Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 28 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 28 Αυγούστου 2006 Exclusive: Unreal 2007 - NOT PS3 console exclusive http://www.noooz.com/archives/2006/08/unreal_2007_not_ps3_exclusive.html Και μενα ο Μπαρμπαγιαννης που περνάει τα βραδια στο παγκάκι της γειτονιάς, κρατώντας την ρετσίνα στο χέρι μου είπε αυτολεξεί ''ρε συ το έμαθες το νεο...το Unreal τελικά θα βγει αποκλειστικά στο phantom ναι καλα ακους....στο phantom!!! Βεβαια την αλλη μερα ελεγε ''καθαρος'' πλεον...''δεν ξερω τι μου λες ...φυγε απο εδω ...ρωτα κανεναν που ξερει...τι δουλεια εχω εγω με αυτα!!'' με τα παραπάνω υπερβολικά θελω να πω οτι καλο ειναι να βγαζουμε πιο σοβαρες ειδησεις ή να κανουμε το ιδιο και οταν εχουμε αρνητικές ειδησεις για το xbox ,τοτε θα δεχτω και τους μεθυστακες... Το Unreal μπορει να μην είναι exclusive τελικα αλλα θα προτιμουσα κατι πιο σοβαρο για να με πεισει... το λεει και ο Μπαρμπαγιαννης ''φυγε απο εδω ...ρωτα κανεναν που ξερει...τι δουλεια εχω εγω με αυτα!!''
p3tran Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Το παραπανω το ηξερες και εσυ και αυτο ειναι το χειροτερο! pds εισαι αξιος διαδοχος των προκατοχων σου! και αυτο ειναι το ...καλυτερο!! "μπορει να μην ειναι exclusive το ενα", "μπορει να μην ειναι exclusive το αλλο", αλλα την ετσι σου θα την πεις!! και επειδη εχουμε βαρεθει τα ιδια και τα ιδια, βαλε ενα στοιχημα οτι δεν θα βγει στο 360 ειτε το ενα ειτε το αλλο, και μετα μιλα οσο θες. αλλιως.... εκτος κι αν θες να σου κανω μια κανταδα για το τι "πελατης" εισαι.
privateer Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 There is a backwards compatibility update now available over Xbox Live. This free update brings the complete list of original Xbox games that you can play on your Xbox 360 to almost 300. August 2006 Back Compat titles added/updated: Aggressive Inline Aquaman: Battle of Atlantis All Star Baseball 2003 All Star Baseball 2005 Burnout 3: Takedown Catwoman Crash Bandicoot: Nitro Kart UPDATED Counter Strike Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth Dead to Rights Digimon Rumble Arena 2 UPDATED ESPN Major League Baseball Fatal Frame 2 Ford vs. Chevy UPDATED Freaky Flyers Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows Tom Clancy´s Ghost Recon - Island Thunder Half Life 2 UPDATED The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer UPDATED IndyCar Series 2005 Kabuki Warrior UPDATED Lego Star Wars II Links 2004 Magatama UPDATED Maximum Chase Mortal Kombat: Deception UPDATED MTX: Mototrax Featuring Travis Pastrana Namco Museum 50th Anniversary Arcade Collection MX vs. ATV Unleashed Outlaw Tennis Over the Hedge Sid Meier's Pirates Richard Burns Rally Rogue Trooper Serious Sam Shincho Mahjong Smashing Drive Sneakers UPDATED Spy Hunter: Nowhere to Run The Legend of Spyro: A Beginning TAZ: Wanted True Crime Streets of LA The Suffering Trigger Man Torino Winter Olympics 2006 Vietcong Wrath Unleashed X-Men II: Wolverine's Revenge
p3tran Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 August xbox1 compatibility list: Aggressive Inline Aquaman: Battle of Atlantis All Star Baseball 2003 All Star Baseball 2005 Burnout 3: Takedown Catwoman Crash Bandicoot: Nitro Kart UPDATED Counter Strike Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth Dead to Rights Digimon Rumble Arena 2 UPDATED ESPN Major League Baseball Fatal Frame 2 Ford vs. Chevy UPDATED Freaky Flyers Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows Tom Clancy´s Ghost Recon - Island Thunder Half Life 2 UPDATED The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer UPDATED IndyCar Series 2005 Kabuki Warrior UPDATED Lego Star Wars II Links 2004 Magatama UPDATED Maximum Chase Mortal Kombat: Deception UPDATED MTX: Mototrax Featuring Travis Pastrana Namco Museum 50th Anniversary Arcade Collection MX vs. ATV Unleashed Outlaw Tennis Over the Hedge Sid Meier's Pirates Richard Burns Rally Rogue Trooper Serious Sam Shincho Mahjong Smashing Drive Sneakers UPDATED Spy Hunter: Nowhere to Run The Legend of Spyro: A Beginning TAZ: Wanted True Crime Streets of LA The Suffering Trigger Man Torino Winter Olympics 2006 Vietcong Wrath Unleashed X-Men II: Wolverine's Revenge αυτα προσθεθηκαν. μερικα ειναι καλες περιπτωσεις, και ειναι μεσα και το richard burns rally. νομιζω οτι αν φτιαξουνε τα Rallisport Challenge 2, Psychonauts, Phantom Dust, JSRF,Mech Assault,Otogi, Otogi 2, τελειωσαμε. εκτος αν μου διαφευγει καννα καλο game που λειπει. φουλ λιστα με τα back-compatible games εχει >>εδω<<
