p3tran Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 April Top 25 Software Sales US Top 25 Videogame Titles Rank Title Publisher 1 PS2 KINGDOM HEARTS II Square Enix 2 360 T. CLANCYS GHOST RECON: ADVANCED WARFIGHTER Ubi Soft 3 360 ELDER SCROLLS IV: OBLIVION Take 2 Interactive 4 360 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 2K6 Take 2 Interactive 5 360 BATTLEFIELD 2: MODERN COMBAT Electronic Arts 6 360 TOMB RAIDER: LEGEND Eidos 7 PS2 THE GODFATHER: THE GAME Electronic Arts 8 PS2 MLB '06: THE SHOW Sony 9 PS2 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 2K6 Take 2 Interactive 10 PS2 TOMB RAIDER: LEGEND Eidos 11 PS2 TOURIST TROPHY: THE REAL RIDING SIMULATOR Sony 12 360 FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 3 Electronic Arts 13 PS2 GUITAR HERO BUNDLE RedOctane 14 XBX MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 2K6 Take 2 Interactive 15 360 CALL OF DUTY 2 Activision 16 PS2 NBA BALLERS: PHENOM Midway 17 PS2 ICE AGE 2: THE MELTDOWN Vivendi 18 PS2 GOD OF WAR Sony 19 360 FAR CRY: INSTINCTS PREDATOR Ubi Soft 20 NDS METROID PRIME: HUNTERS Nintendo 21 XBX THE GODFATHER: THE GAME Electronic Arts 22 360 FINAL FANTASY XI ONLINE Square Enix 23 PS2 BLACK Electronic Arts 24 360 BLAZING ANGELS: SQUADRONS OF WWII Ubi Soft 25 GCN SONIC RIDERS Sega Source: The NPD Group/NPD Funworld, POS Note: Ranked in terms of $$$ sales. X360 Tie Ratio steady at 4.50 despite jump in hardware sales. προφανως το μεγαλο attach rate δειχνει οτι οσοι ψωνιζουνε 360, δεν το ψωνιζουνε ουτε για να βλεπουνε ταινιες, ουτε για να σκονιζεται.. πλακα εχει που το tomb raider σε 360 ξεπερασε το tomb raider σε ps2 (6η-10η) επισης το ιδιο συμβαινει και με το major league baseball (4η θεση 360 - 9η ps2) το μονο σιγουρο ειναι οτι οι εταιρειες λαμβανουνε υποψην τους αυτα τα νουμερα. 8) απο τον επομενο μηνα και μετα θα δουμε τι θα γινει.. επισης σε αλλα νεα, οι οικονομικοι αναλυτες εκτιμανε οτι η microsoft θα ειναι εξω απο τα κοκκινα συντομα, και το 2007 θα εχει και κερδοφορια. επισης ειναι επιφυλαχτικοι για το ps3. ``With ongoing strong games sales, we believe the Xbox segment could become profitable in calendar 2007,'' wrote Goldman, Sachs & Co. analyst Rick Sherlund in a research note yesterday. Microsoft, the world's biggest software maker, may cut the price of Xbox 360, which sells for as much as $399, by $100 in the next year to press its advantage, Sherlund wrote. Some publishers are unwilling to risk the high cost of developing for the new console (ps3) until they know more about its capabilities, said Mike Hickey, a video-games analyst for Janco Partners in Greenwood Village, Colorado. http://www.insomnia.gr/vb3/showpost.php?p=1139816&postcount=4944 Bloomberg. Japan: Sony's PS3 May Launch With Fewer, Less-Powerful Game Titles
p3tran Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Η συμμαχια ειναι γεγονος 8) απο τη συνεντευξη της Perrin Kaplan, vice-president Nintendo America στο joystick: JS: I find it interesting that you mentioned just a minute ago about the Xbox 360 and making a mild comparison. Earlier this week, Peter Moore said he thought that gamers would buy a Wii in addition to a 360. Kaplan: The hardcore gamers, the gamers that are their customers, they love to play and they will probably want our system and their system. I do think the casual gamers that we are expanding into will own only one, and it will be ours. JS: Do you feel that the systems are in any way complimentary? Kaplan: I think they could be. For a hard core gamer who really wants a plethora of ways to pick from, someone who really wants to spend a lot of time gaming. Yeah, of course I knew Peter. He's one of my favorites in the industry. He's great; a great guy. Known him from the Sega days. Wiiiiiii60! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
p3tran Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 και λιγα νεα απο την ιαπωνια... Itagaki (Team Ninja) interview http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=10614&type=mov&pl=game και μια παλιοτερη συνεντευξη του Sakaguchi (Mystwalker, Final Fantasy Creator) σχετικα με τα lost odyssey, blue dragon
xrest Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 iparxei periptwsei to asiatiko N3 na paizei sto eurwpaiko 360?
