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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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Retail sources have indicated to GamesIndustry.biz that Microsoft is currently planning to price the standalone HD-DVD drive at GBP 199 (293 Euro), and to package it with two HD-DVD movies. The sources also suggested that Microsoft will bundle the Premium console and next-generation movie player together for under GBP 400 (589 Euro) – and that the price could even be as low as GBP 375 (552 Euros).




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Have an Idea for 360's Dashboard? Tell MS

Microsoft asking what gamers want to see changed.


Microsoft might be a giant, monolithic-esque corporation, but they have done a surprising job of listening to gamers and attempting to use their ideas -- look as the recent XNA release. And though Xbox 360's dashboard is one of its most complimented features, it isn't perfect, and Microsoft appears to recognize this, and the team working on dashboard updates is actually asking for suggestions.


"Feel free to leave comments, issues, suggestions, etc. Know that I or someone from the UX team will be reviewing them, if not necessarily commenting," said a member of Microsoft's User Experience team on his blog. "When we finally announce the details for the Fall update, I'll also discuss some of the more salient UX additions and improvements that we will have delivered."


How about the ability to check out downloadable content (especially theme packs and additional game maps) before I download them? You try telling me how I'm supposed to ask for refund if they aren't any good.


Forza 2 EGM interview


* Mugello is one of the new real-life tracks

* Turn 10 considers to release a "Drag Racing Mode" as DLC after Forza 2 ships

* FM2 price will be $60



EGM: You've announced a new photo mode that will allow players to upload their pics online. What else ya got?

Dan Greenawalt: Well, we've done a lot more in the online career space to give people the ability to really level up and win a lot more money. One thing we found is that we've got this really home-grown community of people that were creating their own seasons and tracking their car clubs with each other online, doing all this crazy stuff, and what they want to be able to do is make tournaments, and limitations, and create really competitive races. So we've given them those options, and it's still in the online career, so there can kind of be a ringmaster that can set up races and set up leagues for people and actually earn a bunch of money.


EGM: Is it possible for someone who's really into the online mode to, basically, not play the single-player game, and just progress through the online stuff?

DG: Completely. The money is seamlessly integrated, and only things that they wouldn't be able to do are some events that unlock one-off special cars. However, they could get the cars from other people online.


EGM: Do you anticipate that people who have Live access are going to be playing the game that way, as opposed to traditional single-player?

DG: We've got a really deep single-player, we're targeting 50 to 60 hours of single-player without repeating a race, and that's assuming you win all of them. A lot of players are really into that aspect, mastering he physics and just playing it more like a game, leveling up your character. But I think there's also a group that is very, very competitive. The nice thing is, we can match them with other people of the dame skill level and they can race online and do their career that way. And I think there's going to be people who are more about expression online──that's drifting, painting their cars, getting together and talking about cars. Our goal is to create more of a hub for those people too, so we can really be a bridge between gamers that like cars and car people that are getting into games.


EGM: How is the game going to feel different? Is it?

DG: I'd say that 95 percent of the players won't notice a big difference. But the people that do a ton of drifting, what they'll notice is when the car is at like 25 degrees of yaw, and you're using your accelerator to steer rather then the wheel, so you're not counter-steering but you're literally just changing the weight balance from front to back by using your accelerator, you'll notice you can get yourself in and out of trouble much quicker.


EGM: What's changed with the Drivatars? How has A.I. evolved in Forza 2?

DG: Our entire A.I. system is still built on Drivatar technology, but there has been some evolution on the back-end side, which is that they follow the line a lot better. And they've actually gotten really freaking fast.


EGM: Sometimes the A.I. cars would get really aggressive in Forza 1 ...

DG: Yeah, every once in the while the A.I. would just decide to hit you. But we got to the bottom of some of that. As far as the actual Drivatar training aspect of the game, we're taking on most of the training ourselves, and we're going to let people hire Drivatars just like last time, but how the training is going to be expressed... we're taking a lot of that offline and just doing it ourselves on this one.


EGM: So what's going on with the finally-force feedback wheel you guys are coming out with?

DG: Being able to actually feel the forces through the wheel itself, it'll be exciting. Obviously, I play with force-feedback games all the time, so you can imagine that I've gotten pretty opinionated about force feedback!


EGM: Are you upset that it doesn't have a clutch pedal?

DG: Yeah, I'm torn. What I want is a wheel that has fantastic force feedback and lets you experience the game the way we intended, yet normal people can buy it and use it in their living room. But at the same time, I also want [one that has all of the bells and whistles of] a $400-500 wheel.


EGM: So can you talk a little about where the series is headed──what are some of the dream features that you have in mind down the line?

DG: My ultimate goal in all of this is to get people that play games to get hooked on cars and get that car passion that I've got. Also, how can get gamers who aren't the best racers, but maybe they know a lot about cars, to be part of the ****unity and be really successfull in the community and valued equally as much as these great drivers are?


