells 360 in Japan

Whoops. Microsoft's new console outperformed by Nintendo's five-year-old game machine this year.


Microsoft may have a hit on its hands with Xbox 360 in America, but the same cannot be said of the console's presence in Japan. Not only did the next-generation system debut in the Land of the Rising Sun to less than spectacular numbers, but overseas gamers have -- despite Microsoft's best efforts - continued to shy away from the system in 2006.


In fact, an analysis of the Japanese videogame hardware sell-through up until the end of August, 2006, courtesy Enterbrain's F-ism marketing data service, shows that Microsoft's console has been outsold by Nintendo GameCube of all systems.


Microsoft has sold 75,837 Xbox 360 units in Japan in 2006 so far, according to Enterbrain's data. Nintendo, meanwhile, has sold 77,124 GameCubes during the same period.


It's a close race and Microsoft is gaining steam. During the last several weeks, Xbox 360 has outsold GameCube by as many as 200 or 300 units per week in Japan, narrowing the sales gap. And yes, we're having difficulty not laughing as we write this stuff.


The best-selling home console in Japan for the year is the PlayStation 2 with 1,061,563 units moved. However, the big winner is the Nintendo DS, which has sold through 5,208,404 units in 2006 alone. By comparison, Sony's PSP has moved just 1,332,773 units.


Microsoft has made attempts to appease the Japanese gamer, enlisting the aid of top local developers, which may be why the console is enjoying a very slight, but nevertheless increasing lead of month-to-month sales over GameCube. Of course, this lead may also have more to do with the fact that the Big N has all but abandoned its current generation console in the homeland, choosing instead to focus on DS and its upcoming Wii system.


We'll monitor the situation for any late-breaking improvements, but for now it is unlikely that Xbox 360 will give either Wii or PlayStation 3 a run for their money when the systems debut in Japan this holiday.

εσας τους xboxακιδες σας ζηλευω για ενα παιχνιδι μονο. για το dead or alive. το εχω ξεσκισει στο ps2 το doa2 και ακομα το παιζω και το θαυμαζω... και αμα καταληξω στο xbox 360 (πραγμα δυσκολο γιατι ποιο πωροτικα ειναι τα rpg) θα καταληξω και λογο αυτου του παιχνιδιου

Min 3exnas kai to Lego Star Wars 2!!!! lol :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :-?


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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