Daredevil Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 lol giati to 8ewrw ena apo ta pio 3enerwta jap games ever???
panther_512 Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 Άν είχε και κάνα τέρας με πλοκάμια, κάτι θα γινόταν.....
Daredevil Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 MS Prepping Surprises To Combat PS3 & Wii Launches According to CVG, Xbox Europe marketing manager, Richard Teversham has hinted that Microsoft has some very big surprises up their sleeves to help combat the launch of both the Nintendo Wii and the Sony Playstation 3. He does hint that the surprise is pricing-related, and there were strong indications on the net recently that a $100 price drop for the console was in store, but he does not reveal anything for sure. >Link
p3tran Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 lol giati to 8ewrw ena apo ta pio 3enerwta jap games ever??? online beach volley και jetski racing και καποια αλλα pool games. δεν το βλεπω και πολυ ξενερωτο εγω.. και ο itagaki εχει πει επανηλλειμενα σε συνεντευξεις του οτι μονο ξενερωτος δεν ειναι οταν δουλευει πανω σε αυτο το game :-D :-D ...να και μερικα νεα shots απο το Mass Effect
Igano GR Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 Bre paidia sorry, exw kairo n mpw k exw xasei thn mpala. To Street fighter bghke sto XBLA?
privateer Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 Confirmed: No Unreal Tournament 2007 till 2007 Midway says the PC edition of its much-awaited shooter won't ship until "first half" of next year; PS3 version still TBA, more Xbox 360 hints dropped. When asked if the mention of multiple next-gen editions meant UT 2007 might be coming to the Xbox 360, the rep demurred, saying, "Nothing is yet confirmed ... [but] I would say that your assumption is relatively plausible." At the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2006, Midway CEO David Zucker said the game was being released for "for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3," but the company has subsequently refused to confirm the game is coming to Microsoft's platform. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6154971.html
Daredevil Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 Xbox Employee: The Problem with Modchips An MS employee received an e-mail from a blog reader which essentially asked for thoughts on the current 360 firmware hacks and if a complete 'hack' solution was developed allowing homebrew to run on the 360, then how would this benefit or have a negative impact on the 360? To which he replied, quite comprehensively at three main 'uses' of a modchip - 'copy and play priated games', 'play import games' and lastly 'add new functionality'. We'd just like to point out that the 360 firmware hack is conducted without a 'modchip' quote: I received an email from “HcC” earlier last week with an interesting topic: console modding. To quote: “I also wanted to ask your thoughts on piracy and the xbox modding community. How you think it impacts the way games are made, if you think it does, or anything of the sort. It's just a topic I wouldn't expect to see on your blog and would love to know your opinion. Do you think it will change the success of the xbox 360 in a positive or negative way if it is modded beyond the current firmware runaround.” Itʼs a great question, and Iʼm happy to share some of my thoughts and opinions on the topic. For the uninitiated, a mod chip is simply a device that circumvents some of the protections placed on a video game console. A “modded” console is then one that can run unauthorized content or games and potentially enable new functionality. Modchips (and “softmods” or software exploits) have been around since the beginning of consoles, and have a small but vocal minority who tend to argue vociferously about why they have a “right” to use them. These modchip defenders tend to use one of three arguments to justify their use: - the ability to copy and play pirated games - the ability to play import games - the ability to add new functionality (such as running homebrew software) Letʼs take these on one at a time. First, the ability to pirate games. I mean, really – what can you say here? We already had a conversation about piracy earlier, and at the end of the day every game not legally purchased is simply stealing money from the creators. Some people attempt to justify piracy by pointing to the perceived high price of their hobby and/or games, but the argument just doesnʼt hold up. You donʼt steal a Ferrari that youʼd love to drive simply because you canʼt afford it, right? Same thing. The desire to play import games is at least a reason I can rationally understand, but cannot condone. Sure, there are games you might want to play that are either released earlier or, quite possibly, not released at all in your region. But sometimes companies have good reasons to either not release a title into a region or release it at different dates. It may be because of the time and cost of localization, marketing plans, ad buys, cultural considerations, or perhaps even because of the impact of piracy in the region. Whatever the case, itʼs safe to assume the publisher has thought about it. The good news is that most publishers are developing with multiple platforms, regions, and