privateer Δημοσ. 16 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 16 Αυγούστου 2006 Xbox Live Consumables? Quote: Microsoft mentioned a new kind of microtransaction at the session, as well, which they are calling "consumables." These purchases would be re-purchasable items i.e. if a game was selling 100 gold pieces, you would be able to rebuy 100 gold pieces when you needed them. The "consumables" tech will be included in this fall's release of the SDK. Another thing Microsoft intends to add to the Marketplace is the ability for vendors placed in videogames to allow gamers to buy from the Marketplace. Say, there is a vendor in an RPG selling a rare sword and that sword is available on the Marketplace, players will be able to put the sword in a checkout cart and then return to the Marketplace later to complete the download. For now, the in-game Marketplace will bring the Marketplace experience into the gameplay, but the transactions, for now, will still need to be completed on the Marketplace and not in-game.
privateer Δημοσ. 16 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 16 Αυγούστου 2006 Texas Hold 'Em (XBLA) free for 48 hours from August 23 Texas Hold ʽem full version download available to gamers for free for 48 hours on Live Arcade Enjoy poker night every night with friends, family and gamers around the world. Microsoft isnʼt bluffing: Gamers can log onto Xbox Live within the first 48 hours after launch and download Texas Hold ʽem – completely free of charge! This full-featured poker title for Xbox Live Arcade on Xbox 360 will launch on Wednesday, August 23 at 6pm EST. For 48 hours only – Wednesday, August 23 through to 6pm EST Friday, August 25 – as a special limited-time only promotion, gamers can download and own the game at no charge (for all Xbox Live Gold and Silver members). Starting at 6:01pm EST Friday, August 25, Texas Hold ʽem for Xbox Live Arcade will be available for 800 Microsoft Points. This title comes equipped with features that can only be found on Xbox 360. Designed to simulate the risk-reward of real poker gameplay, keep gamers honest, and discourage opponents from betting too recklessly, Texas Hold ʼem has an innovative new feature called Persistent Bankroll. Your virtual bankroll is tied to your Xbox Live Gamertag and keeps a running tally of your chip count. If you lose all of your chips in a poker game, youʼll have to play lower stakes buy-in games to make back your stack and earn your way to the big tables. Texas Hold ʼem also offers multiplayer support for up to eight gamers, three modes of gameplay (Standard Games, Scenarios and Tournaments), Achievements, extensive online leaderboards, statistics and high-definition graphics. Enjoy poker night every night with friends, family and gamers around the world (please note that this title may not be available in some countries). In addition to the exciting release of Texas Hold ʼem on August 23, gamers can also look forward tonewgame titles and premium downloadable game content on Xbox Live Arcade Wednesdays from August 16 to September 6, including: * Cloning Clyde Picture Pack, the action adventure/puzzle game created by Wahoo Studios/NinjaBee (developer of the popular Outpost Kaloki X for Xbox Live Arcade), will have four new gamer picture packs available on Xbox Live Marketplace on Wednesday, August 16, allowing gamers to check out more unique pictures of Clyde. Each gamer picture pack: 100 Microsoft Points each. * Time Pilot, the futuristic fighter pilot classic from Konami, lets gamers fight through different eras like never before. High-definition graphics and enhanced gameplay designed specifically for Xbox Live Arcade makes this version even better than the original from 1982. Gamers can download Time Pilot on Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday, August 30. Available: 400 Microsoft Points. * Scramble, the classic side-scrolling ʽshoot-ʽem upʼ coin-op title from Konami, takes off on Xbox Live Arcade. The 1981 classic, widely considered the first ʽmulti-level shooter,ʼ launches on Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday September 6. Available: 400 Microsoft Points.
privateer Δημοσ. 16 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 16 Αυγούστου 2006 UNO Theme Deck: UNO is the hugely popular Xbox Live Arcade card game from Carbonated Games, and it adds a new theme deck to its stable on Wednesday August 16, based on the hit Xbox 360 racing title Project Gotham Racing® 3. Find it on Xbox Live Marketplace for 100 Microsoft Points.
