privateer Δημοσ. 21 Ιουνίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 21 Ιουνίου 2006 Microsoft is accepting submissions for XBLA In an interview with Edge magazine Peter Moore again repeated that the XBLA was an unexpected success, but afterwards he went on to talk about how they could expand the XBLA gaming catalogue. As a result, Microsoft is currently encouraging developers to send their ideas to [email protected] so they can help the little guy create their next big hit. When you think about it, a simple game like Geometry Wars created by a few developers was able to become a huge success on the XBLA, and Microsoft feels that independent developers can contribute a lot to their downloadable gaming service. While big retailers including Namco and Midway will surely want to get a piece of the XBLA pie, that shouldn't stop creative developers with pursuing their dream.
privateer Δημοσ. 21 Ιουνίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 21 Ιουνίου 2006 GRAW Chapter 2 Preview Trailer
p3tran Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Need for Speed Carbon first trailer{DDA02231-82D0-4B45-A335-0357E29FB89F}
Exoskeletor Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Need for Speed Carbon first trailer{DDA02231-82D0-4B45-A335-0357E29FB89F} Popo ti prototiph skonh kai grafika.. proth fora bgenei tetoio need for speed mia apta idia pali..
p3tran Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 .................................................... το ξερατε οτι το heavenly sword θελανε να το βγαλουνε στο xbox, και η microsoft τους χιονισε? παρτε κι ενα video απο το 2004....
Daredevil Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 TeamXbox Digimask Technology Interview From Aside from letting you do video chat, the upcoming Xbox Live Vision camera for Xbox 360 will finally let gamers put their faces on game characters. This opens a whole new world of possibilities when it comes to multiplayer gaming, as now you'll be able to recognize your friends in a game simply because you'll be actually seeing them on screen. There are already many games that will make use of this facial mapping feature, including and Rainbow Six Vegas, WSOP: Tournament of Champions, and we are just waiting for others to confirm face mapping. Recently, we had the chance to interview Gary Bracey, the founder and CEO of Digimask, the company that has developed this revolutionary technology. We asked all the questions that you have in mind... * Will Digimask be a standalone application that can be launched from the Xbox 360 dashboard or will it be a licensed technology running on the background of those titles that make use of it? * Gary Bracey: Initially, it will run in the background of the titles but there is an ongoing dialogue with the Xbox team about how we can move forward in the future..... * Although the coolest use of this technology is to see yourself and your friends in the game, our audience is already craving about creating models of famous personalities such as Chuck Norris, Michael Jackson or Jay Leno. Would they have to run to their local store and get a mask or can you import pictures as files? * Gary Bracey: Hmmm. Well, it's difficult for me to comment on this as there are copyright legalities involved. Needless to say, Digimask can make a 3D head model from any quality photo input..... (!) Oh also, a number of people have been commenting about the potential for using 'different' body parts for their head. Well, I have to say there are two reasons why this won't be as fun as it sounds: 1) The Digimask tech detects facial features on the photo. If it cannot find eyes, nose, mouth, etc then it will probably fail to generate a head. This is another reason why you should take your photos in a good, even light. 2) Even if it did accept the input, the end result would be so distorted as to render the thing unrecognizable. Believe me, I've tried it! Read More: (2 pages)
p3tran Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 ...και μιας και στο διπλα θεμα πιασαμε το blue dragon, να τι θα περιμενουμε να δουμε απο J(apan)-RPG στην εκθεση του τοκυο: Blue Dragon (MGS/Mistwalker + Artoon) Lost Odyssey (MGS/Mistwalker + Feelplus) Trusty Bell (Namco Bandai/tri-Crescendo) tba RPG (MGS/tri-Ace) tba RPG (Namco Bandai/Tales Studio) (tba= name to be announced)
