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It looks like someone at Microsoft might have fat fingered the submit button' date=' as TeamXbox is [b']reporting that a 10/2 (October 2nd) release date was published on the official Xbox.com website. [/b]

A Microsoft spokesperson, when asked about the date listing on Xbox.com, reiterated that "there's no official date set yet," but having a specific date appear on the game publisher's official page -- and having that date match a major retailer's listed release date -- makes it hard to believe that isn't when the game is slated to ship. If indeed that's the case, it's quite possible we're on the verge of Microsoft's official announcement and someone at Xbox.com jumped the gun by posting it early.


Giati oloi sths photo koitane psila? :D


GTA??? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: aaaa' date=' this? LAST YEAR!!!!![/b'] :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:










Koita na deis e? kati palia video htan eleina. To ftiaksane omos. nice nice (htan anagh na eine me gang members kai mlks? den to kanane san to vice city.. ayto to havoc stous anthropous pote de to simpathisa, san koukles eine)

  • Απαντ. 14,1k
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  • Τελ. απάντηση

Okay, so the PGR3 photomode upload function is now working for some people; but it's still not working for many, myself included. So it's pretty hit or miss. But still worth trying.



Here are the steps:


- Go to http://forums.projectgothamracing3.com/forums/

- Sign into your passport, register for the forums.

- Now go boot up your 360, go into PGR3, go look at your photos, and hit Y to upload them.

- Go back to your computer, and in the same browser window as you signed in with, go to http://projectgothamracing3.com/photos/PhotoGallery.htm






If successful, you'll see your pictures. If not, you'll run into the gallery page, but none of your pictures will show up, just little grey "PGR3" backdrops.



....and then *bam*, you gots pictures,








Molis einai etoimo to site 8a kanoume ena topic gia pics. Hdh exw etoimasei kati kales :)


πρωτες εντυπωσεις απο saints row demo:

Damn the demo is crazy. The people's physics are insane' date=' the explosions are amazing. I hit someone while driving over a bridge and they flew over into the water [img']http://media.teamxbox.com/forum/smilies/lol.gif[/img]

The physics allow for so many crazy moments. I have seen people robbing the gun store and liqour and drug store, i kicked there asses lol


Yeah i like it more than san andreas , its pretty sweet, you'll see in the demo coming out




αντε να βγει το demo στο live να δουμε...


Rumor Watch: Xbox 360 Pro Bundle Hits In August


Dubbed the "Pro Bundle" it would include the Pro-level system plus a copy of Project Gotham Racing 3, a 3-month Xbox Live Gold subscription, and 1250 Xbox Live Marketplace points. The GAF rumor also hints that we'll see this bundle in stores starting on or around August 1.




One of the teams that works on tools sits across the hall from me. Unbeknownst to me, they decided to test some of their tools giving Major Nelson a voice ban, resulting in the screen shot above (see the full size version.) They let me suffer for a few hours before quietly removing the ban. Iʼll get even with them, donʼt worry, but here is an article on feedback that explains how you can avoid a voice ban on Xbox Live.






Saint Row Interview


Character Creation



Is it possible to render life-like faces with character customisation?


Yes. A month or so ago we had people here at the office creating all sorts of real life celebrity lookalikes. Everything from the A-Team to Urkel.


Also, can the character's voice be customized as well?


Yes and no. Yes as in the voice matches the race. No as in the player doesn't have control over the voice.


Is it possible to render female characters using this system?


No, female creation is not supported.


Can we change the physical appreance of our characters after we start the game? If I make a fat character can I make him skinny if I choose to?


Yup, via the plastic surgeon. Oh yea, it'll also lower both police and gang notoriety. But it does cost some money though.







Can we fly? If so, what is available to fly?


No flying vehicles for this iteration of SR.


Was the reason you didn't include flyable vehicles or bikes/motorcycles a techincal one or was it simply a design choice?


A little bit of both. Fact is even though the X360 poly / texture pushing skills have gone up by a considerable amount, DVD transfer speeds have not. Now thats not to say we can't ever do the vehicles you mentioned but for this round we wanted to learn the 360 first before attempting something as amibitious as that. Now that we have the tech down (it didn't use a licensed engine like GTA does) we can explore the options of expanding upon it, in the future.