privateer Δημοσ. 16 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 16 Αυγούστου 2006 Following the recent release of titles such as NCAA Football 2007, Prey, Chromehounds and Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-Earth II, all of which have secured a place in the 360 top ten, the software attachment rate rose to 4.6 games per console this month. The Xbox 360 also has the highest accessory attachment rate among consumers, with 2.9 units sold per console. Microsoft also announced that more than 80 per cent of Live users have downloaded content from Xbox Live Marketplace - bringing the total number of downloads to more than 46 million. Almost 70 per cent of Live users have downloaded music videos, movie and game trailers, and 65 per cent have downloaded at least one game from Xbox Live Arcade. The number of Xbox Live Arcade downloads since launch now stands at more than 8 million, and the most popular titles are Geometry Wars, Uno, Bankshot Billiards 2, Marble Blast Ultra and Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting. Microsoft did not reveal how many Xbox 360 consoles have been sold, but reaffirmed that it plans to ship 10 million units by the end of the year, with a library of more than 160 software titles. The Redmond giant went on to predict that between 13 and 15 million consoles will be shipped to retail by the end of the fiscal 2007 period next June.
privateer Δημοσ. 16 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 16 Αυγούστου 2006 Texas Hold 'Em Pics
privateer Δημοσ. 16 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 16 Αυγούστου 2006 Nba Live 2007 impressions Iʼm going to address a few key points before I get to the Next Gen stuff. As you all probably know by now there will be no game cube version. There will be no Wii version this year either. I asked the development team flat out why no GC version and the answer was pretty much what I expected. Itʼs all about the bottom line and looking to the future. The GC version just wasnʼt pulling in enough sales to warrant making another version. Itʼs out sold by the more popular PS2 and X Box versions. Last year was the last live for the GC. As to why itʼs not being developed this year for the Wii? Well that I honestly donʼt know because I didnʼt really ask. Also the Next Gen version I played was a fairly early build. It had some bugs and glitches in it but these problems were obvious and wonʼt show up in the game and the problems didnʼt make the game unplayable and you could see where they were going with game play and I came away impressed on every level. So before we can look forward we have to look back. Last years Next Gen version looked great on the outside but it lacked so many things on the inside. Talking with the producers gave me an insight as to why some of the features went AWOL from next gen. One thing you guys have to keep in mind is that 06 was the teamʼs first effort on a brand new system. When you have to develop new software on a new system that can pose some unique challenges. You can either A) Do what 2K sports did and not redo your engine and make a complete port to keep your fans happy and pretty much set limits for your brand or you could Build your engine from scratch setting up a foundation to build on at the sake of having some fans pissed at you for a year because you didn't include some game modes. All of you know what route EA took but believe it or not it was for the better. They had to make a choice that was not going to be popular among live fans and that takes guts. If they would have made a direct port that would have caused some serious limitations in the future so a rebuild had to be done. Being on the outside looking in. I was pretty heated that some features were left out but after being able to sit down face to face with these guys I was able to understand the method to what us gamers considered madness. What I can say about all of those guys is that they are constantly looking to the future and they are looking to improve year in and year out and with the way the Next Gen is looking right now that wonʼt be a problem. ESPN I have to jump right into this because this is one of the most innovative features to ever be put in a game. The addition of ESPN in the game hits you as soon as you get the game fired up. Your 360 signs you into your live account and as soon as the “ Temple” appears with T- Mac ready to practice with youʼll get your first update from ESPN radio. You can go to the ESPN content and view pretty much all NBA Related news. You can see clips of your favorite shows like PTI. And get this, you can even watch actual NBA game highlights during the course of a season. Missed Lebron James making another great play the night before? No problem because you can watch the highlight right on your 360. You can read news articles which are updated on a daily basis. The fact that you wonʼt ever have to get up and change your TV channel to get your sports news is reason enough to get all us sports junkies excited. Also the development team for both systems used the ESPN name in a more shall we say functional way. Instead of having everything in the game draw on what an ESPN presentation may look like, EA stayed true to its own brand of presentation. Although I donʼt think it would have hurt to try and add a little of ESPNʼs telecast flair to the way the game is presented. Without it the presentation is still great and it remains true to its roots. Graphics/Game play/AI I want you guys to visualize this. Imagine youʼre the Phoenix Suns and youʼre playing the Miami Heat. The Heat just scored on you and now itʼs time to inbound the ball with Boris Diaw. You throw it into Steve Nashʼs hands and heʼs bringing the ball up the center of the court. Once youʼre past the half court line Jason Williams comes and gets in his defensive stance to try and guard you. You try and dribble right