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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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*Talking to the Real Drunken Master


Kikizo recently had their annual pow wow with games industry Rock and Shot star Tomonobu Itagaki. In between all the jives and downings of booze the head of team Ninja did drop some interesting snippets of intel. Here's a quick rundown.


*DOA Code Cronus (X360) is still being tossed around in the back of Itagaki's mind. Who knows when it'll finally be released


* Ninja Gaiden 2 (X360) has entered the early phases of production! But the chances of hearing anything on it until E3 07 are slim.


* DOAX2 will have both a head to head racing mode for it's Jet Ski segments and a Free Form stunt mode for catching air off waves. There'll also be an extremely uhm indepth picture mode.


* Itagaki has expressed interest in both the PS3 and the Wii but whether he'll ever develop games for them is anyone's guess. he only like to work on one project at a time.

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dimerr κανες δεν ξερει ακριβως. >4εκ. σιγουρα.


αλλο ομως ηθελα να γραψω:


Nα που ειναι χαμενος ο καραφλας!! (J. Allard)





Microsoft Plans to Release IPod Rival for Christmas (Update1)


July 5 (Bloomberg) -- Microsoft Corp. is planning to have a portable music and video player out by Christmas in a challenge to Apple Computer Inc.'s iPod.


The digital player will have a wireless Internet connection, enabling users to download music without being linked to a computer,

a feature the iPod doesn't offer, according to people briefed on Redmond, Washington-based Microsoft's plans.


Microsoft, the world's largest software maker, is seeking to take share from Apple's iPod, which commands 77 percent of the $4 billion U.S. market for digital music players, based on figures from market researcher NPD Group Inc.

Apple's iTunes music store is used for 72 percent of music downloads. Microsoft has spent the past six years relying on partners to make players that use its software.


``None of Microsoft's partners are doing the job that needs to be done,'' said Michael Gartenberg, an analyst with Jupiter Research in New York.

``Apple has set it up so Apple music flows only to Apple devices. It locks Microsoft out and gives Apple more of a hold.''


Microsoft hired music industry executive Chris Stephenson, who is among Microsoft officials who have met with music and Hollywood companies to seek licenses for their content, according to industry officials with knowledge of the plans.

J Allard, 37, a Microsoft Xbox vice president, is overseeing the development of the device, the people said.


Microsoft met with music companies including EMI Group Plc and Universal Music Group, and TV broadcasters NBC, Fox and CBS Corp. to gain content for a music and video store to compete with Apple's iTunes, according to people familiar with the meetings. Sally Julien, a spokeswoman for Microsoft, declined to comment, as did representatives of the music companies and TV networks.




Microsoft's device will be able to connect to the Internet and other devices using the wireless fidelity, or Wi-Fi, standard, which iTunes doesn't have, the people said.


Microsoft is also promising the screen will have a better quality picture than the iPod, according to the people, who saw the slideshow Microsoft is using to promote the device.


The music and TV companies are interested in working with Microsoft in order to blunt Apple's power in the market, according to people close to the media companies.


Since Apple Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs introduced the iPod in October 2001, the company has sold more than 50.8 million players. Apple also is talking with Hollywood studios to add movies to the music, television shows and podcasts already offered on iTunes, Variety magazine reported on June 19.


Microsoft shares fell 28 cents to $23.42 at 2:29 p.m. in Nasdaq Stock Market composite trading. They have lost 9.4 percent this year through yesterday. Shares of Apple dropped 97 cents to $56.98 and are down 19 percent.


Bach Influence


Microsoft's device is being developed under the supervision of Robbie Bach, who leads the unit that produces the Xbox video- game console. Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer last year tapped Bach to take on the added role of overseeing Microsoft's music strategy. With the Xbox, Bach, 44, had overseen the most significant of Microsoft's few forays into building its own hardware.


``This would not be the first time Microsoft has decided it needed to take control of its own destiny with regard to hardware,'' Gartenberg said. ``Not coincidentally, the last time they did that it was in video games and the guys doing it were named Robbie Bach and J Allard.''


Stephenson has been senior vice president of sales and marketing at House of Blues Entertainment Inc., a concert promoter and manager of music and restaurant venues.




