Daredevil Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2006 Scener released a tool that will allow you to easily extract and write the unique DVD key to/from an Hitachi-LG Xbox 360 firmware file (so no need to hex-edit it manually anymore). As you might know each DVD drive on the Xbox 360 has a unique key. That key is checked by your Xbox 360 console (so you normally can't switch drives, or use a DVD firmware with a diff key than yours). If the keys don't match the Xbox 360 will give an error while booting. This tool allows you to read/extract the key and write a key to a DVD firmware .bin file. From foros360.com/readme: FEATURES 0.5: * Program can patch any keydrive into any Hitachi firmware file * Program can check if a firmware file is encrypted or not * Program show the keydrive of a Hitachi firmware file * Program can extract the keydrive into a key.kdx file * Program can show the key extracted to a key.kdx file * Program can create custom key.kdx files BUGS 0.5: * When you create a custom key.kdx, if you enter a number higher than FF, the program crash NEXT FEATURES: * Compatibility with Samsung drives Official Site: foros360.com Download: here (firmware file removed for obvious copyright reasons)
Narayan Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2006 http://youtube.com/watch?v=xURflJaEeAM&search=killzone%20fake videακι που αποδεικνυει οτι το killzone ητανε καλυτερο απο τo halo' date=' καθως και οτι το killzone2 ειναι ... τελειο :mrgreen: :mrgreen: οσοι δεν εχετε δει ποτε killzone (το halo-killer συμφωνα με τους ps2 fans) αξιζει να δειτε προσεχτικα το game footage. εχει πολυ γελιο! **προσοχη μη σας πιασει η κοιλια σας, ειδικα αν δεν εχετε χωνεψει ακομα τα αρνακια.**[/quote'] pwn3d
p3tran Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2006 ...για οσους δεν κατεβασαν ακομα το Wizard Tower για το oblivion: The Wizard Tower DLC for Oblivion is available on LIVE! Located high in the Jeral Mountains of Cyrodiil away from prying eyes, this add-on makes the Wizard's Tower, Frostcrag Spire, become available. Packed with numerous useful enhancements, this structure will prove invaluable to magic-oriented characters. * A fully detailed tower for you to explore * A breathtaking view of Cyrodiil from the highest point in the land * Simple furnishings including a bed for leveling up * An indoor botanical garden with over 130 specimens... including Oblivion-native herbs! * Summon Atronach Familiars that obey your commands * Instant teleports to every Mages Guild in Cyrodiil * New Spell and Recharge vendor in the Imperial City * Fully upgrade the furnishings in your lair to suit your needs * Upgrade to a fully functional Enchanting and Spellmaking station with no need to join Mages Guild * Upgrade to a laboratory that buffs your Alchemy skill Excerpt from the Memoirs of Taris Rendil, Arch-Mage As I pen this, I gaze upon the walls of my home and remember the very day its design came to fruition. Although it seems like yesterday, it was actually many years ago. I was an impetuous wizard; I wasn't simply satisfied living at the Arcane University. I spent years coming up with a design for my home, a place where I could practice my magic in peace and keep myself away from the prying eyes of my colleagues. I pored over tomes and dusty scrolls, scoured the bookshops of the land and even delved into ancient ruins looking for inspiration. Finally, as I rested my weary body at a camp outside of Bruma and marveled in awe at the majesty of the Jerall Mountains, I became inspired. Like a madman I begin to sketch exactly what I wanted my grand dwelling to look like. It wasn't long before I had completed my masterpiece, put down my quill and took a step back to see what I had wrought. Frostcrag Spire was born. And now, as age overwhelms me and the glow is dying from my eyes, I wish to give the Spire to you. The thought that my dream could one day crumble to ruin fills me with sadness. I know that you'll take care of your new home, and if need be, restore it to its former glory. Please, heed my instructions carefully. There's much to tell, and the strength drains from my limbs. Frostcrag Spire contains many wonderful inventions. I've spent my whole life perfecting them, and I hope you'll put them to good use. My pride and joy is the Atronach Altar. By bringing three salts from the very same creatures to this altar, you can summon an Atronach Familiar to do your bidding. It will obey your simple commands, and defend you in times of need. Should you tire of it, simply speak to it and dismiss it. These fine creatures have protected me in my travels, and should be of great use to you. With permission from the Arcane University, I've had a Spellmaking and an Enchanting Altar placed in the tower as well. You have but to provide the Magetallow Candles to power them, and they will serve you well. Working closely with my good friend Sinderion, the Master Alchemist of Skingrad, I have developed the Frostcrag Apparatus Table. This table is for the discerning alchemist, and should help even the most difficult brews become easier to create. I've also re-seeded my alchemy conservatory with the best ingredients Cyrodiil has to offer, and some from beyond her borders. Finally, I have created portals to all of the mage's guilds in Cyrodiil. This should make it easier to travel to them in times of need. I've entrusted most of my belongings to Aurelinwae at the Mystic Emporium in the Market District of the Imperial City. There you'll find everything you need to bring Frostcrag Spire back from the dead. She may require compensation for her time and care watching these special items, but I assure you, it's well worth the coin. Please, take care of Frostcrag Spire. She was my home and much of myself is infused with the stone and mortar. May your journeys be safe, and the roads you travel free of danger δηλ. παιρνεις εναν ολοκληρο πυργο για την παρτυ σου, ο οποιος εχει εγκαταστασεις για να κανεις spells, enchants, κηπο με 130 ειδη, teleport για τα mages guild σε καθε πολη, ικανοτητα να φτιαχνεις το δικο σου ..pet-atronach που θα σε ακολουθει παντου και θα κανει οτι του πεις, καθως και μια κυρια που μπορεις να της πουλας την πραματεια σου στα 2.000 coins max τιμη αντι για τα 1.200.. με λιγα λογια... αξιζει! 8)
