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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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"nai to kano giati KANEIS sas den exei ta kotsia na to kanei"


οκ, μας επεισες....

Παντως πρεπει να εχεις παρα πολυ ελευθερο χρονο



"en antithesh ta screens toy untold legends poy toso koroideyeis ta eixa kanei EGO post protos"


Φυσικα και το εκανες πρωτος για να αποφυγεις το κραξιμο αφου ειχες δει τι πανικος εγινε στα forums του GAF...(Φαντασου να προλαβαινε να τις ποσταρει πρωτος ο P3tran; Θα εξαφανιζοσουν για καμια βδομαδα απο το forum παλι)

Μαλιστα εδωσες αμεσα και δικαιολογια, οτι οι συγκεκριμενοι developers δεν εχουν κανει ποτε κατι το αξιολογο στο PS2 και κατι αλλα τετοια (σιγα μην ψαξω και παλια σου posts...)


Λεγε εσυ οτι θελεις τωρα, σε εχουν παρει πρεφα τι ρολο βαρας εδω μεσα (οι περισσοτεροι τουλαχιστον...)

Παω να την πεσω, καλο ξενυχτι

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o kathenas ston kosmo tou.. :D ti ta sizitate ithela na iksera afou sto telos pali o kathenas tha nomizi ta dika tou. eine fablos kiklos.. (Stormwatch otan brizame to untold legend pou isoun esy?)


* This quarter, we shipped 1.7 million Xbox 360 consoles, bringing our cumulative sales to date to 3.2 million consoles with 1.8 million in North America, 1.1 million in Europe and 300,000 in the rest of the world.


* During the third quarter, we extended Xbox 360ʼs market leadership position with a presence in nearly 30 countries.


* According to NPD, our life-to-date attach for software and peripherals in the U.S. through March was 4.5 and 3.0 per console respectively – higher than any other gaming console at this point in the lifecycle.


* Despite a relatively small installed base, three of the top 10 selling video games in the US in March were for the Xbox 360 platform.


* Attach rates on the Xbox Live service remain strong, with more than half of all Xbox 360 consoles sold connected to the service either via Silver or Gold tier memberships.


* Gamers have downloaded 10 million pieces of digital content from Xbox Live Marketplace in less than five months.


* Over 4 million downloads have been made from Xbox Live Arcade since launch.


* Because of our increased optimism and strong console shipments in Q3, we are tightening our previously announced fiscal year shipment guidance of 4.5 to 5.5 million consoles to 5.0 to 5.5 million consoles.




OXM: FEAR 360, HUGE GOW feature, Darkness Preview, Too Human, Hitman Review. TONS OF INFO



First of all, it's true, FEAR is coming to 360, more details on that in a few, I just wanna get this thread going and then I'll update it as I go through and answer questions. The Gears of War preview is HUGE, looks like a lot of new screens I've never seen before, I'll get more in-detail, I haven't even read it yet.There's a small Too Human article, not much we've not already learned,


Demo disc has Ridge Racer 6 and The Outfit.


Also, there's a big section in the middle that reviews nearly every Arcade game out. I'll list the scores shortly as well. Also lots of Xbox/Xbox 360 reviews. What do you guys want to know?


Review scores:



Marble blast ultra: 8.5

Smash TV 7.5

Gauntlet: 8.5

Geo Wars: 8.5

Astropop: 7.5

Joust: 4.5

Crystal Quest: 8.0

Hexic HD: 9.0

Feeding Frenzy: 8.0

Bejeweled 2: 6.5

Mutant Storm Reloaded: 730

Bankshot Billiards 2: 4.0

Wik: 8.0

Outpost Kaloki X 8.0

Zuma: 8.0

Jewel Quest: 8.0

Robotron: 4.0

Hardwood card games: 7.0



Xbox 360 games:

Hitman: 8.5

Fifa world cup: 7.5

MLB 2k6: 7.0

Far Cry: 7.5

Tomb Raider Legend: 8.0

Battlefield 2: 7.0




There's a new preview for a game called Overlord, it's an action RPG. Reminds me a lot of Oddworld as far as the character design. The environments and some creatures look a lot like Fable, except more open and the game is REALLY beautiful. You play an evil guy who is going to attach peace and goodness with huge armies. This game looks like it may be using Enreal Engine 3. Triumph studios is making it and Codemasters is publishing it. No word on release.




Eons ago, seven brave warriors defeated you, the dark overlord, whose tyranny toward the people and lands surely wasn't missed after you were slain. Following your death, the seven heroes divided the land, but they soon fell into the traps of leadership, each becoming what they had originally fought against, dictators in their own sub-divided kingdoms. Now the peasants want you back and you're more than ready to kick some armored ass.


