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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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RoboBlitz Interview: Joshua Glazer


As Naked Sky Entertainment braces RoboBlitz for a summer release on the Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Circle got a chance to talk with Joshua Glazer. Joshua gives every little detail about the title and more. Itʼs an interview that youʼre definitely going to want to read over.





προσεχτε με τα firmware hack μην φατε κανα ban στο gamertag σας.. στα MAME set δεν νομιζω να παιζεις online ομως..


1ον) νομιζω οτι δεν τρωει ban το gamertag, αλλα η κονσολα.


2ον) το καλυτερο old arcade/console emulator πακετο που εχω βρει, κυκλοφορει στα τορενταδικα και ειναι δυο (full) dvd, για xbox1 of course.


βεβαια δεν εχει παγκοσμια high score rankings ουτε online play, και καμια φορα μπορει καποιο game να μην τρεχει και εξαιρετικα σωστα,

αλλα ειναι και free, οποτε.... :D

εγω τουλαχιστον ετσι αξιοποιησα το παλιο μου box.


Chromehounds XBox360 Screens


Sega has released nine more screens from Chromehounds, the upcoming mech game for the XBox360. Now, we know there has been some complaints that the environments in this game are not graphically impressive, and to be honest, they are not spectacular. What is spectacular are the mech units themselves. We played this game at E3 and we can say without reservation that the mech models are some of the best in-game models that have been made to date. Every piston, gear, and tread looks amazing. Wait until you see the game in action before you judge.


Microsoft Dev: Europe is the Battleground

Japan still important, but Europe may be the key.


An excellent interview with Matt Lee, one of Microsoft's Xbox 360 developers, is up over at Ars Technica. In the interview, Matt Lee toes the company line with Microsoft's estimates of a 10 million console lead heading into the holidays (we're saying eight million at most), but more interestingly, Lee downplays the importance of Japan and stresses the importance of Europe in the ever-present next generation console war:

Japan is obviously a very important market for us and one in which we have to work hard at. The main concern is getting the games that players in that market want to play. One thing to note, however, is that Japan is not necessarily the most important market for gaming these days. It is also not quite as large as the US and European markets. The japanese market is very important to the Xbox 360 and we've got a whole bunch of great Japanese titles on the way from major Japanese developers.

Both the Japanese and US markets are reaching saturation at this point. The big battleground for us (and for everyone) is going to be Europe.

Lee fires a few shots at Sony's Cell processor, hinting that the chip tech might not be as "well designed for game development as Sony would have you believe." Lee goes on to hint that porting from one platform to the other, in this case, starting with Xbox 360 assetts and porting them to the PS3, might be tricky as well:

"I think porting from Xbox 360 to PS3 will be reasonably difficult, since the Xbox 360 has a lot more general purpose processing power that can be flexibly reallocated, and all of the Xbox 360 CPU cores have equal access to all memory. The asymmetric nature of the Cell could easily lead to situations where the game has too little of one type of processing power and too much of another. And the content might suffer as well, since you'll never see a PS3 title with more than 256MB of textures at any given time, due to the split graphics and system memory banks. When we announced 512MB of unified memory on Xbox 360, I think all of our game developers (and the artists too) did a little happy dance."

As a consumer, it's certainly hard to figure out which development environment, Sony's, Microsoft's or Nintendo's is going to result in the best products for consumers going forward. Lee mentions that the dissemination of exclusives will be better for everyone (he might mean everyone at Microsoft, as Sony losing exclusives doesn't help them) in the game industry.


μουφα ολες οι εικονες παιδια.. πεταξα 400ε με αυτο το χαζο360 το πουλαω οσο οσο για να παιξω τα "μεγιστα" untold legends/warhawk/resistance etc!!!


Υπάρχει section με Αγγελίες .....

And the content might suffer as well, since you'll never see a PS3 title with more than 256MB of textures at any given time, due to the split graphics and system memory banks.

Αυτό είναι λάθος ... η GPU του ps3 έχει πλήρη πρόσβαση και στα 512ΜΒ μνήμης, οπότε θεωρητικά μπορούν να υπάρξουν και περισσότερα από 256 MB textures αν χρειάζεται.

Ο cell έχει ουσιαστικά πρόσβαση μόνο στα 256 ΜΒ, αλλά φυσικά δεν υπάρχει κανένα πρόβλημα από αυτό.

μουφα ολες οι εικονες παιδια.. πεταξα 400ε με αυτο το χαζο360 το πουλαω οσο οσο για να παιξω τα "μεγιστα" untold legends/warhawk/resistance etc!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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