Blackjim Δημοσ. 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 apo grafikis pleuras de mou leei tpt to perimena poli kalitero to trailer to exeis dei??? ekei fainetai para poly kalo kai se grafika nomizw
xrest Δημοσ. 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 to trailer to exeis dei??? ekei fainetai para poly kalo kai se grafika nomizw giati einai real time?de mou fainetai nanai real time emena.proswpikes apopseis einai autes bebaia.tha krithei otan doume perissotera.gia tin wra de me k eimai pgr fan
HomoR Δημοσ. 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 giati einai real time?de mou fainetai nanai real time emena.proswpikes apopseis einai autes bebaia.tha krithei otan doume perissotera.gia tin wra de me k eimai pgr fan To teleuteo trailer einai real time..
p3tran Δημοσ. 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Kalyterhs poiothtas pics This time it's official' date=' here are the images of Forza Motorsport 2 on Xbox 360. It looks quite a bit better than the screens from a few days ago, but there is room for improvements. [b']Update : Looks like someone was a bit too eager to put these screens online, as they weren't supposed to be released until tomorrow. If you missed them, you'll have to wait a few more hours [/b] τις τραβηξανε ολες.:???: πιο καλο παιδι τις εσωσε στο δισκο να τις ανεβασει σε καννα imageshack? μονο αυτη βρισκω: :D :D :D edit: τις βρηκα και τις εβαλα και σένα blog εκει περα να υπαρχουν και παπαλα το ψαξιμο
The_Sheep Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 apo grafikis pleuras de mou leei tpt to perimena poli kalitero simfono kai epayksano...kita to xortari einai dinaton !! 3D0 mou (pou to vrika xtes petameno se mia ntoulapa meta apo ...pollaaaaa xronia) kalitero xortari tha eixe. telos panton ..isos einai kai i endomixi apexthia mou se ralakia pou apla girnare giro - giro apo mia pista(kai den einai F1)
p3tran Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 ωπα-ωπα προβατε ξεφυγες!! <<ralakia pou apla girnare giro - giro apo mia pista>> ειναι το ridge racer 6. δεν μπορεις με καμια παναγια να βαζεις το forza σε αυτη την κατηγορια. καλο ειναι, και τα γραφικα ειναι επισης πολυ καλα! ολες οι φωτο ειναι στην ιδια πιστα, πραγμα που με κανει να πιστευω οτι ειναι η πιστα του demo. ΑΝΤΕ ΚΩΛΟΠΑΙΔΑ, ΒΓΑΛΤΕ ΤΟ ΚΩΛΟ-DEMO ΣΤΟ MARKETPLACE!!! γμτ *&^&^$%(()*()_((*^@^$#@@ :D :D
xrest Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Blue Dragon Info
privateer Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 UK Charts: Saints Row debuts at No.1 Becomes second fastest-selling Xbox 360 title
privateer Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 NBA2K7 Impressions from OS Hey guys, I've had a pre-retail version of NBA 2K7 courtesy of 2KSports for a good solid few days and can answer some gameplay questions you may have. I've also played some 24/7. As time goes by, I'll dig into the "Association" mode and other modes within the game. As of now, I've played a solid 20 games. The first 5 were on default pro, just to get a feel for the controls. The next 5 were up another notch and now the last 10 games have been on the highest difficulty setting. I must say, it is much harder to win at the highest difficulty setting this year. I didn't have many problems last year, but I'm getting my *** handed to me this year. I'm actually 3-7 w/ the Pistons. Of course, last years Pistons w/ Big Ben were a lot better, defensively. I might actually get through an entire season before the game even releases, lol. I've been absolutely blown out in quite a few of my losses. A couple down to the wire games and my wins have been in the single digit variety. Unfortunately, I haven't had a game decided by 1 pt. to see how the AI handles the situation, but if it comes up, I'll see how they handle it and report back. The one thing I absolutely LOVE is how you can manage your subs during gameplay. Basically, using the d-pad, you can control who is coming out and who goes to the scoring table. As soon as you make your choices, the players come off the bench and walk to the scoring table, waiting for the next dead ball. The only time you don't see players going to the scoring table, is if you make changes during a TO (obviously) or if you make changes before the 2nd free throw attempt. What's really neat is after a made shot, the AI will takeover the user-controlled defender until the user gives stick input or presses a face button. You can icon switch on defense and the AI will takeover when you switch. While the AI has taken over, you can pull up the coaching menu and make your changes. Then hit B to dismiss the window and then move your left stick to resume control on D. It really makes calling plays, subbing, etc. much easier. The animations are just sick. The shot animations are really nicely done. I've seen plenty of players, including Tay, Marion, KG, Duncan, VC, Kidd, Sheed and many others. Yao doesn't even jump on his jumphots, nice touch. There are even a few animations where you'll see the "Bigs" try to get position by getting in front of the defender (chest to chest) and pushing him towards the bucket to gain position. You'll see players tip balls out of bounds, you'll see turnovers from yourself as well as the AI, lobbing in down low to the post, might go a little too high, throwing a cross court pass, might go a little too long. I've even seen some skip passes that are too low causing turnovers. The stat overlays that pop up during gameplay is also very well done, showing something at least every few times down the court. You'll see scoring leaders, rebound leaders, team leaders, etc. As for gameplay, I've seen the AI run plays pretty much every single time down court. Unless there is a breakdown in your defense, the AI will run a play or 2 in their set. If you blow an assignment, the AI will come out of that play and improvise. Leaving a man wide open isn't something you want to do, since the AI will make you pay for leaving the ball handler wide open. Are you worried whether or not the superstars get their touches? Well, worry no more. I haven't had a game yet where the superstar doesn't have the most shots for their team. AI, T-Mac, Bron, KG, Duncan, Kobe, VC, they'll all get their fair share of the rock, most of the time being the leading scorer in the game. I like to spread the ball around, so my high scorers might have 20 pts. a game, while Kobe might light me up for that many in the first half. I did sim one season, just to see some of the league leaders, but I went past it a little and didn't get to see them, since the playoffs started. I did get to see the MVP, which was Bron, 6th man was Boozer, DPOY was Marion, Most Improved Dickau and COTY T'Wolves. I went ahead and sime the outcome for the playoffs and Finals, Bulls over Spurs in 6. Fire away, I'll do my best to answer your questions.
