Daredevil Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2006 ase mas re slay twra me to layout ayta poulata allou, etsi ki aloiws milame gia tis idies pics pou exei bgalei h etaireia gia ola ta format me diaforetiko keimenaki(fantazomai... giati den diabasa to keimenaki sta scans).
Daredevil Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2006 Gundam X360 http://videogamerx.gamedonga.co.kr/gamenews/a005/541/05.jpg http://videogamerx.gamedonga.co.kr/gamenews/a005/541/06.jpg http://videogamerx.gamedonga.co.kr/gamenews/a005/541/07.jpg http://videogamerx.gamedonga.co.kr/gamenews/a005/541/08.jpg http://videogamerx.gamedonga.co.kr/gamenews/a005/541/09.jpg http://www.insomnia.gr/vb3/showpost.php?p=1094009&postcount=2228 http://www.insomnia.gr/vb3/showpost.php?p=1095562&postcount=2248
xrest Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2006 ma oi pics den einai gia ena sigkekrimeno sistima.de katalabainw such an obsession oti nanai apo ps3 oi eikones.. PETRAN eftiakse jp account alla den iparxei demo tou N3 akoma.pote les na skaei miti?eutixws pou exei k kapoia agglika k katalabainw...
xrest Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2006 ike many of you, itʼs hard for me to remember a time when the word "Playstation" was not synonymous with gaming. Sony has held the all mighty hardware throne for an astounding eleven years at the time of writing this. The same can be said for Nintendoʼs 9 year reign with the NES and SNES from 1985 - 1994, and even more so with Atariʼs 10 year reign ending with the collapse of the entire industry in 1981-1984. With that in mind, one must ask, is Sony placing to much faith in the Playstation moniker at this point or do they truly understand the business on such a level that the cat and mouse game they are playing with the PS3 and any information surrounding will ultimately pay off in the bolstering amount needed to save the ailing hardware giant. In a recent interview through a European media outlet, Mr. Fornay Vice president of SCEE (Sony computer entertainment of Europe) made some rather astounding remarks regarding the PS3 price-point and the views being placed upon it. He hastily hinted that a Blu-ray player in the neighborhood of $599.99 would be an absolute steal, but as a stand alone gaming machine would be quite overpriced, as proven in the past. Sony was quick to issue a rebuttal on his behalf stating these were his personal views and not official commenting on the price of the PS3. Damage control at its finest. But keep in mind the massive cover up after Sonyʼs own CEO Howard Stringer hinted at the PS3's launch delay to Vanity Fair. Sony PR was quick to label it as "pure speculation" coming from the companyʼs own CEO, which was later to be proven completely accurate when the delay was made official mid-march of 2006. Sony isnʼt one for honesty as a company entity however their head honcho's loose lips seem to deliver the only truth passing Sonyʼs door these days. If the PS3 is delivered at $599.99 what does this mean for Sony? Historically gaming machines would have never sold for anything north of $299.99 (that was until the Xbox360 moved the line to 399.99 in winter of 2005). Just look at the complete failure of the 1990's powerhouse, the 3DO, at the relatively respectable price of $399.99 (roughly $449.99 inflation adjusted). With the PS3 now touting the largest price tag for any console in the history of gaming and higher then most mid-low end PC's at this point, does this spell disaster for the ailing hardware giant? Sony hasnʼt posted net gains in the past three years until 2005 when they posted a depressing $580 million dollar profit after posting loss's in the billions for the last three fiscal years. The true death blow at this point would really point to the HDCP compliance required for Blu-ray movie playback (as well as HD-DVD), making the PS3 no more then a video game system with a capacity of 50 gig games for anyone who purchased a HDTV in the past 6 years. So were does the PS3's $600.00 price tag come into play for us non-HDCP HDTV owners? The answer is nowhere. PS3 production pricing at this point has been laid out to be anywhere from $850 - $956 per unit, meaning there will be a loss on each machine of approx $250 - $350 per console sold. If one million consoles sell in the first day of availability Sony will have