p3tran Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 οχι για οσους δεν εχουνε καλη συνδεση ή βαριουνται τα streaming, στη συνεντευξη του, ο itagaki λεει εκτος των αλλων: * πηγα στο xbox γιατι ητανε το δυνατοτερο μηχανημα * ειμαι στο 360 για τον ιδιο λογο - το ps3? * η διαφορα αναμεσα στο ps και το ps2 ητανε πολυ μεγαλη. δεν ισχυει το ιδιο αυτη τη φορα. θα χρειαστει καποιος πολυ ταλαντουχος dev. να ζοριστει παρα πολυ για να δειξει κατι πολυ καλο, καλυτερο απο τον ανταγωνισμο - το εχεις κοιταξει το ps3? * ναι, βεβαια. - θα φτιαξεις παιχνιδια για αυτο? * ....................no comment - το Wii? * το Wii ειναι πολυ καλο για αυτο που ειναι. και οι δυνατοτητες του στα γραφικα ειναι πολυ καλες για το στοχο του. για να πολεμησεις τανκς, θες ελικοπτερο. για πεζικαριους, δεν χρειαζεσαι ελικοπτερο - θα φτιαξεις παιχνιδια εκει? * ΘΕΛΩ, αλλα δεν προλαβαινω προς το παρον. εχω πολλα project να ετοιμασω, και τα φτιαχνω ενα-ενα. ομως εχω συνεργατες μου πανω στο Wii και τους βοηθαω. - τα controllers αυτης της γενιας? * αυτο του Wii ειναι γαματο. δεν μπορω να πω το ιδιο για αυτο του ps3. * το ninja gaiden 2 θα εχει πολυ περισσοτερο action αλλα και interaction. δεν θα απογοητευσω τους fans μου! 8) - τα πολυ εντυπωσιακα γραφικα που βλεπουμε τοση ωρα, (DOA2 xtreme) ειναι cgi ή in-game? * REALTIME, baby!!
Daredevil Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 iparxei periptwsei to asiatiko N3 na paizei sto eurwpaiko 360?nai an den to exoun kleidwsei.
LambrosN Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 οι πιο παλιοι το ξερουνε απ'τα δεκαρικα.. eeeeeeeeeeeetsiiii @xrest... alex des sto linksung an einai combatible i oxi...to n3
ababapanos Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 mporeei na mou exigisei kapios ti akrivos simfonia ine auti?
privateer Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Assassin's Creed for X360? As rumours fly that forthcoming action adventure title Assassin's Creed won't be a PS3 exclusive after all, Ubisoft is remaining interestingly non-committal on the subject. Speaking to Eurogamer this morning, a representative said: "At the moment, other formats of Assassin's Creed are unconfirmed." Which suggests they're at least considering an Xbox 360 release - despite stating that the game would only only be out on PS3 when it was first announced. Assassin's Creed is set in 1191 AD, during the Third Crusade, and sees players take on the role of hero Altair. It's being developed by Ubisoft Montreal, the same studio who brought us the Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell games. It looked awfully spanky when we had a play at E3 last week - rather intriguingly, we were given an Xbox 360 controller with which to try it out, which has added fuel to the rumours that it won't be a PS3 exclusive. Although might just as easily have meant it was being demoed on a PC. OH IT'S SO CONFUSING. As has a report on Noooz.com, which claims that a Ubi employee has also stated the game is in development for Xbox 360. We may have a while to wait before anything is officially confirmed - in the meantime, why not check out the trailer on Eurogamer TV. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=64762
p3tran Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Το assasin creed φτιαχνεται ΑΠΟ ΠΕΡΣΥ στο 360. τοσο στο GDC, οσο και στην Ε3, η εκδοση του 360 ειναι αυτη που δειχτηκε, (και η μοναδικη!) ακομα και ως "ps3 exclusive" η microsoft κλεινει το ματι απο την πρωτη στιγμη οτι το game ΔΕΝ ειναι exclusive. αλλωστε οπως εχουμε ξαναγραψει (με λινκς) το ειχε ανακοινωσει απο περσυ ο moore. απλως γινεται ενα αλισβερισι με τους τιτλους για να υπαρχει εστω μια υποτυπωδης ..ισοροπια. you'll see