languages in mind up front, so this is becoming less and less of an argument. (After all, itʼs in the publisherʼs best interest to sell as many copies as possible, right?) Finally, letʼs talk about the desire to add new functionality to the console. Some folks want to enable new functionality on consoles beyond what was delivered by the manufacturer. Sometimes the desire is to add new hardware capability (say a larger hard drive); other times itʼs to add new functionality such as PVR support, web browsing, or to run homebrew applications of whatever sort might be imagined. This is the one aspect of modding Iʼve always struggled with the most myself, but at the end of the day I just canʼt condone it. Hereʼs why. The console business is a razor/razor blade model. Hardware (the console) is subsidized (meaning Microsoft sells it at below cost) to make it easier for consumers to get it into their homes. The business then makes this up by selling you additional hardware (peripherals), software (games), and services (Xbox Live). The success of this razor/razor blade model is tracked by analysts as the “attach rate,” or how many of these add-ons an average person might have per console. (The most common metric youʼll see tracked is the game attach rate to a console, but some analysts also track the attach rate of peripherals and Xbox Live.) Over time you buy games (and other peripherals and services). The revenue generated from those purchases helps to make the business a profitable one (which is the reason you see a healthy game industry, and continual investment in new features, games, and hardware). Some folks point to the fact that they bought the hardware and believe they should be able to do anything they wish with it. Unfortunately, this argument ignores the fact that theyʼre buying that hardware at below cost, and itʼs the razor/razor blade model that makes it even possible to buy at that price. The other solution would be to sell the hardware at a price that covers cost and also includes a profit margin so that selling the console alone (with no game/peripheral/service sales) could be a stand-alone business. Problem is A) this model already exists (itʼs called a PC), and selling a console at PC prices (especially with the capabilities the console has in it) would simply be too expensive and no one would buy it. At the end of the day, the cost difference needs to be made up somewhere, and thatʼs why we need to you buy those razor blades. The interesting thing to me is that I think the idea of homebrew/user-created content is looked at with much interest at Microsoft (we are a software company after all), but the challenges caused by the impact to our business model make it very difficult to enable. Interesting tidbit: a friend of mine at Microsoft once demonstrated a modded PSP to Bill Gates and showed off all of the interesting things that enabled. According to my friend Bill was intrigued and asked the audience what we might be able to do to encourage this sort of thing without damaging the business. I love that our top executives think this way – the challenge, of course, is that modchips allow much more than just homebrew software, and so itʼs a tough problem to sort out. To sum up, I think the reason we see a lot of industry angst around modchips is the piracy it enables, and the damage it causes to attach rate (which in turn breaks the fundamental model all consoles are built on). A lower attach rate is bad for the industry as a whole as it impacts game, hardware, and service sales for the entire industry (not just Microsoft). While I imagine there may be a few folks who really do just want to run custom applications on their console and have no intent to pirate games, we have yet to find a way to separate legitimate use from illegitimate. Itʼs disappointing, but there you go. I do hope my opinions on the subject help you understand how many in this industry view the subject. At the end of the day piracy is a tough problem that affects us all. I do hope that it one day it wonʼt be as much of an issue, but I fear that time is still far away. News Source: http://ozymandias.com
Daredevil Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 Lost Planet & Castle Crashers Xbox360 Screens Castle Crashers is an upcoming 4 player adventure game which will be making its debut in the Xbox Live Arcade. The game actually looks like fun from the screenshots, but as we have learned so many times, we will need to play it before we pass judgment. Lost Planet, on the other hand, looks great, and as we learned from the E3 demo, plays as good as it looks. >Lost Planet >Castle Crashers
Daredevil Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 Ubisoft To Release Shutokou Battle X For Xbox360 In US Today Ubisfot announced that it will be publishing the new racer Import Tuner Challenge exclusively for the Xbox360 in the US, Canada, and Europe. The game, developed by Genki in Japan, goes by another name, Sutokou Battle X. This great highway-based racing game will be fantastic on Xbox Live. More details as we receive them. >Link
privateer Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 Dead Rising demo soon http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=66398
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