wiped their entire fiscal gain for all of 2005 in under 24 hours. In retrospect, Microsoft lost $150 per Xbox (Version 1) console, ending in a 4 billion dollar loss in the lifespan of Xbox (Version 1). With pockets deeper then the Atlantic Ocean, even Microsoft had to re-consider their standings in the console market, thus leading to an abruptly ended Xbox life span. So how will Sony bounce back for a variable $2 billion dollar hole in 2006? Answer is they won't at the price point they have “announced”. Sonyʼs official statement in the face of the $599.99 price tag was "The console will not cost $750 dollars", meaning in short, I believe the damage control was laid down not in the face of the price tag being over priced, but more like being under priced. Expect the PS3 to weigh in above the $650 mark for Sony to have a substantial chance at a 2006 fiscal year that doesnʼt sink the proverbial ship. But what does all this mean for gamers as a whole? Basically with an astounding high price, and seemingly useless features for those of us with standard definition televisions or high definition televisions purchased in the past 6 years, we will be purchasing a half-complete machine for a fully complete hi-def included player price. This is Sonyʼs main hurdle, finding a way around the HDCP protocol. A blu-ray player with a price tag of $100.00 is still worthless to over 350 million Americans which is, I might add, Sonyʼs main demographic for hardware sales (North America). Ailing stock prices, poor movie sales and a failing UMD (Sony PSP media) market, might add up to a low-cost buyout in Sonyʼs future. I personally see this happening regardless of the Blu-ray market by 2014. I for one can just see the looks on Sonyʼs main competitors faces at this time, all the gleaming in the world coming from One Microsoft way ( the road both Nintendo HQ and MS HQ reside on) as this could turn out to be the largest upset in consumer electronics history. All this added up, you have to ask yourself. Will the next Playstation you purchase post-PS3 run a Microsoft operating system and have backwards compatibility for PS1 PS2 PS3 Xbox and Xbox360? Putting your rabid love for Sony aside, this doesnʼt seem as far fetched as it once did, when the Sony name wasnʼt covered in enough red tape to fill the Grand Canyon. Blu-ray, Cell and a self-destructive obsession with one upping Microsoft, might have possibly put this king to rest... for good. Stay tuned for the largest train wreck in console history. http://www.bonafidereviews.com/article.php?id=148 : Polli gelio to article...
xrest Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2006 TOO HUMAN INFO They say you can never be too rich or too thin. But if your job is kicking the crap out of a race of mechanical monsters and maybe the odd renegade god or two, you can be too human. St. Catharines-based game developer Silicon Knights, the folks behind the GameCube's excellent but underappreciated Eternal Darkness and the Solid Snake redux Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, are toiling away on Too Human, an epic project that's slated to hit the Xbox 360 by year's end. In the vein of The Lord Of The Rings, Too Human is being developed as a trilogy of games to be released at set intervals, chronicling humankind's struggle against an ancient race of machines. It's cyberpunk meets Beowulf, with gameplay that's a melding of Devil May Cry and Diablo. FIRST LOOK AT GAME We got the lowdown on Too Human's sprawling world and went hands-on with the first title in the trilogy during a visit to Silicon Knights' headquarters last month and we're now able to give you the very first in-depth look at the game, ahead of any other publication or website in North America. Too Human is set in what Silicon Knights president Denis Dyack describes as a distant yet futuristic past, one where select members of the human race have access to cybernetic enhancements that give them godlike abilities. You play as Baldur, a cybernetic super-soldier employed by the Aesir Corporation. In order to battle to a recently awoken race of mechanical goblins, trolls and other beasties, you'll be outfitted with all manner of weaponry, from massive warhammers to rapid-fire pistols to laser rifles. Drawing deeply from Norse mythology in both its story and its visual design, Too Human looks