privateer Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 With every passing year comes a new iteration of the Winning Eleven franchise -- each title bringing a fresh round of tweaks and changes to the equation, as well as a few surprises. Our first shock came when Konami announced a change to the U.S. title; in an attempt to marry the U.S. version with the European version, Konami decided to focus on the name "Pro Evolution" rather than "Winning Eleven" -- Winning Eleven will still appear in the eighteen syllable title, albeit small, and in the corner. Regardless of what new name the series has adopted, what matters most is the gameplay. While we only had a chance to play the most current rendition of the game on both the Xbox 360 and the DS, we are happy to report that it runs very smoothly. Much like the build at E3, the Xbox 360 version included only a handful of teams: Brazil, Italy, Spain and Czech were the only four available. Yet once the players took to the field and the action really started we were pleasantly surprised with how well the overall increase of speed worked within the game. Konami also promises no hiccups in the framerate whatsoever; should we expect anything less from such a great series? Controlling your team across the field has also never felt better. With the inclusion of RB and LB on the Xbox 360, chip shots and trick dribbling now feels completely natural. In no time at all, you can expect to Pele your way up and down the pitch. Character models also accurately portray their corresponding human equivalents. Ronaldo and Ronaldinho, two of Brazil's star players, aren't distinguishable from one another simply due to Ronaldo having a shaved head and Ronaldinho having a full head of hair, rather, their facial structures and expressions within the game differ greatly from one another. In fact, all players are very lifelike this way. Spotting your favorite player won't take long at all. Konami also stated that the developers focused on the minute details. Character animations play a much more realistic role this time around. For example, when we slowed down the gameplay and watched a replay of a goal, it was interesting to see the player on-screen use the inside of his foot to position the ball before actually kicking it with the outside of his foot. Players on the field also position their bodies by lining up their eyes with either the goal, or an open teammate before striking the ball. Other intricate details include celebration animations, collisions, and falls -- no longer will players "run through" fallen adversaries; instead, players will step over obstacles that lie in their path. Other new elements include a smarter A.I. system -- A Konami representative told us "not so much harder, but smarter". Expect teammates to watch those off-side calls as well as slide tackling only when appropriate. Pro Evolution dribbles into stores on January 9th, 2007 for the Xbox 360, PS2, PSP, DS or PC (sorry Xbox owners). http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3153195
p3tran Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Το exclusive ps3 game Fatal Inertia μαλλον βγαινει και στο XB360 Today we have been able to find out some news that somehow doesn't come as a surprise. The first game of Koei for PlayStation 3 ,Fatal Inertia, will also appear on Xbox 360. The Japanese company had already announced a delay of the game last E3 until the end of the 2006 arguing that to make an exclusive title for a machine that was going to take so long in appearing, besides being "so expensive", could be very risky for the estimated sales of the futuristic racing title. ρεεε!!! τι ειναι αυτα??? απο MGS και πανω θελουμε ports. τα σκουπιδια κρατηστε τα!
p3tran Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Tο DOAX 2 εχει τα πρωτα next-gen σημαδια απο τον ηλιο!! ολα τα μωρα στο γκριλ!! α ρε itagaki μαστορα!!! τι σιανεις αμα εχεις κεφια! 8)
Daredevil Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Xbox 360 Back Compat Expanded to Nearly 300 Titles From John Porcaro (Microsoft's Group Manager in Global Games Marketing) on the GamerScore Blog: We just posted a Backwards Compatibility update, with 39 new titles and 9 updated titles--the largest number of new games updated since the original list of over 200. It's interesting to note that this is the first time the list includes titles that are not on the market yet for Xbox, with Spy Hunter: Nowhere to Run, The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning, and Lego star wars II. And of these, Lego star wars II also has an Xbox 360 SKU - another first for the BC list. The list includes Burnout 3: Takedown, Counter Strike, Dead to Rights, ESPN Major League Baseball, Tom Clancy´s Ghost Recon - Island Thunder, Lego star wars II, Mortal Kombat: Deception, Over the Hedge, Rogue Trooper, Serious Sam, and Spy Hunter: Nowhere to Run. It also includes updates to Half Life 2, The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer, and several more. You can play cross-platform between Xbox 360 and the original Xbox over Xbox Live. And with anti-aliasing, these original Xbox games will look better than ever on Xbox 360 running in 720p and 1080i. The team is continuing to work hard to certify as many original Xbox games to work on Xbox 360 as possible, and we'll be adding to the list. Check Xbox.com/games to see the current list and information on how to get the free software update.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Lite On Scheduled to Deliver HD DVD Players for Xbox 360 From burnworld.net: Lite-On IT Corp. is reported to begin shipping Microsoft stand-alone high-density digital versatile disc (HD DVD) players for Xbox360 game consoles in the first quarter of 2007, Lite-On's another big windfall after landing orders to supply DVD-ROM players for Xbox360s. The report came shortly after Lite-On openly supported HD DVD camp spearheaded by Toshiba. Microsoft has until now contracted Toshiba to make the game machine's stand-alone HD DVD players. But industry insiders pointed out that Toshiba has intensively solicited support from Lite-On for its HD DVD format in hopes of combing its specialization in slim optical-disc players with Lite-On's profession in half-height DVD players to speed up prevalence of HD DVD format. Read More: burnworld.net
