privateer Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2006 XBLA: The "New" Games IGN gets its hands on Lumines Live. New details and screenshots.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2006 Top 10 Next-Gen Sleepers TXB take an extensive look at 10 upcoming titles for the 360 which perhaps warrant a closer look at. They acknowledge that each of the titles mentioned may not be getting the VIP treatement other top titles get, but they certainly do deserved to be checked out. quote: #1) Just Cause When we originally saw Just Cause, it was a gorgeous Xbox game that appeared to be shaping up as the swan song for the original black box. Since then, the game has also developed into an Xbox 360 version, and we couldnʼt be more excited. In this game that will surely draw the “Grand Theft Auto rip-off” label, an unjust comparison in our opinion, players will take on the role of Ricco Rodriguez. With the goal of taking down a dirty drug regime (is there any other kind?), players will have an entire tropical island to romp around in. What is most impressive, from the technological standpoint, is that players will have the ability to travel around the massive in-game island without any load times. Whether it is by land, air, or by sea, players will be treated to a silky smooth experience. Read More:
privateer Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2006 NBA 2K7 - 2K Sports wants to be known as the innovator of basketball games. Theyʼve got signature style animations on shots and dunks for every NBA starter. Theyʼve done a lot of work on each arena and the lighting. Theyʼve improved isomotion, use the left analog stick and the right trigger for offense; on defense you can use the right analog stick to control your stance. Theyʼve done a lot of work on contact animations and performed lot of mocap with 2 or 3 players. There are blocks, dunks, defensive fronting. Theyʼve really worked on the post play (which I love) to include ratings for power, finesse and speed; the animations and the moves you can do match a players capabilities, for example Shaq is a power player and Duncan is a finesse player. Theyʼve worked on the loose ball game so it looks more realistic with players diving on the ground and making passes off the ground. Theyʼve built up franchise mode. They show a hell of a lot of stats, tendencies, skills charts and graphs. Theyʼve made progressive fatigue more important so it will matter how you manage the bench. Theyʼve built in complicated multi-team trades where you can trade multiple men, draft picks, etc. Thereʼs also 24/7: NEXT, a story driven streetball game that starts off in first person. Then you create your character with extensive customization options, play in tournaments and win reputation. The left trigger and the face buttons pull street moves. Finally, with online leagues theyʼve added the ability to do live fantasy drafts from your 360 or your PC.
p3tran Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2006 Gia peita entypwseis re palikaria!!! ειναι κοπια του ηλεκτρονικου και οχι του snes version ή καποιου αλλου. ειναι σχετικα δυσκολο, ετοιμασου να τρως ξυλο απο το computer. εχει online multiplayer 1vs1 και τετραδες. στις τετραδες, οσοι δεν παιζουν, βλεπουν. εχει normal και ranked match, και φυσικα world rankings. η οθονη γινεται resize σε οτι μεγεθος θελεις. καποιες φορες ειδα και λιγο lag, αλλα νομιζω πως ειναι θεμα γραμμων και ημερων. edit. επισης τελικα ισως να χρειαζεται και αυτο:
p3tran Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2006 Forza2 engine sounds * Enzo Ferrari [912 KB, MP3] * Lamborghini Countach [431 KB, MP3] * Lamborghini Diablo SV [365 KB, MP3] * Lamborghini Murcielago [365 KB, WMA]
Igano GR Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Thanx P3tran, to katebazw!!! Ksylo e? xexe BLANKA FOR EVER
p3tran Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 οχι πολυ φρεσκια ειδηση (τελη ιουνιου), αλλα πολυ ενδιαφερουσα.. Is Bill Gates learning from the mod community? story: καποιος προγ/στης πηρε μαζι του σ'ενα απο τα meetings που παει και ο bill gates, ενα φουλ χακαρισμενο xbox1, κομπλε με avalaunch, xbmc, rss readers κτλ, καθως και μερικα games να τρεχουνε σε <<αντιγραφα ασφαλειας>> απο το δισκο. οταν λοιπον ειδε αυτα τα πραγματα ο billy, αντι να εξοργιστει και να αναζητησει τροπο να ληξει το θεμα (οπως θα περιμενε κανεις), αντι αυτου ρωτησε πως μπορει να <<προσεγγισει>> αυτη την κοινοτητα.. τωρα επεσε το ματι μου σε μια συνεντευξη του mat lee, προγραμματιστη της m$ πανω στο xbox, και ειδα το πολυ ενδιαφερον quote.. το αρθρο ειναι απο το ars technica, και εχει και κατι επιπλεον λινκακια..
