xrest Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Stranglehold Delayed, New Screenshots Midway today released new screens and announced a new ship date for the highly anticipated, 3rd person action game, Stranglehold. Now scheduled to ship in Q1 2007, Stranglehold allows players to experience exhilarating 3rd person next–gen action as you continue the story of John Woo's influential action film, "Hard-Boiled" starring Chow Yun–Fat. Run into danger with both fists full of lead and take down the organized crime bosses who stepped over the line when they took your family. Stop at nothing as you destroy the entire world around you to get them back. You are a desperate man following your own rules; honor thy family; do what's right; fear no man.
privateer Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 The Xbox 360 summer showcase Over the past couple of days here in New York City, Microsoft has been in town playing host to a few NYC game journos, giving us the opportunity to test drive all the latest titles you'll be seeing soon and even some peripherals, like the Xbox 360 camera. The games I'll talk about are Gears of War, The World Series of Poker: Tournament of Champions, Dead Rising, Call of Duty 3, NBA 2K7, WWE: Smackdown vs. Raw, and Tony Hawk's Project 8. Check out my impressions http://www.joystiq.com/2006/08/03/the-xbox-360-summer-showcase/#comments
privateer Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Symphony of the Night Heads to XBLA PSOne's best? Castlevania heading to Xbox Live. Konami is resurrecting the cult PS1 game Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on Xbox Live Arcade. Along with SOTN, Konami is also bringing back other classic hits, some revered (Frogger, Contra, Super Contra, Track & Field) some obscure (Time Pilot), and some really obscure (Scramble). When will SOTN head to XBLA? Representatives from Konami told 1UP that the game is tenatively slated for a Q1 2007 release on XBLA.
privateer Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 IGN: Is there anything else beyond Cyberball, Rootbeer Tapper, Defender, Ultimate Mortal Kombat and Paperboy that you can tell us about? David Zucker: They're all finished up. That's the news right now. IGN: Are they coming out this year? David Zucker: Oh yeah, absolutely. They're basically done, some are finished, some are in the process of completion. They're coming out this fall. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/721/721560p1.html
Daredevil Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 No Gears Of War Demo Before Emergence Day According to the ever-present Mark Rein of Epic Games, there will be no Gears Of War demo before November 12th, Emergence day. The demo would simply take too long to create and finalize, and there is just not enough time for that. Mind you, why they cannot take the E3 demo, tweak it, and release that, is beyond us. >Link
Daredevil Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 MS & Nintendo Under Fire For Control Pad Patents, Again A company called Anascape LTD is suing both Microsoft and Nintendo for break of patent laws for their analog control pads. The company claims that the game giants violated up to 7 patents each, and they want their money. Shocking. >Link lol allh mia etairia pou 8a agorasei h ms
Daredevil Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 [em] eNCHANT ARM XBox360 Screens From software sends along a few new screens from Enchant ARM, their RPG for the Xbox360. The game is still slated for a release this Summer here in the US, a welcome addition to the Xbox360 lineup. >Link
xrest Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 kala ama bgei to symphony of the night tha kanw trela panigiria..paixnidaraaaa
xrest Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Almost $1 million in COD2 maps sold Activision CEO Robert Kotick says there were more than 500,000 Call of Duty 2 downloads in Q2 alone. Publishers have taken to Xbox 360 microtransactions--extra downloadable content for released games--very carefully. Gamers have cried foul many times over the prices of extra multiplayer maps, new cars, and horse armor ever since premium content began showing up on Xbox Live Marketplace. But amidst the bickering and complaining, it appears as though one company got it right. During its quarterly earnings report, Activision revealed that it has sold about $1 million in Call of Duty 2 maps alone. Call of Duty 2 has consistently been the top played Xbox 360 game over Xbox Live, and it appears as though gamers are willing to pay up for extra content. In a question-and-answer session following the company's earnings call, Activision CEO Bobby Kotick broke down the number of downloads and money made by each downloadable map pack. The free bonus pack, which included two maps, tallied 334,000 downloads. The $5 Skirmish Map Pack was downloaded 105,000 times and generated $368,000, and the $10 Invasion Map Pack invaded 66,000 360s and raked in almost half a million dollars. With numbers like those, it's obvious Activision will continue to pursue the potential of downloadable content for its current and future projects. "During the quarter our Call of Duty maps generated approximately $1 million in revenue, a critical first step in exploiting the online revenue potential and extending the shelf life of our games," said Kotick. "This holiday we'll look to further capitalize on the success of the franchise and its online capabilities. LINK...
Wolfidis Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Kala mas kanoun (kai plirwnoume) afou pame san tas gidia kai agorazoume xartes. Kai na itan kanena paixnidi pou den 8a mporouse na to pai3eis sto PC (px GRAW na poume) na pw ok, alla to COD2 paizei poli kala se opoiodipote sistima sto PC se DX7 kai me 10ades xartes dwrean kai polla alla pragmata pou den exei distixws i version gia 360.... ase pou einai kai tsampa se cracked servers....
privateer Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Dead Rising demo at 11am Capcom informs us that the Dead Rising demo is due to go live on Xbox Live Marketplace this morning at 11am BST.
privateer Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2006 Xbox Live members can now download a demo for 'Dead Rising.' This demo is not available in Mexico, Germany, Australia, New Zealand or Asia.
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