p3tran Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 περισσοτερα στοιχεια για το Trusty Bell, scans του οποιου εχω κρεμασει 1-2 σελιδες πριν.. κατ'αρχην να πω οτι χτες μου φανηκε το πιο ηλιθιο ονομα για rpg που εχω ακουσει ποτε. ομως το προβλημα ειναι η μεταφορα κατα τη μεταφραση. το παιχνιδι λεγεται κανονικα: "Chopin no Yume", και ναι, εχει να κανει με τον διασημο συνθετη Chopin. (σοπέν) το κανονικο ονομα λοιπον, θα ειναι: "Chopin's Dreams: Trusty Bell" στο ζουμι τωρα: το ign παραθετει καποια πρωτα στοιχεια για αυτο το 360 exclusive J-RPG, που μεχρι χτες ηταν τελειως αγνωστη η υπαρξη του... συμφωνα με αυτα λοιπον, το παιχνιδι εξελισσεται στο μυαλο του σοπεν, οταν αυτος ηταν στα τελευταια του και βαρια αρρωστος και εβλεπε οραματα. συμφωνα με το στορυ λοιπον, αυτο ειναι το τελευταιο οραμα του σοπεν, το οποιο περιεχει και στορυ και λαβ-στορυ και ξυλο και απ'ολα New Namco RPG For 360Journey into the mind of Chopin. Yes, the composer. by Anoop Gantayat - June 21, 2006 On October 17, 1948, Frederic Chopin, one of the most influential composers for the piano, succumbed to sickness and died at the young age of 39. Three hours prior to that, in the world according to Bandai Namco, Chopin, crouched on the floor of his hospital, saw a dream. The dream had anime characters that looked like they were out of a Tales game and a world that looked like it was pulled from a fairy tale. In the dream, people carried about their lives like in the real world. But in the dream world, people with incurable sicknesses had magical powers. Bandai Namco's new Xbox 360 RPG, Trusty Bell: Chopin's Dream ("Chopin no Yume" for the Japanese version) takes place in this dream world. Chopin (yes, the composer) comes into contact with Polka, a young girl who resides with her mother in the village of Tenuto (the names, you'll find, are all musical terms). Polka is near her death, meaning she's got some crazy powers. Unfortunately, people believe that by touching her, they'll be infected with her koodies, so Polka's not particularly popular. Trusty Bell is the story of Chopin (yes, the composer), Polka, and a Allegretto, a 16-year-old who steals to eat and lives for only one thing: to help Polka. If Trusty Bell were called Tales of Something-or-other, no one would complain. The game has the absurd premise, peculiar names and colorful artwork of Namco's biggest RPG series. Plus, musical composition is being handled by Motoi Sakuraba, of Tales of fame. Trusty Bell will also feature a battle system that's heavy on the action. Details are scarce, but based on the screenshots currently circling exclusively in Japan's Famitsu magazine, the battle system supports three characters (including an unknown male character called Beat) and features some sort of combo system. Allegretto makes use of a sword as his primary weapon while Polka, being a cheery girl character and all, resorts to an umbrella. Music and story look like they will play a big part in Trusty Bell. Bandai Namco has drafted famous Japanese actor Leo Morimoto to perform narration for the game's Japanese version. Performing the piano numbers that Chopin left to the world (before having his RPG dream) will be Russian pianist Stanislav Bunin. Trusty Bell is in development at tri-Crescendo, a studio that worked on the sound components of tri-Ace titles like Radiata Stories, Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile and also worked on programming, sound and the battle system for Baten Kaitos, along side Monolith Soft . The game is currently without a final release date in Japan ιδωμεν....αν μη τι αλλο, απο μουσικη θα γ@μει
privateer Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Microsoft has announced that X06 will be held on September 27th and 28th in Barcelona, where it will once again show off games and make announcements relating to Xbox 360, Xbox Live Arcade and Games For Windows.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 περισσοτερα στοιχεια για το Trusty Bell' date=' scans του οποιου εχω κρεμασει 1-2 σελιδες πριν.. κατ'αρχην να πω οτι χτες μου φανηκε το πιο ηλιθιο ονομα για rpg που εχω ακουσει ποτε. ομως το προβλημα ειναι η μεταφορα κατα τη μεταφραση. το παιχνιδι λεγεται κανονικα: "Chopin no Yume", και ναι, εχει να κανει με τον διασημο συνθετη Chopin. (σοπέν) το κανονικο ονομα λοιπον, θα ειναι: [b']"Chopin's Dreams: Trusty Bell"[/b] στο ζουμι τωρα: το ign παραθετει καποια πρωτα στοιχεια για αυτο το 360 exclusive J-RPG, που μεχρι χτες ηταν τελειως αγνωστη η υπαρξη του... συμφωνα με αυτα λοιπον, το παιχνιδι εξελισσεται στο μυαλο του σοπεν, οταν αυτος ηταν στα τελευταια του και βαρια αρρωστος και εβλεπε οραματα. συμφωνα με το στορυ λοιπον, αυτο ειναι το τελευταιο οραμα του σοπεν, το οποιο περιεχει και στορυ και λαβ-στορυ και ξυλο και απ'ολα ιδωμεν....αν μη τι αλλο, απο μουσικη θα γ@μει to teleytaio game pou epai3a pou hsoun mesa sto myalo kapoiou htan paixnidara fysika htan adventure alla ok
Rebel21 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Chopin's Dreams: Trusty Bell me tetoio onoma vlakeia mou mirizetai.dwste mou to remake to final fantasy 7 kai parte mou tin kalitero rpg olwn ton epoxwn kai ena apo ta kalitera games pou exoun kikloforisei pote.
raven360 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Chopin's Dreams: Trusty Bell me tetoio onoma vlakeia mou mirizetai.dwste mou to remake to final fantasy 7 kai parte mou tin psixi[/b'].to kalitero rpg olwn ton epoxwn kai ena apo ta kalitera games pou exoun kikloforisei pote. συμφωνω, πιστευω οτι η ψυχη σου για το remake του VII θα ειναι ενα "fair trade"..