Microsoft's MSN Music store has 3 percent of the market for music downloads. The company has a partnership with Viacom Inc.'s MTV on a music service called Urge and any new subscription service Microsoft builds for its new device would compete with Urge. Microsoft also promotes RealNetworks Inc.'s Rhapsody service as part of an antitrust lawsuit settlement.


In a February interview, Ballmer said Microsoft is ``committed to doing what it takes to succeed'' against Apple.


Microsoft has relied on partners including Milpitas, California-based Sandisk Corp., Creative Technology Ltd., Toshiba Corp., Dell Inc. and Sonicblue Inc.'s Rio unit to sell hardware with Microsoft software.


Sandisk is the closest competitor to Apple's iPod, with a market share of less than 10 percent, Port Washington, New York- based NPD said.


πολυ τον παω τον καραφλα.. ελπιζω το μαραφετι που θα βγαλει τα χριστουγεννα να ειναι καλο. 8) (οχι αυτη η κατζολα σε κατι ιαπωνεζικες φωτογραφιες.. :D )





An kai ta exoume xanapei na kai alla sites pou epivevaionoun ta legomena mas.....

apo http://gameguru.box.sk/



kai ta 2 apo ta 3 xoris to sistatiko *xbox*.* sto link tous :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Δεν είναι κανονική επιβεβαίωση ' date='απλή επανάληψη των ίδιων ανώνυμων φημών είναι , που δεν πρέπει να πιστεύουμε τόσο εύκολα.


Δέστε κάτι που βγήκε αργότερα, και δεν βασίζετε σε παντελώς ανώνυμες πηγές.

[b']Ubisoft: Assassin's Creed is PS3 Exclusive[/b]


Product Manager of Ubisoft Nordic Harald Horsberg says that the game is announced exclusively for the PS3 after he had been in contact with the French HQ...

“there are no indications that this game is headed for other formats besides the PS3”


"Ubisoft have confirmed no such thing. Assassin's Creed will come on PlayStation 3 and at this time, no other platform has been confirmed." said UbiRazz.


This of course wonʼt kill the rumors for good, as people will still argue that a 360 version could become available somewhere down the line, maybe 6-12 months after the PS3 version, but at the moment the official word from Ubisoft is that Assassin's Creed is a PS3 exclusive.


Epeidi file blizz den exo oute ton xrono oute tin orexi na se peiso gia to antitheto kai apo tin stasi sou olon auto ton kairo fenete oti akomi kai o kutaragi o idios na pei kali kouventa gia to 360 tha ton vgaleis eite psefti eite trello aplos paratheto alla 2-3 links gia osous filous theloun na diavasoun







kai epidi ego xero oti opou iparxei kapnos iparxei kai fotia kai sin to gegonos, opos eixe pei kai o filos privateer, i ubisoft DEN exei sto lexiko tis tin lexi exclusive den pistevo oti OLA auta ta rumors einai anipostata.


P.S. den exo tipota enantion tis sony kai tou PS3. Pistevo opos olos o kosmos oti einai overpriced kai vlepo to teliko paradoteo na einai teleios diaforetiko apo to arxika iposxomeno proion. den thelo na penepso tin MS kai na thapso tin sony alla opos kai na to kanoume exei faei polla strapatsa kai i MS me to 360 pros to paron exei to pano xeri. Otan me to kalo vgei kai exei titlous pou pragmatika axizoun tha to paro giati thelo na thoroume gamer kai den kolao sto pianis etairias i konsola exei ta perisotera poligona oute thelo na apogeioso piravlo me tin konsola mou. Aplos thelo na pernao euxarista tin ora mou me games pou me eixaristoun.


Δεν χρειάζεται να διαβάσει όλα τα link o κόσμος, αφού από ότι είδα είναι όλα αναδημοσιεύσεις από το nooz.


Διαβάστε το παρακάτω, και όποιος θέλει να πιστέψει μια φήμη το κάνει ,αλλά οποίος δεν θέλει έχει επίσης κάθε δικαίωμα, και χωρίς να ακούει διάφορα «έξυπνα» σχόλια.