Your character looks cool and there's these armies of minions all around him that carry out your orders - pillaging, destroying, scaring little kids. Their AI upgrades itself with different weapons and defenses.


The game looks a LOT like a next gen Fable just in terms of graphics and gameplay perspective. They want it to be darkly comical among all the excessive violence. I think it looks really cool.




New screens of Rainbow Six: Vegas. This game looks amazing. There's a screen of your character rappelling down a building, looks awesome. Not much new in terms of info though. They said they've heard the cries of fans after Lockdown.




OK, they say FEAR is NOT just a port. There's a lot of new stuff in the game, and someone else is developing it. They say it's not monolith but when you hear who it is you'll be happy. Hint: Giant Robots. My guess is the mechassault team. The details on this game will be coming next month.




Too Human update: The cyberspace (pictured in my avatar) is a lot like the matrix, it's the world before man and machine started messing it up. I think it's actually in prehistoric times. A BIG part of the game involves exploring this place and getting weapon schematics, cybernetic upgrades, etc. which can be sent to Baldur's homebase to be manufactured.




They say Gears of War will have a minecart level.




In GOW, if you hit the reload button as soon as you run out of bullets, you'll reload quicker and get back into the action faster, and your bullets will have a small damage amplifier on them. If you miss the timing on the reload, your gun will jam momentarily.




Some cover can be shredded by bullets, as we'd expect. They also said all the animations have been re-done with new motion capture animations. I say thank God for that!


If you press A you go into cover, then press A to jump over the cover or swat roll to more cover. Press A while you're running to dive roll, and hold A while running to duck your head and "roadie-run"


You're never alone, there's always one or three other guys with you in a level, and they are the avatars for your buddies in co-op. There's seperate paths in the level you will have to take, for instance one player gets up to a spotlight to shine on the other player so he's in the light and protected from the locust horde, and he must keep the light on you while you cross a dangerous open area. Then you get to another spotlight and do the same for him.


I still have 3 more pages so more to come. Most of the article is re-iteration.




Youcan give commands in certain situations. CliffyB says that they will make the Ai good so that it doesn't turn into "how can i babysit these guys who don't know how to stay alive." He says something I like. "that's not a feature; that's a job!"


LB brings up commands. You can have them:


cease fire

fire on a targe

move to location



Pretty standard stuff. It will work in co-op and multiplay too and your comrades will see the command in their HUD. In team deathmatch thouhg, I'm sure no one will pay attention. But in co-op it will make things easier, like when someone on PDZ says "kill this guy" and you have no idea what he's talking about. Now you will have him marked on your hud.


He talks about sneaking up and laying it to an enemy with a chainsaw, which is particularly gruesome. CliffyB also talks about "the Hammer of Dawn" which is a devastating two-player weapon. In single player, you have a laser that you can paint targets with and artillery will completely destroy anything around it. (sounds like entire buildings the way they're talking.) In co-op, you both steer the beam somehow and there's an ultra big rain of fire.

The hammer of down is used sparingly because the laser is in orbit, but when it lines up, you can use it as many times as you want.




i will shortly.... to finish off the gears of war article:


Keeping teammates alive is a lot like GRAW, where they go down and you can heal them. This should work in co-op as well, like the revive kits in PDZ.


The game MAY use the headset to give commands.


The chainsaw bit sounds heavily influenced by the chainsaw guy in RE4. Yummy.


There's a crossbow weapon called the torque bow. you control how far it shoots by how long you hold it down. You can shoot a locust in the arm, watch them go behind cover, then detonate the arrow and see the strings of gore and bodyparts go flying.


There's a stickgrenade also. You can swing it on a chain and throw it. You can melee and enter a God of War-style minigame where you shove the grenade in the enemy's mouth. And you can close holes that locusts are coming out of with them.


The story sounds deeper than we thought. You'll get to see the main characters' birthplace, and there's more characters also, and a girl named Anya.


Achivements: The achievements in this game sound a LOT like condemned's. There's a graffiti symbol called the "crimson omen" and there's three in each level. Find one for a bronze medal, two for a silver, and all three for a gold medal achievement. Should add that much more to the replay value.




Darkness is coming out this fall. It's definitely a first person shooter/action game and it will retell the entire comic book series.


A family curse give a 21 year old mafia hitman the darkness, which is like some sort of parasite that gives him supernatural powers.


You can't trust the darkness but you can use it to work your way up the family tree in the mafia.


Graphics are okay, but not unreal engine 3 quality. Looks really close to condemned.


To use the darkness you sit in the shadow and charge it up, and two hands come out of you, one lazy and one angry. The hands can grab and hurl cars, and you can still hold two guns in your hands. There's a small "Black hand" which is a probe you can send into hard-to reach places. And there's another power like a black hole that sucks up everything around your character, often taking cover from your enemies.