privateer Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Get Access to the Enitre Saints Row World
privateer Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Gears of War to be released on November 12 Emergence Day Revealed: Critically Acclaimed Xbox 360 Title “Gears of War” to Surface Nov. 12, 2006 Countdown begins for the most anticipated game of 2006 as gamers eagerly await the flagship title from Microsoft Game Studios and Epic Games. REDMOND, Wash. — Aug. 3, 2006 — Since the first frightening images appeared a little over a year ago, gamers worldwide have felt the ominous rumblings of something approaching that defies all convention. Sightings as recent as at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2006 have confirmed its existence, leaving gamers breathless. Microsoft Corp. today announced what anxious players have been eagerly awaiting: Emergence Day 2006. Available exclusively for the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, the highly anticipated title “Gears of War” will be available in North America on Nov. 12, 2006. Developed by Epic Games Inc. and published by Microsoft Game Studios, “Gears of War” tells the harrowing story of mankindʼs struggle against the monstrous Locust Horde through stunning high-definition graphics and an intense storyline on the scale of a blockbuster movie. One of the most anticipated next-generation console titles of 2006 and the criticʼs choice winner for the E3 2006 Best Console Game, “Gears of War” will explode onto store shelves with a standard edition available for $59.99* and a limited collectorʼs edition available for $69.99. The limited edition will offer an even deeper look into the graphically stunning and frightening world of “Gears of War,” providing an official “Destroyed Beauty” art book and a bonus DVD featuring an inside look at the making of the game — all enclosed in a highly collectible metal box. “ʽGears of Warʼ represents the emergence of a thrilling new franchise for Xbox 360 and is the must-have game of 2006,” said Shane Kim, general manager of Microsoft Game Studios. “Combining the best in innovative gameplay, next-generation graphics and interactive storytelling, Epic has harnessed the extraordinary power of Xbox 360 to create an extremely powerful and immersive entertainment experience.” “Our vision is to deliver a one-two punch of cinematic action paired with a thrilling and compelling interactive experience,” said Cliff Bleszinski, lead designer at Epic. “With ʽGears of Warʼ weʼve created a title that will place gamers directly in the shadows of a ravaged world, surrounded by the beautiful remnants of a destroyed city and the horrific dangers that hide in the rubble.” “Gears of War” thrusts gamers into humankindʼs epic battle for survival against the Locust Horde, a nightmarish race of creatures that surface from the bowels of the planet. Blending the best of tactical action games with the best of survival horror titles, “Gears of War” features cinematic, beautifully rendered interactive environments with high-definition visuals. Demand for the game is high as retailers anticipate the one-two punch of “Gears of War” and Xbox 360 appearing in quantity on store shelves this holiday season. “The interest and buzz on this game has been intense,” said Bob McKenzie, senior vice president of merchandising at GameStop Corp. “Certainly gamers are counting the days until Emergence Day arrives, as pre-orders have been very strong.”
p3tran Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 λοιπον χτες διαβασα καποια συνεντευξη του ιουνιου του john carmack, στην οποια το παληκαρι λεει τα εξης ωραια: το νεο του software, το megatexture, που θα δωσει στους προγραμματιστες τη δυνατοτητα για πολυ πλουσιοτερα και λεπτομερεστερα textures και ανοιχτες περιοχες, παει πολυ καλα και ηδη εχει ξεπερασει κατα πολυ την πρωτη εκδοση του που εχει δωσει στην splash damage (αν θυμαμαι καλα), και με την οποια (παλια εκδοση) φτιαχνεται το Quake Wars. ηδη ειναι πολυ πιο μπροστα απο αυτα που θα δουμε στο quake wars. o carmack σπανια μιλαει με ενθουσιασμο για κατι, και παρ'όλο που στη συνεντευξη του το υποβαθμισε οταν ρωτηθηκε ευθεως (ποσο σημαντικο ειναι το megatexture στα games), πολλες φορες αναφερθηκε στο οτι το αποτελεσμα του megatexture θα κανει τα παιχνιδια που δεν το χρησιμοποιουν να φαινονται ..προηγουμενης γενιας. επισης τονισε οτι το megatexture δεν εχει τιποτα τρομερες απαιτησεις, και περισσοτερο ειναι μαγκια του προγραμματιστη (δικια του δηλαδη ) παρα τιποτα καινουργια hardware. στην τελικη ερωτηση τυπου -θες κατι αλλο να μας πεις? , δεν εχασε την ευκαιρια να πει οτι γουσταρει πολυ το 360, οτι περναει πολυ ωραια τωρα που δουλευει επανω του, και πως ο,τι φτιαχνει εκει τωρα του φαινεται παρα πολυ καλο. αντε αγορι μου!!