Daredevil Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Street Fighter II XBLA Updated, Leaderboards Wiped > Capcom has updated their extremely successful Street Fighter XBLA game to address some of the player complaints. The patch apparently fixes "timeout" and connection issues. If any of our readers have checked out this patch already, please post comments here. >Link
xrest Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Months after a failed launch, at electronics retailer Bic Camera's bustling Shinjuku store, the Xbox 360 has actually sold out. Granted, we don't report each time a console sells out, but this, like a solar eclipse, is a historic event! Kotakuite David snapped a photo that states the console is "sold out", but also notes that the store "DID have the World Cup Limited Edition 360"—understandable as the World Cup is so over. It goes without saying that Japan hasn't been a walk-in-the-park for Microsoft, but the company has continued to pour endless streams of cash into promoting the machine. Guess those boy band ads are working. http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/top/hol...pan-196938.php LOL:)
john2gr Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Although Crysis will support both current and the next version of DirectX, Crytek claims that only DirectX 10 allows the game to run as it was intended by the developers because the next-generation DirectX API, which will ship along with Windows Vista, allows more effects and more objects to be drawn on the screen with a smaller computational cost for the hardware. Diemer explained that “next generation consoles like the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 do not offer the sufficient power” to assure the quality of gameplay Crytek demand for Crysis. Crytek reiterated at GC 06 that currently, Crysis in only in development for Windows. We havenʼt lost hope that weʼll eventually see an Xbox 360 version of this first-person shooter. Source => http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/11651/Crytek-Next-Gen-Consoles-Are-Too-Weak-for-Crysis
Daredevil Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Xbox 360 is European Home to Next-Gen Soccer Winning Eleven could still hit PS3 soon, however. The Xbox 360 will be the exclusive home of next-gen soccer for the next 12 months... in Europe. Next-gen versions of FIFA 07 and Pro Evolution Soccer 6 are coming to the Xbox 360 and not the PlayStation 3, as announced at the Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany last week. That is true. It is important to note that "Pro Evolution Soccer 6" is Konami's soccer title for the European market. "Winning Eleven Pro Evolution Soccer 2007," however, is Konami's title in North America and Japan. While the content is basically the same, the two titles are in fact separate. The 12-month exclusive deal pertains to PES 6 in Europe only. The Xbox 360 is your home for PES 6. In effect, Konami is free to publish a next-gen soccer title on the PlayStation 3 or Wii, well, as early as tomorrow, in any region outside of Europe. PES6 producer Shingo "Seabass" Takatsuka told IGN at Leipzig that a PS3 version of the game is currently in development and could be released as early as spring 2007. A next-gen FIFA 07, on the other hand, will only be released on the Xbox 360. After speaking with reps at EA, we learned that there is no signed, sealed and delivered "deal" of exclusivity. FIFA 07 is "exclusive" to the Xbox 360 because it isn't ready to be released on the PS3 until about this time next year. Quite simply, Microsoft scored an exclusive by default. Guess what? The 360 is also your home for FIFA 07. To sum up next-gen soccer as it currently stands for the next year: Yes on 360. No on PS3, at least not in Europe. Capisci? The confusion began when Microsoft proudly proclaimed that the Xbox 360 is the home of next-gen soccer and the only place to play next-gen soccer games and your center of all things next-gen soccer, etcetera, etcetera. Konami and EA were also a bit vague in their glowing appraisals of the deal. "We're very pleased to be bringing the next-generation edition of Pro Evolution Soccer 6 exclusively to Xbox 360 until late summer 2007,"said Hans-Joachim Amann, Head of European Product Management at Konami Digital Entertainment. "The power of Xbox 360 takes our critically-acclaimed franchise to new heights of realism, playability, and fun. We know true football fans will enjoy the new experiences that Pro Evolution Soccer 6 on Xbox 360 will offer." Said Hughes Ricour, FIFA 07 producer: "The only place gamers can enjoy the next-generation edition of FIFA 07 is on Xbox 360. We love developing for this thing!" Turns out that all the talk applies to Europe only. EA hasn't announced another soccer title and outside a surprise UEFA game, the next EA soccer product will likely be FIFA 08. The window is still open, however, for Winning Eleven in North American and Japan.
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