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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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ουτε θα το κανω τωρα γιατι δεν εχω χρονο,απλα ειπα χωρις να εχω καποια πληροφορια ποια ειναι η αισθηση μου:) ισως κανω λαθος...

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Rumblings from Gamefest 2006


Enough preaching. Monday night I went to a party and drank more than my fair share of Redbull and Vodka (with a couple three Jack and Coke's thrown in), everyone knows that the more people drink, the more they talk. What did I hear first, second and third hand?


Bungie is further along in Halo 3's development than they are letting on. Similarly a key group of Bungie employees is already working on the company's next project -- finally, it's not Halo-related. (Whatever, we've heard that before)


Emulator fans will be able to take emulated software and compile and recode it in XNA -- meaning that eventually you'll see X360 versions of existing software. Super Mario Bros 3(60), anyone?


Comically (to me) someone described Microsoft's strategy for the fall as "Rolling Thunder." When I said "what the hell?" they explained it was PR speak for the "coming storm." The first rumbles of rolling thunder will be heard in the distance that is next week's Leipzig with a steady(ish) stream of "rolling thunder" leading up to the storm that is X06.


I'd heard it before, but finally heard it much closer to the horse's mouth: X06 "New IPs in existing universes." I know what that means, so should you.


Xbox Live Arcade wants to focus on indie titles (probably because they can't compete pound for pound with retro libraries like what Nintendo will offer) -- nonetheless expect an announcement about a pretty classic multiplayer game soon -- expect that game this year.


I'm packing up to head to Leipzig Game Convention, now. Sam, Matt Leone, Cesar and I will be there all week next week. Hopefully, I'll finally get to mess around with Assassin's Creed -- but on which platform? I kid, I kid (I think).




Journalists impressions of Gears of War single and multi.


I just came back from my visit to Epic, the legendary studio where I and ten other journalists had the world premiere.

Some had played the game in multiplayer at the last e3, but we really had no clue on the single player.


I have played the game all afternoon and I can say: this game is awesome.

The stupid thing is, I can't say too much because for another 6 weeks when NDA lifts. [note: X06?]. I can tell you this though; Gears of War makes good on ALL the promises.


Two years ago Microsoft showed the game at e3, and a lot of times those first raving reactions to a game change over time to dissapointed ones. With Gears of War that is definitly not the case.




It is funny to see that this hype has made the guys at Epic really nervous.


I don't know who was more excited, the developers or the journalists, but the developers wrote down every little comment we made, so they could discuss those afterwards. I have done this job for over 8 years now, and I have never seen that happen before.




Just as interesting was my talk with CliffyB. He talked about his vision for the game and the vision of the development team, but also about the next gen console wars.

At the end of the day GoW will play a role in that, with it launching on the day of the PS3 launch.

The difference between the PS3 launchgames and GoW is big!! Huge!!!

Not that suprising since the 360 has been available for almost a year.

But it is painfully clear that Sony made an error in judgement when they said they would launch a year after the 360.

Like Cliffy said: 'Do you want to play next-gen now, or in a year.'









kala den tha tin paleuoume otan bgei..to GOW thanai to prwto deigma pou tha bgei me tin Unreal Engine 3 e?

bebaiws eimai periergos na dw k to gameplay ti leei.min einai ena aplo shootem'up.dld run hide shoot kill


ασε xrestman, απο οτι φαινεται, σκετη αρρωστεια το GeOW.

αλλα νεα:


360 Camera 1st impressions






So we plugged it in via the USB cord, first thing that happens is that the ring around the camera lens lights up beautifully.

You can also use the lense to adjust the focus of the camera, simply by twisting it left or right like a door knob.




The second thing we notice is that as soon as your dash boots up, the camera automatically displays what it's aiming at,

then makes it your background in the form of some groovy watery filter - all in real time too.




Notice the alien we captured above. In the Xbox Live Vision settings under the Systems blade you can adjust Room and Lightning settings.


With all our settings tweaked and ready to go, we wanted to send a message using our Xbox Live Vision Camera.

You simply go through the 'send message' process like you would any normal message.

The option to attach an image (no video yet, if ever) is listed. Clicking on that brings you to this screen:




Following the instructions listed, you then take a picture.

Before doing so though, you are able to zoom in by selecting the magnifying glass button with the little plus sign next to it.

Once you're ready and take a picture, the camera gives you a 3 second countdown and then it takes the shot.

After that, it brings you back to the Send Message screen where you can then add an effect to your picture.




There's a few more effects than listed in that screen and all work flawlessly. We also tried the Xbox Live Vision Camera with UNO and it works flawlessly as well.


But there was something missing... what about our gamercard picture?

If you haven't heard already, there will be two seperate pictures you will have. Your public gamercard picture and your private one. Public is viewed by players not on your list and private is viewed *hold for the shocker* by people on your list.


To create a personal gamercard photo you simply select your gamercard on the Xbox Live dashboard. Go to Edit Gamer Profile > Gamer Picture > See photo below:




This will lead you to the same menu as if you were just sending a message. Same camera, same concept. Simple.

We felt the need to take a picture of the greatest man-made achievement the world has ever seen. Behold our gamercard picture:




All in all, the Xbox Live Vision Camera will open a new world to the entire Xbox Live Community.

But you already knew that. We're just looking forward to all the nips, emo kids and "loose objects" in the future.





GameFest: Xbox 360 Camera To Ship With Free Game




TotemBall??? τι ειναι αυτο παλι?


τεν-ξου! πολυ σωστα το λεω. :mrgreen: αμα ηθελα να παιζω ακομα ps2 δεν θα επαιρνα αλλη κονσολα


επιτελους gamertags της επιλογης μας..









καιρος ητανε.



αντε να δουμε σε videosession poker ποιος ειναι ο πιο καλος μπλοφατζης.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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