Is there motorbikes?


No motorbikes for this iteration. But we have a ton of different vehicles you can discover in the world. If there is a sequel you can bet we'll look really hard at adding them in.


Are there any actual real cards in the game?


No real cars.


I'd like to know if visible damage from gunfire can be seen on cars, i.e. bullet holes on the chasis, shattered-glass, deflated tires, etc.


Yup. Glass breaks, bullet hole decals show up when a car gets shot, and tires can be deflated. Our vehicle deformation system is light years ahead of GTA's because we actually do real-time deformation while GTA's was purely canned deformation. This means in SR no two car collisions will produce the same damage effect.







What sort of difficulty should we expect in Saints Row?


We've worked really hard at making sure the missions aren't too difficult (or too easy). We've brought in tons of focus testers (people who have never played the game before) and had them play through the game from beginning to end. We recorded a lot of data and looked at where people were having the most difficult time. We adjusted from there.


Now our activities are an entirely different matter. Our activities have 8 difficulty levels associated with them. And you can bet that the later levels of the activity are pretty tough. But you don't have to play them if you don't want too.


Will there be cheats?


Tons o' cheats. Also, we have a pretty neat way you unlock them too. I think you guys will dig it. But I'm not telling specifics.


Can we go Swimming?


Yes, you'll be able to swim. Also, in case you fall in the drink and the nearest exit point to land is far away all you have to do is press a button and you'll instantly warp to the nearest exit point.


Is there going to be a ragdoll button outside of Insurance Fraud?


Nope, the ragdoll button is only available during IF.


Is it possible to get money from civillians like in GTA? If so, how does it work? Is it like GTA with floating money or do you pick it up off of them or something?


Cash bundles will drop from dead NPCs.


I've spotted drugs in some videos, will they still be in the game?


Drugs are available and are sold along with Liquor at Brown Baggers (liquor stores). The city of Stilwater is quite liberal.


As for what they do? Well drugs and booze originally were the player's only health regen sources but that has since been nixed and replaced with genuine Freckle *****'s food. Now they are mostly used just for fun.


Activity rewards, are we talking about a tangible game asset (vehicle, weapon etc) or achievements equalling bragging rights?


Both. Complete each location and you get a tangible reward. Complete all 3 locations and you earn a tangible reward AND an achievement.


When you are wasted or busted by the cop, where will you end up?? (ie, in GTA is hospital and police station)


Police station when busted, Hospital when smoked.


How many wanted level are there in this game, and how do you lower them? (ie, GTA has 6, lower by bribe or spray paint your vehicle).


5 for cops, 5 for each gang (that is LC has 5 levels, VK 5 levels, WR 5 levels). In order to lower notoriety instantly you can either visit the plastic surgeon or Forgive and Forget.




Stillwater Environment



How destructible are environments?


Very destructible! Small Trees, Bustops, benches, light posts, street lamps, fences, etc. The list goes on and on!


Are peds dressed dynamically or is there static "old guy in hawaiian shirt" peds all the time?


All our peds have different clothing options. Not static at all!




Artificial Intelligence



Are police complete morons like GTA where they are happy to run down 500 peds to stop you after bumping their car?


I wouldn't say police are morons in our game but in the interest of design and how our notoriety works when the cops come after you they can be relentless.


Will our allies have decent AI? Like not get killed a few minutes into the battle?


Allies are very useful and as long as you are fighting with them they won't die very easily. But I also must mention that you can revive allies infinitely! Even important, mission critical ones. So no more failing a mission due to bad AI (I hate it when other games do that!)




Miscellaneous Questions



What kind of Live content is likely?


The demo will go up on Marketplace Aug. 1. As for downloadable content we plan on having multiplayer levels, clothing, vehicles, maybe some weapons.



Is there a limit to people we can have online simultaneously?


You can have up to 12 people in most online modes (co-op supports 2 players vs. AI)


How long is the demo?


Well we are releasing the entire Saints Row district of Stilwater so you could theoretically play forever. However, in terms of missions / activities I would say probably about an hour or so.


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