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Xbox 360 Live Vision: Wii Killer?


Gamasutra are running an extensive feature article which gives a good showing of the 360 Live Vision camera and asks if it could potentially be a Wii killer. Head on over to Gamaustra.com

for all that is currently known on the vision cam.

The most impressive of GestureTek's technology was its early work at depth perception. As seen here, an object - in this case, a foam sword with brightly colored features - is tracked in real time, spatially. The tracking boxes shrink as the object is moved away from the screen, and grow as it comes closer.


It might be tempting to perceive this technology as a threat to Nintendo's Wii controller, but it should be noted that GestureTek itself isn't banking on this, considering its limitations.


"It's just a demo," shrugged GestureTek CTO Francis MacDougall when pressed, admitting that he doesn't see brightly-colored peripherals being popular among publishers.


The Xbox 360 Live Vision camera ships September 19 in the United States, along with TotemBall, the first and thus far only game announced with gestural controls. The accessory is compatible with Microsoft Game Studios' already-shipped Uno as a video conference mechanism, and according to Jeff Stone, "seven or so casual games" will be shipping this fall with video chat options. Confirmed titles using DigiMask's face mapping technology include Activision's World Series of Poker and UbiSoft's Rainbow Six Vegas. Development kits are available from Microsoft as of July.

It certainly looks alot more advanced than we initially expected, can't wait to enjoy a new experience when this bad boy is finally released!


Official Xbox 360 Magazine Ratings, Rumors and Demo Disc


Here are the latest Ratings, News, Rumors and Demo Disc Content from the latest OXM. For all the F.E.A.R Fan's out there, there is a Playable Demo!





° Dead Rising (Capcom): 8,5

° Saints Row (THQ): 8,0


The Downsides were that you had to Drive/Walk to every single mission, through the entire City, Missing CheckPoints and Bikes. Positively rated (even above GTA they claim) was the 'Phantastic' Chaos in the City.


° Frogger (XBLA, Konami): 8,0

° Galaga (XBLA, Namco Bandai): 7,0

° Pac-Man (XBLA, Namco Bandai): 6,5

° Enchanted Arms (Ubisoft): 6,5

° Madden NFL 07 (EA): 8,0

° Lumines Live (Q Entertainment) - 8,5

° Ninety-Nine Nights (Q Entertainment): 7,5

° Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting (XBLA, Capcom): 9,0

° Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (LucasArts): 8,5




A Black Xbox 360 with built-in HD-DVD Drive, HDMI A/V-Output, 250GB Harddisk and PVR Funktions (With XboxLive/DirecTV) is planned for 600 US Dollar.


EA Canada is hard at work on a new Original Franchise.


Ubisoft Montreal is working on Splinter Cell 5


Zune will be getting Zuma but no Halo.


Spielbare Demos


° F.E.A.R. (has FrameRate Issues)

° Prey

° Top Spin 2

° Zegapain XOR (unlockable)

oso miseis esy to tenchu etsi misw k gw auti ti tsonta...giati paixnidi den einai...lol



Τσοντα γινεται οταν καποιος ξεγυμνωνει τις κοπελες:






Possible Liezpieg Marketplace Download Schedule?

On the TDU forums, somebody has posted a supposed schedule for MS's Marketplace downloads during the GC in Germany. He can't provide a link, so treat it with a pinch of salt, but this is what he said:


24th August 2006


Pro Evolution football 6 (video)

Forza Motorsport 2 (video)

Just Cause (demo)


25th August 2006


F.E.A.R (video)

F.E.A.R (demo)

Test Drive Unlimited (demo)

Splinter Cell Double Agent (video)


26th August 2006


Pro Evolution football 6 (demo)

Half- Life 2 (video)

Half- Life 2 Portal (video)

Team Fortress 2 (video)

Forza Motorsport 2 (demo)




It would be great if true, but is it? Your thoughts please

omg!! makari na to vgaloun to timimeno to demo. :D :D :D

Gia osous endiaferontai , kykloforise to "Madden NFL 07 USA XBOX360-NiG"

Here is Madden NFL 2007 USA just before it hits retail shelves!


Image has been stealth patched so just load in clonecd and burn.




Ante na doume ki alla games prin pane sta rafia... :D


Απο ότι έχω ακούσει το Virtua Fighter 5 είναι PS3 exclusive. Είναι αλήθεια; Γιατι αν είναι, νομίζω οτι ήρθε η ώρα να πουλήσω το XBOX360...

Απο ότι έχω ακούσει το Virtua Fighter 5 είναι PS3 exclusive. Είναι αλήθεια; Γιατι αν είναι, νομίζω οτι ήρθε η ώρα να πουλήσω το XBOX360...

nai einai exclusive tou ps3.poulise to k pare ps3 me to vf5.e re logiki...:-D

Possible Liezpieg Marketplace Download Schedule?

On the TDU forums' date=' somebody has posted a supposed schedule for MS's Marketplace downloads during the GC in Germany. He can't provide a link, so treat it with a pinch of salt, but this is what he said:


24th August 2006


Pro Evolution football 6 (video)

Forza Motorsport 2 (video)

[b']Just Cause (demo)[/b]


25th August 2006


F.E.A.R (video)

F.E.A.R (demo)

Test Drive Unlimited (demo)

Splinter Cell Double Agent (video)


26th August 2006


Pro Evolution football 6 (demo)

Half- Life 2 (video)

Half- Life 2 Portal (video)

Team Fortress 2 (video)

Forza Motorsport 2 (demo)



It would be great if true, but is it? Your thoughts please






omg!! makari na to vgaloun to timimeno to demo. :D :D :D


forza 2+pro 6 demos?

too good to be true mou akougetai


ουτε απο τον αη-βασιλη δεν περιμενω demo του forza2.:-D ...χωρια τα αλλα 3.

μακαρι ρε μαυρομήτσε να βγεις αληθινος!

ουτε απο τον αη-βασιλη δεν περιμενω demo του forza2.:-D ...χωρια τα αλλα 3.

μακαρι ρε μαυρομήτσε να βγεις αληθινος!

An vgei se koufana omws,eee? :P :P


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