privateer Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 X360+HD DVD to be CHEAPER than the PS3 New information raises prospect of high-definition video Xbox 360 bundles Retail sources in the UK have told GamesIndustry.biz that Microsoft has intimated to them that the HD-DVD add-on for the Xbox 360 will be priced such that console and peripheral combined are cheaper than Sony's PS3. At E3 last week, Microsoft once again discussed its plans to launch a HD-DVD component for the Xbox 360 later this year, but did not reveal any further information regarding the pricing of the unit. Currently, the Xbox 360 retails at GBP 279 in the UK, with the Core System version selling for GBP 209, while the 60GB model of the PlayStation 3 is expected to cost between GBP 399 and GBP 419 when it arrives in late November. Microsoft's alleged comments to UK retailers seem to suggest that the HD-DVD peripheral, which allows playback of high definition movies using Toshiba's next-generation DVD standard, will be priced below GBP 130, making an Xbox 360 and HD-DVD player bundle into a potentially attractive option at Christmas. Sony's PlayStation 3 features a built-in Blu-Ray drive, which also offers playback of high definition movies, but in this case using Sony's competing next-generation DVD standard - which many industry commentators are tipping as the likely winner of this standards war, due to strong support from many movie studios and other content creators. Some analysts, including respected videogames industry analyst Michael Pachter of Wedbush Morgan Securities, have suggested that the success or failure of Blu-Ray could directly lead to the success or failure of the PlayStation 3 - with the system being seen as good value despite its high price point if Blu-Ray is widely adopted, but Sony faced with being lumbered with an expensive and unappealing component for the console's five year lifespan if Blu-Ray is a failure. http://gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=17034
p3tran Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 ...αλλο ενα exclusive για το 360: The Sopranos: A mob war is brewing as Philadelphia's and New Jersey's most powerful families are about to collide. As the illegitimate son of "Big Pussy," the gamer has been born into the organization and is now being given an opportunity to demonstrate loyalty to Tony Soprano. As a soldier, players must earn money on collections, protect turf through intimidation and gain admiration within their own family to move up in the ranks of the organization. Carry out orders from Paulie, Silvio, Christopher and Tony in familiar locations such as the Bada Bing!, Nuovo Vesuvio's and Satriale's. The storyline was created in collaboration with show creator David Chase, and the show's key cast members provide the voices. The Sopranos is scheduled to release in holiday of 2006. αρχικα ητανε να βγει και για ps3, αλλα στην πορεια αλλαξανε γνωμη οι developers..
privateer Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 First 'Best Of' E3 2006 Awards Worst of Show - PS3 Quote: Without a doubt, the buzz of E3 was about the huge disappointment Sony calls PlayStation 3. For many, Sony's strategy is incomprehensible: Two confusingly-different packages, both incredibly overpriced, have gamers and retailers nervous. Best of Show - Gears of War Quote: We're happy to give Gears of War Best of Show because it convinced us: This is not just another shooter. Gears of War should be on every adult gamer's list this Fall. http://www.gamesfirst.com/?id=1315
Wolfidis Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 αρχικα ητανε να βγει και για ps3, αλλα στην πορεια αλλαξανε γνωμη οι developers.. Tetoia paixnidara kalitera na ebaine sto Ps3.... Me tetoia exclusive sigoura oloi 8a agorasoun 360!!!!
p3tran Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2006 ειπαμε wolfy... exclusive εγινε στην πορεια οταν συνηδειτοποιησαν οτι δεν τους συμφερει με τιποτα να το φτιαξουν στο ps3. να δεις που θα "αποκτησει" κι αλλα exclusives το 360 κατα τον ιδιο τροπο.. εσυ αληθεια τωρα που εχουνε περασει μερικες μερες, τι γνωμη εχεις για την κονσολα σου? και το tag σου ποιο ειναι?
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