privateer Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 GRAW: Chapter 2 trailer Update: The DLC is now released for a price of 1200p.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2006 Assassin's Creed: Not So Exclusive? It's clear the game is coming to other platforms, so why is Ubisoft hiding it? Assassin's Creed is coming to the Xbox 360. It's one of those secrets no one is supposed to know about (like Halo: Forerunners) yet everyone does. Sources close to Ubisoft have informed us that the game will definitely see release on Microsoft's platform -- even though the company still refuses to admit the game's inevitable multiplatform fate. But why has there been all of this secrecy and ambiguity? And what now really is the full story with Assassin's Creed? Read on. Before it was unveiled as Assassin's Creed, the Ubisoft Montreal team (the one behind the Prince of Persia games) showed Project Assassins at Tokyo Game Show in September of 2005. Even then, the game was being positioned as a PS3 title from the Prince of Persia team. Yet, at last March's Game Developer's Conference, the tune had changed, with Project Assassins being shown as coming to both Sony's PS3 and Microsoft's Xbox 360. An internal memo leaked with Ubisoft's in-house upcoming list of games (a list that was later revealed to be 100-percent legit -- at least based on release plans at the time) clearly displayed Assassin's Creed (Assassins) as a multiplatform game. The leaked list from March shows Assassin's intended as a multiplatform title: Tom Clancy's Firehawk (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 5 (PS3, Xbox 360, Rev, PC, PSP) Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 4 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Xbox, PS2) Assassin (PS3, Xbox 360, Rev, PC, PSP) Lumines 2 (PS2, PSP) Game 5 Haze (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) Alive (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) Naruto (Xbox 360) Rayman 4 (PS3, Xbox 360, Rev, PC, PS2, handheld) Dark Messiah of Might & Magic (PC, PS3, Xbox 360) At E3 06, that positioning changed again, with the game being announced as a PS3 title. Quizzically, Assassin's Creed appeared on the June cover of multiplatform print mag Game Informer -- rumors placed that cover story originally appearing in a PS2 specific print outlet. So where does that leave Assassin's Creed now? 1UP asked Ubisoft to clarify the situation. 1UP: Is Assassin's Creed an exclusive title for the PS3 or is it only announced for the PS3? Ubisoft: "Assassin's Creed is coming to the PS3. No other announcements have been made." 1UP: So it is not exclusive? Ubisoft: "Assassin's Creed is coming to the PS3. No other announcements have been made." So, at this point, Assassin's Creed is not exclusive to the PS3 -- or, at least, it most certainly has not been announced to be exclusive to the PS3. So why has it only been announced for PS3 and not other platforms? Sony may have come to an agreement with Ubisoft for the rights to announce the game for its platform first, similar to the multi-million dollar arrangement between Microsoft and Rockstar to announce GTA 4 on 360 at E3. It could also very well be that Ubisoft is hesitant to confirm Assassin's Creed for anything beyond the PS3 because Sony hasn't decided exactly what they want to do with the game and that Ubisoft and Sony are still trying to work out an exclusivity deal (though given Sony's recent downplaying of the importance of third party exclusives, don't hold your breath). Given Ubisoft's history as a multiplatform developer and its rise to prominence as such, it seems unlikely that Ubisoft would jeopardize potential revenue by limiting a new, promising franchise to Sony's PS3 (especially given the console's high price tag and limited audience within the first few months). Really, at this point, there seem to be two future possibilities: Sony may be considering a timed exclusive on Assassin's Creed: This deal would mirror the deal that Sony struck with Rockstar Games regarding its Grand Theft Auto franchise exclusivity on the PS2 -- Microsoft was able to publish the GTA games after an amount of time had gone by. Generally, the time frame for these exclusives is six months. A deal like this would be accompanied with a clause that keeps Ubisoft PR gagged from talking about the game coming to other platforms until a certain timeframe had passed. Sony paid for the exclusive rights to announce Assassin's Creed as a PS3 game : This option seems like the most likely, because it directly affords the publisher, Ubisoft, a tremendous negotiating advantage. Ubisoft has intended Assassin's Creed to be a multiplatform title, but by selling the rights to simply announce the game a company like Sony would reap the positive press from the admittedly impressive title. But even if Sony doesn't want to pay for the timed or lifetime exclusive rights to the game, this deal may have had a secondary element to it. If Assassin's Creed is -- as widely speculated -- a multiplatform game, both Sony and Ubisoft benefit from that information not being public. Sony benefits because the press surrounding Assassin's Creed, coupled with the knowledge that it will be available on PS3 serves to raise expectations and excitement for its next-gen platform. Ubisoft also has a pretty powerful bargaining chip if Sony decides it wants to pay for the rights to the game for a timed exclusive or a lifetime exclusive. But will taking money to keep Assassin's PS3 only offset the potential revenue loss from the system only being available on one platform? Ubisoft's lack of comment on Assassin's Creed's release calendar may indicate that the company is still considering an exclusive deal. Ubisoft's silence is justified because they benefit from it right now; so does Sony. But when this all sorts itself out, we're expecting to see Assassin's Creed on the Xbox 360 and we're expecting to see it at the same time as it ships for the PS3. However, it's why neither Sony nor Ubisoft will comment on Assassin's Creed that makes this game's path to release and the business of exclusivity interesting. Despite our hunch, if Sony wants Assassin's Creed exclusively, just like if they wanted Grand Theft Auto exclusively on PS2, it's likely that all they have to do is show Ubisoft the money... making the only question left: Will they?
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