(Με την ευκαιρία αυτό που είπες για εμένα είναι εντελώς λάθος, αλλά βρισκόμαστε σε xbox forum και ίσως έχεις επηρεαστεί από διάφορες σαχλαμάρες που ακούς να λένε άλλοι)



May 13, 2006

Exclusive: Assassins Creed: NOT PS3 exclusive

Bloody hell. Day of the exclusives it would seem.


While talking to a Ubi employee who asked not to be named, he accidentally let slip that Assassin's Creed is being developed on 360 as well. When we asked what 'exclusive' meant upon catching him out, he shut up, but we'll assume exclusive means 'timed exclusive'.


So there you go.


den to sinexizo giati den vgazoume akri alla na do ti tha peis otan pia ginei official......



Parepiptontos gia opion ton endiaferei akousa oti sto epomeno PC master tha exei afieroma sto Theseis, to elliniko action adventure gia 360 kai PC.

den to sinexizo giati den vgazoume akri alla na do ti tha peis otan pia ginei official......



Parepiptontos gia opion ton endiaferei akousa oti sto epomeno PC master tha exei afieroma sto Theseis' date=' to elliniko action adventure gia 360 kai PC.[/quote']


Pos mporeis kai eise toso sigouros den mporo na katalabo.. ama po ego pos to god of war tha bgei gia ps3 logaki tha bgei tote afou otan iparxei kapnos....


Ti sygkrineis twra to god of war pou einai game ths SCEI koinws Sony Computer Entertainment Inc me to Assasin pou einai game ths ubi mias etaireias dhladh pou zei apo ta multiplatform.


Oso gia thn sigouria pou les sigoura kaneis den mborei na einai 100% sigouros alla ola deixnoun oti to AC 8a bgei se ola ta formats.

Apo thn lista pou eixe bgei kai katebhke meta apo apaithsh ths ubi (mexri stigmhs exei epibebaiw8ei plhrws) ews sthn asafia ths ubi (giati otan exeis kati exclusive to les kai den paizeis me ti lexeis) alla kai thn proistoria ths san etaireia me kanoun na pisteyw pws to AC 8a er8ei sto 360.


Pi8anon na milame gia timed exclusive sto ps3 gia kana 3-6 mhnes opws eixe ginei kai me to SC.


OYTE time exclusiveness βλεπω εγω.


τεσπα, παλι το κουρασαμε με το AC.






Παρτε ενα καλο utilitάκι για να κανονιζετε τις αγορες σας στο xbox live.

εσεις βαζετε τους ποντους, και αυτο σας το μετατρεπει σε ολα τα νομισματα.

εγω το βρηκα πολυ χρησιμο!

>>> microsoft points converter <<<


Kalo to utilitaki P3tran....


To Exoskeletor: Opos eipe kai o filos Privateer sigrineis 2 anomoia pragmata. Edo o kosmos exei vouixei kai mono sto diko mas forum exoume akomi amfivolies. Ego xero oti otan kati einai exclusive anakoinonete san exclusive kai teleiose. Kai kata ta legomena tis UBI : Assassin's Creed will come on PlayStation 3 and at this time, no other platform has been confirmed." said UbiRazz. Auta ta pexnidia me tis lexeis an des sas vazoun se ipopsies kai eidika apo mia etairia pou opos exoume xilioxanapei DEN exei tin lexi exclusive sto lexico tis tote ti na sas po... pistepste oti thelete. Ego den eimai edo gia na sas alaxo tin gnomi.... As to lixoume edo giati to topic einai X-box 360 news kai oxi i kolokithia gia to an tha vgei to AC sto 360. Eipe o kathenas tin gnomi tou kai o xronos tha dixei pios exei dikaio.


P.S. P3tran kairo exoume na mazeutoume sto live, na kanonisoume tipota tora pou teleiono me to metaptixiako mou kai exo perissotero xrono....


P.S. P3tran kairo exoume na mazeutoume sto live' date=' na kanonisoume tipota tora pou teleiono me to metaptixiako mou kai exo perissotero xrono....[/quote']


...απλως πατα "Join game in progress" :D


Όταν θα το παίζουμε το Assasin's Creed οι PC-άδες κι οι Xbox-άδες μην κλαίτε οι Sony-κοί,σας νιώθουμε,χαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα :D


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