EGM: Are you thinking like, player-run tuning shops, paint jobs...

DG: Yeah, all sorts of things like that. I don't want this game to be just a driver's club and a tuner's club. What I want is one group made up of people where some are drivers, tuners, painters, organizers, and some guys who just like the shoot the s*** a lot.


Bungie's New Games?

Wait, is there more than just Halo 3? Rumor has it Bungie is exploring new games


Bungie Studios, the creators of Marathon, Myth and Halo, is apparently working on two new games outside the Halo universe, according to San Jose Mercury Writer Dean Takahashi's latest blog update. While phone calls by IGN to Microsoft and Bungie Studios provided the standard "no comment"-style comment, two outside sources close to the developer said Takahashi's story is old and inaccurate.


The story claims an exploratory game is being developed by Project Lead Jason Jones and Programmer Chris Butcher, while a second team is working on another new game.


Takahashi's material appears in his blog rather than a proper news story. So, while there is no attribution or source to back up the information, it's a blog, a writing form that permits a more casual style. The San Jose Mercury News writer also quotes Peter Moore, Microsoft's vice president of interactive entertainment, as saying he "doesn't know that Bungie has a second team."


Additionally, the news about Pete Parsons, the general manager at Bungie on Halo 2 is old. Parsons was given a farewell party, which was made public by Bungie in early 2006 on its site bungie.net/. Parsons, however, still collects a paycheck from Microsoft.


IGN's sources are confident that a new Halo game is in the works. But it's by an independent studio working with Bungie and it's an MMO, rather than internally created at Bungie. Microsoft also denies it's working on a Halo MMO. Needless to say, Bungie is very secretive on all fronts and any news on a new Halo game -- other than Halo 3 -- is at least a year or two away.


Takahashi has written two books on Microsoft's consoles, "Opening the Xbox: Inside Microsoft's Plan to Unleash an Entertainment Revolution", and "The Xbox 360 Uncloaked: The Real Story Behind Microsoft's Next-Generation Video Game Console", both of which has received positive reviews, and is a games and entertainment staff writer for the San Jose Mercury News.


Capcom's TGS Lineup




Capcom will have a number of playable units of the Devil May Cry 4 on the show floor at the Tokyo Game Show next week for PlayStation 3's public playable debut in Japan.


There'll also be a similar number of units split between single- and multiplayer demonstrations of Xbox 360 exclusive Lost Planet.


We're also told to expect new game announcements - perhaps for Nintendo Wii - along with video presentations of other titles. Resident Evil, please!



Other titles on Capcom's TGS line-up include PSP sequel Monster Hunter Portable 2nd and Power Stone Collection, while Clover Studio's latest curiosity God Hand will be holding court for PlayStation 2.


Meanwhile, Phoenix Wright will be playable on DS, along with Rockman Rebirth - in other words, another Megaman title - and Capcom Classics Collection on PSP.


So that's:


* Devil May Cry 4 (PS3)

* Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (Xbox 360)

* Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (PSP)

* Gyakuten Saiban 4 aka a new Phoenix Wright (DS)

* Power Stone Collection (PSP)

* Capcom Classics Collection (PSP)

* God Hand (PS2)

* Rockman Rebirth (DS)


The Tokyo Game Show takes place between September 22nd and 24th, and we'll be there to lower the tone.


pounai to resi 5 gmt....


εσας τους xboxακιδες σας ζηλευω για ενα παιχνιδι μονο. για το dead or alive. το εχω ξεσκισει στο ps2 το doa2 και ακομα το παιζω και το θαυμαζω... και αμα καταληξω στο xbox 360 (πραγμα δυσκολο γιατι ποιο πωροτικα ειναι τα rpg) θα καταληξω και λογο αυτου του παιχνιδιου


*** Δωστε μισο λεπτο απο το χρονο σας!! ***


σημερα ξεκινησε ενα petition προς την capcom προκειμενου να βγαλει μια συλλογη ( Resident Evil 4, Devil May Cry 3, Onimusha 4) στο 360.





ή κατευθειαν στο petition:


εσας τους xboxακιδες σας ζηλευω για ενα παιχνιδι μονο. για το dead or alive. το εχω ξεσκισει στο ps2 το doa2 και ακομα το παιζω και το θαυμαζω... και αμα καταληξω στο xbox 360 (πραγμα δυσκολο γιατι ποιο πωροτικα ειναι τα rpg) θα καταληξω και λογο αυτου του παιχνιδιου

kala de einai oloi xboxakides,osoi exoun xbox i 360.einai k atoma pou ektimoun to kalo gaming aneksartitos platformas.oso gia to doa nai einai arketa kalo ksiliki,an k proteimw to virtua fighter apo ola.k to 360 eidika,se sigkrisei me to prwto xbox,exei arketous titlous pounai diamantia i tha exei mias k eimaste stin arxi akoma


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