p3tran Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2006 ...και κατι που εγω προσωπικα δεν το ειχα δει... ειναι πολυ παλιο (posted june 1st, 2005) , αλλα αν δεν το εχετε δει ουτε εσεις, να η ευκαιρια: Gears of War In-Game Demonstration for XBOX 360 Epic Games 2 min 57 sec - Jun 1, 2005 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4880839782057300464&q=xbox+360+games&pl=true
p3tran Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2006 ...υπενθυμιζω οτι το Too Human ΔΕΝ εχει καθολου cgi, και ο,τι βλεπετε ειναι in-game. 8)
Daredevil Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 Virtua Tennis 3 Xbox360 Info & Screens Sega sends along word that there will be a new Virtua Tennis game coming in eearly 2007! This is great news, VT was one of our favorite sports title of all time. The game is coming to both PS3 & Xbox360. Click on the news title for the info and screens. LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (April 25, 2006) – SEGA Europe Ltd. and SEGA of America, Inc. today announced they will be publishing Virtua Tennis 3 ™. Virtua Tennis 3 ™ takes to the court on the Sony PlayStation® 3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. Virtua Tennis 3 ™ gives gamers the opportunity to experience new levels of realism never thought possible on a home console system. The Virtua Tennis series has been well-received by critics and fans for its ease of play but difficult to master gameplay. With Virtua Tennis 3, the series returns with enhanced photo-realistic graphics and advanced player animations that perfectly match the behaviour and mannerisms of individual professional players. Next-generation systems allow gamers to see the most detailed expressions on the faces of their selected players as they battle to win heated tournaments around the world “This is shaping up to be an outstanding title - a genuine next generation sports game,” commented Matt Woodley, Creative Director of SEGA. “Instant appeal and all the best of the VT brand is being added to an array of new gameplay features. Virtua Tennis 3 provides a must have in-depth experience - though I'd say the graphics alone are reason to buy and the quality is so sharp and clear you can even see the veins on the players necks!” Take on the worldʼs greatest tennis stars on any court surface worldwide; with newly added players and improvements to the gameʼs AI, Virtua Tennis 3 has upped the challenge to becoming the top seed of the tennis world. In Career Mode, gamers will travel the world and take on the biggest stars of the tennis world. Improvements to the Player Creation Mode allow gamers to customise their own tennis star with increased detail like never before. No Virtua Tennis title would be complete without the popular and addictive mini-games, and Virtua Tennis 3 is no exception. In addition to the popular mini-games from previous titles used to sharpen playersʼ skills, there will be a whole host of brand new games to keep playersʼ in top form. Virtua Tennis 3 ™ is due for release on the Sony® PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Xbox 360™ in Spring 2007. SEGAʼs E3 booth will be located in the South Hall, #946, at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
privateer Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 Peter Moore's Pre-E3 Chat "It is our goal to bring E3 home to Xbox Live members as best we can, all the videos and the news as quickly as possible," vowed Peter. "We will give you the flavor of what's going on, on the show floor and some of the stuff that we are showing and debuting here." Xbox Live members should be able to play many of the demos that even the celebrities will be testing out at E3. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/news/events/e32006/articles/petermooreinterview.htm
p3tran Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 ....και ενω συμφωνα με καποιους, το Brothers in Arms 3 ειναι playstation exclusive, καποιοι αλλοι ασχετοι () βαλανε νεες φωτογραφιες απο την εκδοση για 360 στο oxm enjoy:
p3tran Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 ...επισης, για οσους δεν εχετε συνδεση με το xbox live marketplace, το pre-E3 video του Lost Planet υπαρχει πλεον να το κατεβασετε στο pc σας απο εδω: http://www.xboxyde.com/news_2822_en.html
p3tran Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 Peter Moore's Pre-E3 Chat "It is our goal to bring E3 home to Xbox Live members as best we can' date=' all the videos and the news as quickly as possible," vowed Peter. "We will give you the flavor of what's going on, on the show floor and some of the stuff that we are showing and debuting here." Xbox Live members should be able to play many of the demos that even the celebrities will be testing out at E3. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/...einterview.htm [/quote'] καλη φαση το marketplace 8) p.s. poromene δεν το προσεξα, εχεις δικιο..:oops:
poromenos Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 Peter Moore's Pre-E3 Chat "It is our goal to bring E3 home to Xbox Live members as best we can' date=' all the videos and the news as quickly as possible," vowed Peter. "We will give you the flavor of what's going on, on the show floor and some of the stuff that we are showing and debuting here."[/b'] Xbox Live members should be able to play many of the demos that even the celebrities will be testing out at E3. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/news/events/e32006/articles/petermooreinterview.htm μια ενδιαφερουσα συνεντευξη του p. moore σχετικα με την Ε3 και το 360 μπορειτε να βρειτε εδω: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/news/events/e32006/articles/petermooreinterview.htm σημειωνω μερικα βασικα: καλη φαση το marketplace 8) lol diavaze kai ta proigoumena posts prin postareis!
Bourdoulas Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 iparxoun noymera gia to poses konsoles exoun poyli8ei mexri stigmis pagkosmios?
privateer Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2006 The Wall Street Journal reports that Microsoft is acquiring New York-based video game advertising company Massive Inc. for between $200 million and $400 million. http://www.joystiq.com/2006/04/26/microsoft-munches-massive-inc/
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