privateer Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 ωπα-ωπα προβατε ξεφυγες!! <<ralakia pou apla girnare giro - giro apo mia pista>> ειναι το ridge racer 6. δεν μπορεις με καμια παναγια να βαζεις το forza σε αυτη την κατηγορια. καλο ειναι' date=' και τα γραφικα ειναι επισης πολυ καλα! ολες οι φωτο ειναι στην ιδια πιστα, πραγμα που με κανει να πιστευω οτι ειναι η πιστα του demo. ΑΝΤΕ ΚΩΛΟΠΑΙΔΑ, ΒΓΑΛΤΕ ΤΟ ΚΩΛΟ-DEMO ΣΤΟ MARKETPLACE!!! γμτ *&^&^$%(()*()_((*^@^$#@@ :D :D[/quote'] Here's my crosspost from another forum: Those leaked screens are real. First leaked batch were from a really old build which we had to use to make print magazine deadlines. Second batch (the same batch I'll post in the morning) are the official first screens of the game. Oh well. If you think they look awful or whatever, I'm not here to change your mind -- not much I can do about that. The haters will hate, I suppose. All this forum drama is pretty nuts. Keep in mind that the game is far from finished and many of the graphical effects missing in these screenshots have yet to be stabilized in the build (HDR and various other car shaders). If you're going to nitpick the visual minutae of a game, wouldn't it make more sense to do so with something that's not a work-in-progress? Sometimes you turn something on in the current builds and it breaks other things. I dunno, there's a lot of weird code dependencies and complexities that I'm learning about in games development and none it seems very easy. Forza 2 will look really good when it's finished. Obviously, the game isn't finished right now. At this point, we'll probably keep releasing new assets going forward and hope folks like what they see and play in the months to come. p.s. 3d grass exists but weren't in the screenshots. OMGWTF!!11 p.p.s. we don't have time to implement HDR1!11 can somebudy plz help"!!1 p.p.p.s. seriously, get a grip people.
DIMERR Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 ρε παιδια περιμενετε να βγει πρωτα.Ειναι δυνατο να μην εχει πολυ καλα γραφικα?τοσο χρονο και χρημα εχουν αφιερωσει στο ολο project.Eξαλλου το 360 εχει αποδειξει τι γραφικα μπορει να αποδωσει σε τετοιου ειδους games(βλεπε pgr3). Επισης θυμαστε και στο forza 1 που ειχαν παιξει καποιοι το demo και αρχισαν να θαβουν το παιχνιδι ειδικα σε θεματα χειρισμου στην τελικη release ομως αποδειχτηκε οτι ηταν τελειο!
telegamesvg Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 καλο ειναι' date=' και τα γραφικα ειναι επισης πολυ καλα! ολες οι φωτο ειναι στην ιδια πιστα, πραγμα που με κανει να πιστευω οτι ειναι η πιστα του demo. [/quote'] Παντως ως αναφορα το χορταρι ,μαλλον εχουν δικιο .... Ας ελπισουμε οτι ισχυει αυτο..."p.s. 3d grass exists but weren't in the screenshots. OMGWTF!!11"
p3tran Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006 κοιτα tlg, τα πραγματα εχουν ως εξης οι φωτος ειναι απο το παιχνιδι μεν, δεν ειναι απο τελικη build δε. αυτο απο μονο του δεν λεει τιποτα, για αυτο ας δουμε καλυτερα τι ΔΕΝ εχουνε προσθεσει ακομα απο αυτα που εχουν ανακοινωσει: * HDR * global illumination * Animated 3d grass * Animated 3d people αυτα ειναι ανακοινωμενα ηδη. μονο και μονο ο φωτισμος (hdr+gi) θα δωσει ενα +30-50% ομορφια στο παιχνιδι. αυτο ειναι στανταρ. απο κει και περα, ας εχουμε στο μυαλο μας και τα εξης: το Forza2 θα γινεται render στα 720p@60fps (pgr3 600p@30fps)με per pixel reflections@60fps(!!!), physics@360fps(!!!), 4xMSAA και 12 αυτοκινητα (pgr3 = 8 δηλ. τα 2/3). προσθεσε και το real-time damage system (και physics και graphics) στα παραπανω και νομιζω οτι η συνταγη εχει γινει σουπερ!! 8)
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