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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


The Outfit Updated


The Outfit received a title update this week, availible for download for free via Xbox Live, THQ announced. Here are the details:



Matchmaking Improvements

  • The connection speed of each player is now displayed in the Pre-Game lobby (green for good, yellow for average, red for poor). This allows the host to identify and remove players who have a poor connection speed before the game begins. The Outfit uses peer-to-peer networking, so identifying and removing players with poor connection speeds before the game begins will eliminate lag for all players in a session.
  • The connection speed of each game is now displayed in Custom Quick Match and Custom Ranked Match lobbies (green for good, yellow for average, red for poor), helping players to avoid joining games with poor connection speeds.
  • Players wishing to join a Quick Match will now always connect to the game with the fastest connection speed. Prior to this, Quick Match obtained the first game it found.
  • Players can now speak to one another in every pre-game and post-game lobby.
  • Only your friends who have played The Outfit will appear in the Leaderboard "Friends" filter.
  • Fixed an issue where Quick Match player numbers were being reported incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where 'Play Again' caused the lobby size to be frozen at previous match's size.

Gameplay Improvements

  • Multiplayer Achievements can now be earned in both Ranked Quick Match and Ranked Custom Match game sessions.
  • Vehicles in multiplayer now perform as well as they do in single player.
  • Vehicles can no longer be hijacked when they are moving at high speed, significantly reducing "hijack spam."
  • Event queue messages now appear on screen for one second longer than before, giving players a better chance to read them.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the jump animation to play twice in certain multiplayer situations.

Multiplayer Tuning Changes

  • The rotation rate and health of Anti-Aircraft Emplacements has been reduced. Previously, AA guns were too powerful given their cost.
  • 15% increase to health for all Halftracks and Tanks.
  • 25 FU cost increase to Anti-Aircraft Emplacements.
  • 50 FU cost reduction to Artillery Strike.
  • 25 FU cost reduction to Air Strike.
  • 50 FU cost reduction to Tech 3 Antitank Emplacements.
  • 10 FU cost increase to first- and second-tier Machine Gun Emplacements.
  • Calliope damage versus vehicles has been slightly decreased.

  • Απαντ. 14,1k
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aporw giati kathodai kai asxoloudai kai vgazoun updates gia paixnidia pou oxi aplws den poulisan alla den ta agorase kai kanenasss!
giati olo kai kapoios ta agorase kai otan eisai sobarh etaireia yposthrizeis to proion sou ;)

Project Sylph Update - Square Enix's game for 360


roject Sylph looks like it will offer an intense arcade-style shooting experience. The stages that have been revealed so far are set in space and feature scenes with over a thousand enemy ships, along with giant mother ships. All of this is presented like never before thanks to the power of Xbox 360.


As you blast your way through the stages, an on-screen display provides you with information about your ship and your surroundings. The game displays a simple radar output, showing where your enemies are, and also shows gauges for shield and armor. The screen also provides details on your current formation; it appears that you fight along side at least two other ships.


You'll be able to equip four weapons to your ship simultaneously: a nose weapon and three main weapons. As you clear stages and earn points, your weapons can be upgraded, resulting in a total of over 50 weapon types.


Project Sylph promises to feature something for everyone. Outside of shooting, the game will include story and character elements, told through CG sequences. The shooting segments can be toned down for novice players with an easy mode which simplifies the controls.




Χάλια το chromehounds!Οι τύποι νομίζουν ότι επειδή πουλάνε τα 700 mech games τους με τα άθλια γραφικά του ps2 μπορούν να κάνουν το ίδιο και στο 360.Όχι κύριοι ο τζάμπας πέθανε στρωθείτε κάτω δεν μπορεί να μου μολύνετε την καινούρια μου hdtv με δέντρα απο το 1995 για να μην πω πιο πίσω!Άθλιες και οι εκρήξεις μιλάμε για μέρα με τη νύχτα ειδικά αν συγκριθεί με το lost planet.

Μου φαίνεται πως ήταν ένας τίτλος για το xbox και το προώθησαν στο 360.Τέλος πάντων μπορεί να ψιλοπουλήσει Ιαπωνία για τους 2-3 που αγόρασαν 360 :-D :-D έτσι και αλλιώς αυτοί είναι κολλημένοι με τον Γκόντζιρα και τα mechs.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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