but he beats you to the spot you were trying to go to so you pull your dribble back and try and go left but here comes James Posey to come with help over the top. Posey gets there a step late and you hit him with a hesitation move that freezes him in his tracks. You see the space created by the move so youʼre able to split in between the double team. Youʼre about to start your drive in the paint and here comes Shaq to try and stop you. You see you have 2 defenders out of place so you go for the behind the back no look pass to Shawn Marion whoʼs cutting to the whole from the left wing. With his team mate out of position, Antoine Walker leaves his man to try and stop Marion from getting an easy basket but itʼs too late because by the time walker gets to Marion heʽs already been turned into a top 10 play of the week by a thunderous 1 hand jam . Sounds good doesnʼt it? Plays like this can happen and will happen in the game thanks to the new system the development team has put into place. The AI has been completely re-written to have players react to in game situations. The CPU will now have the smarts to throw different defensive looks at you based on what youʼre doing to them in the game. The CPU will throw everything but the kitchen sink at you on both ends of the floor. Thanks to the AI upgrade youʼre going to have to rely more on actual strategy to score. No more spin move spin move dunk. The D will shut you down. You can call inbound plays and some new offensive and defensive sets have been added to the playbooks as well. All of that also ties into the new procedural awareness. Players will track movements and respond with emotion to different situations and the spacing has improved a ton as well. Also the player models have been overhauled too. The players look like they have actual skin. The texture is phenomenal and really gives the players a life like look to them. The players now start the game off dry and build up sweat over time instead of sweating right away. The Jersey detail is pretty good too. The foot planting technology is what excites me the most. The players actually have to plant their feet with every move they make. They also gain momentum which gives the players kind of a solid feel. So gone are the days of sliding all over the place and gone are the days of pushing the shot button from any angle and having your player fire up a shot with ease. The players actually gather themselves and “square up” to shoot a jumper. The same thing goes before they can go up for a dunk. The feet get planted the knees bend some and they spring up for the jam. They move laterally, diagonally, vertically and the feet plant with every movement. This will allow your player too really key in on match ups. If you have D-wade and youʼve got a slow guy such as Matt Harpring guarding you, youʼre going to be able to get by him a little easier than you would Ron Artest because Artest has a greater range of motion than Harpring. Thatʼs not to say Harpring is going to be easier to get by because players can step out and beat you to a spot and force you another way. The foot planting also directly factors into your players ratings. Of course you ask how can that be? If you have a quick player who can move from side to side heʼs going to have an advantage while playing D. If you have a slower player heʼs going to be at a disadvantage because heʼs not laterally quick enough. Lateral quickness is one of the many ratings that are included in this yearʼs game. 07 boastʼs the most comprehensive player rating sets to ever be put in a basketball game. Iʼm talking up to 70 Categories. There are your 5 or 6 Basic rating categories such as offense and athleticism and each of those have sub categories. You can change anything from how good your player is at finishing a shot after being fouled to the likely hood your player will get calls in his favor. Thatʼs right folks there is star treatment in the game. Adam Morrison will not get the same calls Kobe Bryant would. The ratings will allow the players to play like their real life counter parts more than ever. Along with those touches being added there has been a ton of animations that have also been added. There are signature free throw routines. From Rip Hamiltonʼs thing he does to Jamal Tinsley blowing in his hands before he gets the ball. The cheeks actually fill up as he blows air into his hands! Of course signature jump shots have been added too. Youʼ ve got Shawn Marionʼs funky shot, Iversonʼs quick throw up and pull back, Dirkʼs lean with his jump shot, and many more. Getting an upgrade this year is the player intros and the arenas. Youʼll notice the difference right away. When youʼre dropped into the arena youʼll see everything looks much better than last year. There are Spotlights of the home teams logo being shined all over the arena. The crowd looks great and they are roaring and ready to go. Then a nice touch has been added to the player intros. Your playerʼs name is called by the announcer, you see him get up and he gets kind of pumped then you see the game player slow down some and the screen changes color into like a blue hue. Then you see the players name and number come up in big white lettering along with there FSSS icon and man the effect is pretty cool. Also being upgraded this year is the sound logic and commentary. Marv Alberts and Steve Kerr are back and better then ever with all new commentary. More player specific audio has been added. I was playing with the Lakers and Marv and Steve started talking about how Kobe switched his number. Marv and Steve along with the crowd also react to in game situations. If youʼre the home team and your down 3 points with 2 seconds to go you can literally feel the electricity in the air. The commentary and tone of the commentary match whatʼ s going on in the game and the end result will leave you satisfied because the audio team