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H microsoft "μαγειρευει" νεο controller για το 360??


..προφανως ναι. το θεμα ειναι ΤΙ.

εχουμε απο τη μια την καμερα με τα κολπα, εχουμε απο την αλλη την νεα τεχνολογια της immersion (εφευρετης της δονησης, οπως αυτη υπηρχε σε xbox/ps2/360), και ποιος ξερει τι αλλο..


ο peter moore λεει στο next-gen.biz:

Moore commented on the time that he spent with the Wii controller at E3, saying that his experience with Sonic on the console was "intuitive," although he also commented that Super Monkey Ball fatigued his faux-tattooed arms. He also said that the Wii's controller may wear thin after a half hour.


Despite his reservations about the Wii's controller, he suggested that it's a step in the right direction for the industry.


"...Shoulder buttons, triggers, analog sticks, d-pads, I mean, there's a lot going on there when you compare it to the old Atari 2600 button-and-stick, which everybody could pick up and have some fun with."


He continued, "Clearly, I think that the Wii is trying to get back to those days, although when I picked it up, I was surprised how much stuff there is on there, and it took me a while even then to get going on those things. I'm a huge fan of any kind of innovation you can try and do that will make a broader reach for games, because as an industry we've got to do that. We've got to bring more people in that are currently maybe intimidated when they look at that controller.


"I look even in my house... there's no way that my 14-year-old daughter can really grasp [the standard controller]. She loves to play racing games, but that's about it. And she's frustrated because of the button configurations and the use of triggers--she just doesn't quite get it.


"We're doing a lot of stuff there. Nothing that we're ready to talk about, and we're not going to force anything that is not going to be intuitive and innovative."


At E3, Microsoft announced the Xbox Live Vision camera, which could potentially be used for Sony EyeToy-style casual gaming. Judging from Moore's comments, Microsoft may have more up its sleeve as far as alternate controller interfaces are concerned.

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* Pray Demo αυτη την Πεμπτη στο XBOX LIVE


* Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting την επομενη Τεταρτη (28/06) **99%


* Tokyo Extreme Racer στην Ιαπωνια 27/7 ( video )


set for Japanese Xbox 360 release on 7/27, complete with new modes and play options. Famitsu has the latest info.


Genki has added a new type of racing to this new version of the game. Shutokou Battle X features the same SP Battle that has defined the series, but you can also look forward to a new Grid-Style Battle, where you start off from a complete stop and wait for a start countdown before speeding off.


This new type of racing seems to be included primarily for the game's Xbox Live racing mode. While Famitsu does not reveal the number of players that can take part in a single race, it has been confirmed that you can set up rules prior to start and take part in a ranking mode after the race ends. The game lets you display your tuned up cars in a garage for all to see. Good thing Genki has beefed up the game's tuning options!


Shutokou Battle X will also feature some much needed variety. You can now race in three different time periods: night, midnight and day break. During night, surrounding buildings have lights on, but these switch off at midnight. During daybreak, the sky begins to brighten (never thought you'd see that in a Tokyo Xtreme Racer game, eh?) and the road fills with fog.


και τελος,


* Gears of War E3 Multiplayer Demo Video (~285mb)




το θεμα ειναι οτι βλεπω τη microsoft συντομα να γινεται η μεγαλυτερη διαφημιστικη εταιρεια του κοσμου' date='

[b']και τον balmer ακομα πιο συντομα να αλλαζει το σλογκαν του απο "developers-developers-developers-developers", σε "advertizers-advertizers-advertizers-advertizers"[/b] :D


...ουτε μαγος να ημουνα... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


να τι ελεγε ο balmer πριν 5 χρονια (οταν εβγαινε το .Net)


και να τι λεει σημερα


:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Prey Demo Preview




If the rest of Preyʼs single player campaign is as entertaining and unique as the demoʼs first five levels, the long, long wait for this title may be worth it. Once again, we have not revealed everything you will see and do in the demo to keep the surprise up so on Wednesday night/Thursday morning (depending on your time zone) you can safely download it without having to worry that you already know everything about it. I think its an excellent way to introduce the game to its intended audience and makes me want to play the full version ASAP to find out what happens next. In the end thatʼs exactly what the best demos are supposed to do.




SEGA gave some new info about [Chromehounds] today!

30/06 a theme pack and the demo will be downloadable from marketplace


11/07 a second theme pack will be available.


15/07 part pack 1 will be on the marketplace


15/08 part pack 2


15/09 part pack 3


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