privateer Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Live Chat with Mark: [15:52] * MarkRein[Epic] has joined #gearsofwar [15:52] <MarkRein[Epic]> Hi guys [15:54] <MarkRein[Epic]> Actually the game will ship on November 7th so some stores will get it earlier but the date all stores will have it in stock is November 12th so they've chosen that as "Emergence Day" and Microsoft is planning a big event around that day. [15:54] <MarkRein[Epic]> BTW Sunday is the biggest retail day of the week for consumer electronics - I didn't know that until Microsoft told me yesterday night [15:55] <MarkRein[Epic]> ElHatton--> Yeah I know but the option was to hold it another two weeks and then have a single street date. We didn't want to do that because that just denies fans the chance to get the game at the earliest possible date [15:55] <MarkRein[Epic]> BlizzyAss--> Europe ship date is the 17th <MarkRein[Epic]> Kokos--> Stores like EB and Gamestop will actually have trucks sitting in the parking lot at Microsoft's production facility and they'll get the game to many of their stores the same day. They actually absorb the extra costs of doing that. Best Buy and Wal*Mart won't do that so the 12th is the date they expect all of their stores to have it in stock. [15:57] <MarkRein[Epic]> Taysmith--> I suspect whoever MFenix is he is some kind of insider. I said a week ago that we suspected that because he seems to know a lot about Gear lore. [15:58] <MarkRein[Epic]> Kokos--> Can't help that. Takes longer to manufacture in Europe because there are so many languages involved. [15:59] <MarkRein[Epic]> SarumantheWhite--> NO! Stores can start selling it the minute they get it. EMERGENCE DAY IS NOT A STREET DATE but rather the date all stores in North America are expected to have it in stock by [16:01] <MarkRein[Epic]> BlizzyAss--> Yes voices are translated [16:02] <MarkRein[Epic]> Justin-r123--> I'm sure we'll have some cool videos to show off at some point closer to release [16:02] <MarkRein[Epic]> ghettomug--> yes they do (say the f word) [16:03] <MarkRein[Epic]> Megadeth76--> I don't know. (If the game will feature a CTF mode) [16:05] <MarkRein[Epic]> ElHatton--> It is a really beautiful book. Hardcover bound too! They had to actually make special adjustments to the tin to be able to fit it in! I think you guys are going to really enjoy the LCE. Make sure you pre-order to be guaranteed to get one as Microsoft is saying supplies might be tight. Hopefully they won't but I wouldn't take my chances. [16:06] <MarkRein[Epic]> ElHatton--> Not sure, that's a Microsoft question (if a demo will be released) [16:06] <MarkRein[Epic]> MonkeyKnuckle--> A team of Gears (the four main characters) and a team of Locust (playable mutilplayer characters) [16:07] <MarkRein[Epic]> Taysmith--> We've been as straight as we could be on that. The answer is probably not before the game ships. You want the game, right? Doing a demo is a big job that would hold up the release of the game. [16:08] <MarkRein[Epic]> ElHatton--> The only one I've played personally is 4v4 [16:09] <MarkRein[Epic]> Madfish--> If needed certainly. We like to think we're known for supporting our games better than anyone else in the biz. There will be additional content as well at some point. [16:10] <MarkRein[Epic]> BlizzyAss--> Game supports both and it looks great on either SD or HD TVs. (runs in 4:3 fullscreen aswell in widescreen) [16:11] <MarkRein[Epic]> ElHatton--> I can't say at this time because we're a long way from finalizing that. But I can say definitely additional content. (What kind of DLC will be availible) [16:14] <MarkRein[Epic]> BlizzyAss--> Good question but I have no idea what the answer is. (if the english voice will be availible in the non english speaking territorities) [16:14] <MarkRein[Epic]> SpoonieLuV--> The graphics are fastastic in MP. You will not be disappointed! [16:15] <MarkRein[Epic]> xTNxcRySis--> We've only announced the game for PC and PS3 and we only have it working on PC and PS3. We're not doing any Xbox360 development for UT2007 at this time. [16:16] <MarkRein[Epic]> Kokos--> It is a BIG job to make video we're happy enough to release. It isn't something we can just shove out the door. [16:17] <MarkRein[Epic]> xTNxcRySis--> UT2007 is still a long way off - maybe you'll upgrade your PC by then! [16:18] <MarkRein[Epic]> magyars4--> Sorry we don't