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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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Microsoft Increases Xbox Shipment Target, Shows Increased Overall Profit, Bigger Xbox 360 Loss


Tech giant Microsoft has announced its third-quarter financial results for the period ending March 31, 2006, showing revenue of $10.90 billion, a 13% increase over the same quarter of the prior year. Profit for the quarter was $3.89 billion, or a 17% increase compared with $3.33 billion in the prior-year period.


However, particularly relevant to the video game press were comments made in the conference call following the results, during which officials revealed plans for five to five and a half million Xbox 360s to ship to stores worldwide before June 30th, the end of the company's fiscal year. This was up marginally on the previous 4.5-5.5 million estimate.


The company also revealed that it had shipped 3.2 million Xbox 360s thus far, including 1.8 million in North America, according to a TheStreet.com report, after repeated shortages due to manufacturing problems stymied many consumers over the holiday period and early 2006. However, Microsoft VP Peter Moore commented in a post-results call: "Our supply challenges are behind us operationally". The company also announced 10 million Xbox Live Marketplace downloads, including over 4 million Xbox Live Arcade games - though many of these were not paid, obviously.


As for specifics on the Xbox 360 and Xbox's financials, the company's Home and Entertainment division, which includes the Microsoft Xbox video game console system, PC games, the Home Products Division, and TV platform products for the interactive television industry, lost $388 million for the quarter on $1.06 billion in revenue, a sharp increase from the $175 million loss the previous year.


The company's financial report explained of the increased revenue: "Home and Entertainment revenue increased for the first nine months of fiscal year 2006 driven by the launch of Xbox 360 and the strength of new PC games, especially Age of Empires III. Revenue from the 3.25 million Xbox 360 consoles shipped since its launch more than offset the approximate $300 million impact of Halo 2 sales in fiscal year 2005."


However, the division's loss increased "...due to an increase in product costs and sales and marketing expenses related to the Xbox 360 and due to the significant margin generated by Halo2 in fiscal year 2005." The document explained: "Our business model anticipates that while we currently sell Xbox 360 consoles at a negative margin, product cost reductions and the future margins on sales of games and other products will enable us to achieve a positive margin over the Xbox 360 console lifecycle." However, it noted that "...the first generation Xbox consoles continue to have negative margins." Microsoft's financials on the Home and Entertainment division ended: "We expect operating expenses and operating loss to increase as a result of Xbox 360 launch-related activities and Xbox 360 console costs."


In a related story, in an interview with the Associated Press, Microsoft CFO Chris Liddell noted that the company had higher-than-expected expenses for Xbox 360, because of the costs of rushing to get consoles into consumers' hands amid a shortage, and also that revenues were down from expectations because of the swift tailing off of revenues from the first Xbox.


Finally, the company announced overall projected revenue of between $11.5 billion and $11.7 billion for its fiscal fourth quarter, a figure that Wall Street considered 'tepid', despite its magnitude. The company's shares were down almost 2 dollars to $25.48 in after-hours trading.



  • Απαντ. 14,1k
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i vasiki diafora kapoion edo mesa einai i eksis.....iparxoun atoma pou exoun XBOX360 kai perimenoun kai to PS3 oste na mporesoun na to agorasoun kai auto...se auta ta atoma apla tous aresei to kalo gaming....den ksero kapoion pou na leei "Ego exo XBOX360 alla den perno tin mpaxatela to PS3,giati tha einai....".....ANTITHETOS iparxoun kapoioi pou auti tin stigmi den paradexontai oti to XBOX360 einai oti kalitero kikloforei se konsola,protimoun na pezoun PS2 kai lene oti tha perimenoun OSO xreiastei to PS3 pou tha mamaei tin MS kai to "kako" XBOX360....prosoxi,den anaferomai se atoma pou den exoun tin oikonomiki eukolia na paroun kai ta 2....apolita sevasto kapoios na protimaei na perimenei to PS3 an mporei na agorasei MIA konsola mono,pragma pou to kanoun giati den mporoun na dosoun lefta gia 2 konsoles kai oxi epeidi to XBOX360 einai athlio


simfono mazh sou an kai to oti eine oti kalytero ayth thn stigmh den simfono kai poly. posa paixnidia exei mexrh tora kai posa apo ayta eine kathara xbox360 next gen kai exoun parh kales bathmologies? ego ksero mono 2.