They are working hard to make NYC very ditry and grisly.


Voice acting is very good.


10,000+ lines of dialogue in the game.


slay kane kratei sauta pou les,gia jaggies k mikra bandwith,giati to ps3 erxetai se ligo kairo k exeis na deis k kei kati margaritaria....eidikia sy pou molis bazeis ena game eisai apo panw tou me megenthintiko fako se kobw na min tin paleueis...giati den thelei idiaitero bandwith o egkefalos mas na katalabei oti mesa sto prwto 5mino mia konsola tha kanei grafika aptesta..mikri geusi pirame me to GRAW,Oblivion,Condemned ante k DOA4,Pgr3.

Mipws thimasai to ps2 stin arxi ti eixe?auto to teras tis epoxis simfwna me tin sony?


επιτέλους βγήκε το nba 2k6 το έχει μόνο παπασωτηριού, ούτε πλαίσιο ούτε multirama. θα το έχω σε 1 ώρα θα κάνω post screens σύντομα αφού παίξω μερικά παιχνιδάκια... α ναι απο ότι έχω δεί nba 2k7 μόνο για xbox360... μου φαίνεται ήρθε η ώρα για xbox live gold...το νέο fifa είναι καλό?

slay kane kratei sauta pou les,gia jaggies k mikra bandwith,giati to ps3 erxetai se ligo kairo k exeis na deis k kei kati margaritaria....

oxi file moy, kai xereis giati, giati h kyria pipila ton xbox fans htan kai einai oti h sony oti katafernei to katafernei me to Hype kai olo psemata leei kai kai kai, kai blepoyme TORA thn MS na yposxetai lagoys me petraxhlia (720p se kathe game, free AA) kai na mhn paradidei tipota apo ayta, einai opos kai na to kaneis payback time.


GTR is now on Xbox 360


THQ continues its aggressive approach in next-gen game development. Today, THQ has announced a partnership with Swedish development studio SimBin Development Team AB to bring their award-winning GTR franchise to the Xbox 360.


This multi-title deal kicks off with the release of GTR on the Xbox 360 in Q1 2007, specifically focusing on the FIA (Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile) GT Championship - a European-based racing series that includes world class automakers such as Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, Corvette, Porsche and Aston Martin.










OXM rumors


Virtua fighter 5 headed to 360

Tales rpg to 360

A great ip from last year is getting a 360 sequel

Square enix will have a bunch of 360 games at e3 but no single player Final Fantasy

The Xboy handheld is really coming

WoW to 360

HL3 possible timed exclusive

This quarter' date=' we shipped 1.7 million Xbox 360 consoles, bringing our cumulative sales to date to 3.2 million consoles ....

* Because of our increased optimism and strong console shipments in Q3, we are tightening our previously announced fiscal year shipment guidance of 4.5 to 5.5 million consoles to 5.0 to 5.5 million consoles.[/quote']

Δεν βγάζει νόημα αυτό ...

Αφού χωρίς καμία αύξηση παραγωγής στο 3ο τρίμηνο(απρίλιο-Ιουνιο), θα έφταναν τα 5εκ σχεδόν ,χωρίς να υπερδιπλασίαζαν καν την παραγωγή.

(Πχ, http://www.gamespot.com/news/6146309.html)


Και αν όντος η αύξηση της παραγωγής όπως λένε , είναι αυτό που τους έκανε να ανέβουν 500.000 και να πουν 5 με 5.5εκ ... για να μην τα ξεπεράσουν τώρα θα πρέπει να την μειώσουν ξανά άμεσα στα παλιά επίπεδα !!!



Μια εξήγηση είναι ότι απλά έχουν στείλει πολύ λιγότερα και λένε ότι τους κατέβει τώρα, μιας και τον Ιούνιο νομίζω βγάζουν τα επίσημα στοιχεία.

Δεν μου έρχετε κάτι άλλο.

oxi file moy, kai xereis giati, giati h kyria pipila ton xbox fans htan kai einai oti h sony oti katafernei to katafernei me to Hype kai olo psemata leei kai kai kai, kai blepoyme TORA thn MS na yposxetai lagoys me petraxhlia (720p se kathe game, free AA) kai na mhn paradidei tipota apo ayta, einai opos kai na to kaneis payback time.

slay einai ksekatharo oti i sony oti exei petixei toxei petixei me ta exclusives games k library pou xei.egw auta de ta dexomai,kserw pio einai to pio dinato mixanima opote de kathomai na stiriksw ta astirixta.to thema einai oti k sto ps3 tha ta deis auta..


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