did a great job of really capturing the atmosphere of a real NBA game. Also this year they will also say your sur-name as well. The team put together a list of over 500 last names that are commonly used. After being able to sit and talk with the sound crew about all the work they put in I have a new found respect for in game audio because itʼs something that is to often overlooked and those guys bust there butts to make it happen. Dynasty The dynasty modes are pretty much the same for both versions so Iʼll just touch on the Team chemistry aspect. This is something new being introduced into the live series. Basically your job as the GM is to find a balance for your players. Each player has a slider showing how he feels about certain things such as Talent level, Roster Stability, The Market heʼs playing in and there are a few more. Then on the side of that youʼll see some comments about how the player may feel about some things. He may not like playing in a small market and may bolt to another team with a bigger market. He may like the way the team is setup. He might not. There are so many things that factor into your teams success. One thing that youʼre able to do now is set your rotation of players and set the % they will play in games. Itʼ s not wise to have your superstar playing 99% of the time. That would wear him down and cause his performance to take a hit and that would also make the players who play behind him upset because they arenʼt getting enough playing time thus causing your team chemistry to take a hit. You really have to find a balance. One thing I wish that was changed in the dynasty mode is the ability to hire and fire head coaches and the ability to make staff changes at any time during the season. As of now you can only change staff in the off season. Iʼd also like to see the training of the players be more interactive instead of setting sliders to do it. All in all the dynasty mode is still loads of fun. All star weekend Last but not least all star weekend is back. The dunk contest has been added with all new dunks and gathers. It has a “Vegas” look to it and its really fun to play complete with fireworks. The 3 point contest is back as well. The All star game this year will feature actual all star versions of some of the players shoes. While I was playing the all star game, Iverson had on shoes that would only be worn during the all star game. All the shoe models were not on the version I played. But when the game comes out there will be a ton of the latest shoes from every brand. Adidas, Nike, Jordan, and Reebok. Conclusion For everybody that thought live was no longer a player in the game. This will be the year that all the doubters eat their words. This game is poised for a comeback in a Major way and Iʼm glad I can say I was able to come along for the ride.
xrest Δημοσ. 17 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Αυγούστου 2006 PREY 2 Already in Development Speaking to Next Generation, 3D Realms' CEO has revealed that the company is already working on a sequel to PREY. When asked what is he currently working on, Scott Miller said: Prey 2, of course! We are addressing concerns about combat, as well as adding in more gameplay innovations. A groundbreaking first-person shooter, Prey raises the bar and turns the genre upside-down with awesome new gameplay features and next generation graphics. Breaking the traditional first-person shooter format, Prey introduces innovative gameplay elements including wall-walking, portals, spirit-walking and gravity flipping. Players can enhance the experience with multi-player options that include eight player deathmatch that will have both hearts and trigger fingers racing. Created and produced by 3D Realms and developed by Human Head Studios for the PC and Venom Studios for the Xbox 360, Prey is available for PC and Xbox 360 in both regular and Limited Collector's editions. LINK
privateer Δημοσ. 17 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 17 Αυγούστου 2006 Exclusive Chat with CliffyB
p3tran Δημοσ. 17 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Αυγούστου 2006 ...πατηστε την υπογραφη μου για ενα νεο site με στατιστικα...
Daredevil Δημοσ. 17 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Αυγούστου 2006 ...πατηστε την υπογραφη μου για ενα νεο site με στατιστικα... poly kalo an kai mou trwei ena game
p3tran Δημοσ. 17 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Αυγούστου 2006 νομιζω κραταει stats απο τα τελευταια 15. για να σου γραψει κι αλλα, πρεπει να τα φορτωσεις μια. Why are there games missing from my360stats profile? Currently through the XCDP gamercard XML feed we're able to retrieve details for the last 16 games you played. We automatically update all the tags in our database roughly once a week. When someone views a gamer profile that has not been updated within the last 24 hours we tag it for an update. You can use this to populate missing games from your profile by playing them again so they appear in the last 16 games. If you no longer have the games you can drop us a line and we'll manually add them to your profile in our database. We do not capture details for games that have zero gamerscore. (e.g. Play Online Viewer, Final Fantasy, Quake2) We don't record Live Arcade (Marketplace) games if you've scored zero, as you may have only played the demo. Gamertags with a captured gamerscore total less than the actual gamerscore are listed on the Incomplete Profiles page.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 17 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Αυγούστου 2006 νομιζω κραταει stats απο τα τελευταια 15.για να σου γραψει κι αλλα' date=' πρεπει να τα φορτωσεις μια. ok mphke
Freakster Δημοσ. 17 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Αυγούστου 2006 Mono emena mou aresei para para poly to Zune? Telika paizei video?
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