Ego protimo na pezo me thn amiga mou kai na pezo psx games (kai ps2 kai ps3) otan bgei to ps3 :D opos agapa o kathenas


Ektos apo ayto pou les kati pou poly theloun na kanoun eine na pernoun to xbox360 kai otan bgei to ps3 tha to poulisoun, eine kiayto mia lysh gia opoion thelei na exei mono 1 konsola

privateer postareis pou postareis eikones th postaris mono 1 kai meta mas afhneis? :D toulaxiston kane post kai link me perisoteres photo


δε ποσταρουμε πολλες μαζι, γιατι θα μας βγουνε τα ματια απο τα χοντρα πολυγωνα :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:





(p.s. privat33r στη συγκεκριμενη φωτο σε προλαβα στη σελιδα 170:mrgreen: (η εξαιρεση που επιβεβαιωνει τον κανονα :D))


Ρε παιδία γιατί εφόσον κάποιοι καταλαβαίνεται ότι ο slay εννοεί ότι το test drive έχει μικρό αριθμό πολύγωνων στα μοντέλα του κάθεστε και τον κοροϊδεύεται? μπορεί ο άνθρωπος να είναι άσχετος αλλά έχει δίκιο το παιχνίδι είναι μετριο . μην κάνετε συγκρίσεις με gran turismo(όσο άθλιο και να φαίνεται τώρα ποια στο ps2) που για εμένα τουλάχιστον αποτελεί θρύλο . κανένα test drive δεν ήταν τίποτα ιδιαίτερο και ούτε πρόκειται να είναι και αυτό . αν δείτε video in game τα γραφικά είναι μετριότατα καμία σύγκριση με την τελειότητα του per3.οσο για το online άμα παίζει καλά σε 512 που έχω τι να πω .



τελικα το παιχνιδι ειναι ps3 only.


rebel σορρυ πουθα διαφωνισω μαζι σου, αλλα πιστευω οτι για το μεγεθος που παει να πιασει αυτο το παιχνιδι,

το επιπεδο των γραφικων του ειναι πολυ μα πολυ υψηλο.


το θεμα ειναι να δουμε αν μπορει να τα κουναει κι ολας, και αν το μοντελο οδηγησης ειναι καλο.



οσο για τη λιστα,

1) για το brothers in arms μονο ο slay ελεγε οτι ειναι exclusive :mrgreen:


2) ειλικρινα ελπιζω να μη φαει καμια καθυστερηση το ps3, γιατι ολα τα καλα games μαλλον πανω στην κυκλοφορια του θελει να τα σκασει η m$.

an kai to oti eine oti kalytero ayth thn stigmh den simfono kai poly


me to oti den exei akoma next-gen paixnidia kai den exei kales vathmologies simfono,alla einai i kaliteri konsola se grafika kai dinatotites auti ti stigmi....to oti protimes na pezeis amiga einai allo thema...ki ego prin ligo kairo epeza mame kai emulators sinexeia...den exei na kanei auto


petran egw pali apo ta video den eida tipota to polla iposxomeno.opws eipa kai prin kanena test drive den itan tipota idiaitero kai den pistevw pws tha einai kai auto(edw to fifa kai meta apo 200 genies oi pextes exoun paromio animation me to megadrive otan tous vlepeis na trexoun apo tin makrini camera to evlepa kai den to pisteva sto rtwc06).ta autokinita einai apla kala kai min milisw gia to eswteriko.to kako einai oti gia xari tou kolo ps3 tha perinenoume gia na pexoume idi etoimes paixnidares opws to virtual tennis 3(eimai fan tou sigekrimenou) kai apo oti fenetai tha mas kotsaroun kai ena import apo ps2 tou pes6.


oso argei to playstation3 oi monoi pou den sinferei eimaste emeis pou exoume xbox360 parteto xambari den einai gia gelia.i kathisterisi auti denei ta xeria stous iapwnes kirios kataskevastes( px sega k vt3).emena prosopika autoi me endiaferoun.


rebel το tdu το φτιαχνει αλλο dev. team. καμια σχεση με τα προηγουμενα games.

αϊντε να δουμε.. οσο για το ps3 launch, το εχω γραψει και εγω και συμφωνω μαζι σου 100%


ΑΝΤΕ ΝΑ ΒΓΕΙ ΤΟ ΡΗΜΑΔΙ ΝΑ ΤΕΛΕΙΩΝΟΥΜΕ :mrgreen: :mrgreen: (στην καλυτερη σε 6 μηνες ....πωωωω :D)


makari re petran na vgei kai na mamaei alla diskolo.sta racing kai sports eimai pragmatika dispistos.liges einai oi etairies pou mporoun na antapokrithoun.elpizw na exeis dikio giati mallon to TDU einai to teleutaio

xarti tis ekdotrias atari prin to oristiko telos kai tin xreokopoia.

me to oti den exei akoma next-gen paixnidia kai den exei kales vathmologies simfono,alla einai i kaliteri konsola se grafika kai dinatotites auti ti stigmi....to oti protimes na pezeis amiga einai allo thema...ki ego prin ligo kairo epeza mame kai emulators sinexeia...den exei na kanei auto


e ma ean den exei kalous titlous tote giati na to paro?? epeidh THA bgalei? as bgalei kai blepoume. eine apithano ayto pou simbenei synexeia tora teleytea. bgenei kati kainourgio kai epeidh o mpamphs o sougias eipe pos eine kalo e as to paro tote.. To thema eine oi titloi. exei polous kalous? oxi. ara opoios to parh perimenei.. o eksipnos agorasths prota perimenei kai meta pernei oxi to antistrofo


Rebel otan les racing ti akribos racing? to motorstorm emena mou fenete poly eksipnh skepsh


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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