do studio visits. [16:20] <MarkRein[Epic]> SarumantheWhite--> Can't comment on that (NDA) (if they recieved a Nintendo Wii Devkit) [16:21] <MarkRein[Epic]> xTNxcRySis--> No actually we weren't. We had nothing to do with it. (The whole Code thang) [16:23] <MarkRein[Epic]> MysteryO--> No we had nothing to do with that. I suspect whoever MFenix is he/she is some sort of insider. I told folks that the second or third day because some of the message he/she sent seemed to have intimate knowledge of Gears lore that I wasn't sure we had released. [16:23] <MarkRein[Epic]> SpoonieLuV--> I don't know if that has been reported or not (how many weapons will be in the game) [16:24] <MarkRein[Epic]> ElHatton--> I'm not going to comment on vehicles stuff (Based on design or function, which of the following two vehicles are your favorite, the Armadillo or the King Raven? Or do you hold both with equal value?) [16:24] <MarkRein[Epic]> ElHatton--> Cliff already accidentally leaked something in that area [16:26] <MarkRein[Epic]> Kokos--> Yes in co-op the second player plays as Dom [16:26] <MarkRein[Epic]> ElHatton--> We love you guys. Without you we're broke! [16:31] <MarkRein[Epic]> Kokos--> Berserker is an ass kicker
privateer Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Hi Folks, As many of you are already aware today Microsoft announced launch details for Gears of War. Here's what we know so far... In North America Emergence Day is November 12th. What that means is November 12th is the date by which all of the stores in North America will have the game on their shelves and for which Microsoft tells us they're going to organize some cool Emergence Day event. However to get to stores in time for that the actual game will ship on November 7th. Some stores, like EB & Gamestop, will, at their own additional expense, park their trucks at Microsoft's warehouse and start taking deliveries at midnight on the 7th in an effort to get it to their stores right away - in some cases possibly even that day or a day or two later. The big boys, like Wal*Mart and Best Buy, have too many stores and are too complex to do that so they'll ship it through their distribution centers and spinkle it into theirs stores as best they can. What Microsoft tells us is if we ship on the 7th then 12th is the safe date for when all the stores will have and that's why it will be Emergence Day. We only have solid details like this for North America at this point in time. Itʼs a little different in every region around the world. In Europe, which is a huge market for us, they ship the game to retail on Nov 17. From country to country supply chains and delivery dates of product can vary, but in general Nov 17 is Emergence Day for Europe and youʼll see the game in stores from that day forward. For Australia/New Zealand their ship date is November 24th. Japan gets the game in December. We're waiting for details on other territories but that's what we know so far. You can read the full announcement at:
xrest Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 New maps for 360 LOTR out now Aragorn's Journey map pack available for download from Xbox Live Marketplace; three maps cost 700 points ($8.75). The revived interest in J.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings mythos has expanded the fantasy franchise's empire well beyond just books. A plethora of films, posters, and collectibles adorned with Legolas, Gollum, Sauron, and others can now be purchased by any diehard LOTR fan. Now, one game based on the franchise is expanding, too. The first downloadble content for the Xbox 360 version of Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-earth II is now available on Xbox Live Marketplace. The new content includes three maps for the game that can be used in both multiplayer and single-player modes. The trio of battlegrounds is titled Aragorn's Journey, and the maps are named Weathertop, Argonath, and Umbar. The file won't take up much hard drive space (7.65MB), but it will cost gamers some cash--$8.75 (700 Marketplace points), to be exact. Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-earth II is rated T for Teen and retails for $59.99. For more information on the game, read GameSpot's review.
privateer Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2006 Crackdown gameplay video
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