to be an intriguing meld of full-on action with RPG elements, designed with the philosophy that it should be accessible to both action game newcomers and veteran joystick jockeys. And surprisingly enough, it is. By having the game's intelligent camera follow the action on its own, players don't have to worry about controlling the camera viewpoint. That frees up the Xbox 360 controller's right thumbstick to be used to execute melee attacks in any direction, while the left and right triggers control Baldur's auto-targeting firearms. It's instantly intuitive and a heck of a lot of fun. After just half an hour of playing a demo level of Too Human, I was able to wade into a horde of foes, casually flipping some into the air with my sword and then blasting them to pieces with my dual pistols before they hit the ground. Rack up enough combo kills, and Baldur can unleash a devastating attack like the Howl Of Fenrir, which sees him plunge his sword into the ground to trigger a powerful shockwave, then fire his pistols out to the sides in blinding arcs of hot lead that obliterate nearby enemies. BALDUR'S PROBLEM But Baldur's got a problem: Even though he's a cybernetic god, he is, as the game's title explains, too human. Only by finding and using new mechanical upgrades to help him jump higher, swing swords faster and execute more ferocious power attacks will he be able to triumph against the machines. Many of these goodies will be discovered in cyberspace, a Matrix-like digital realm that's patterned after the way the game's world used to be: green, lush and natural. Dyack promises much of Too Human's exploration and discovery will take place in the wilderness of cyberspace, where players will find schematics for new weapons and upgrades that they can download to their home base back in the "real" world. Too Human is an ambitious project, to say the least, from its next-gen visuals to its deep backstory to the fact it will be spread across three releases, with the possibility of Xbox Live downloadable content filling the gaps between games. But Silicon Knights have never produced a dud, and Too Human is a game that Dyack and company have been thinking about and working on in some form for nearly a decade. If these gaming gods can't create a world, who can? TOO HUMAN Silicon Knights / Microsoft Game Studios For Xbox 360 Release Date: Holidays 2006 http://winnipegsun.com/SundayFocus/2...26580-sun.html
p3tran Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2006 xrest εγω διαβασα οτι θα εμπαινε σημερα το demo. ελιπζω να μην αργησει γιατι το τελευταιο ingame video που ειδα ητανε πολυ ΑΡΡΩΣΤΟ!!!:twisted:
p3tran Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2006 [img']http://us.pgr3tournament.com/pgr/imgs/EN/EN_Opportunities_Box.gif[/img] νομιζω δεν εχει bugatti veyron και αμα δεν εχει ουτε στο gotham, πιθανον να μην εχει πουθενα...
xrest Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2006 Hiring for Halo Experience with DX9 HLSL shaders is required. Duh. Bungie Studios is on the lookout for a new graphics engineer to work on "the biggest franchises including Halo." Various industry Web sites have posted the announcement, and the position would work on developing titles for both the Xbox 360 console and the PC platform. Problem solving and communication skills, along with some experience with DX9 HLSL shaders, is required, obviously. Presumably, the new engineer would be working on Halo 3, the unannounced sequel said to be slated for release next Spring. We'll keep you posted on any other news coming out of Redmond, Washington. In the meantime, spruce up that resume. osoi pistoi prosethelte....lol:)
p3tran Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2006 ενας τροπος υπαρχει για να μαθεις.... δεν ξερω καποιον αλλον που να εχει παρει τα καλωδια αυτα ακομα. η αληθεια ειναι οτι με ψιλοενδιαφερει και εμενα. οποτε παρτα εσυ και λες και στους υπολοιπους! επισης ριξε και καμια ματια σε καννα teamxbox κλπ.. edit: το post του xrest στο οποιο απανταω μεταφερθηκε σε αλλο θεμα.
privateer Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2006 http://www.jeux-france.com/news15185_table-tennis-prend-de-l-assurance.html
GordonFreeman Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2006 Monster Cable GameLink 360 Component Video A/V Cable REVIEW Monster Cable GameLink 360 S-Video A/V Cable REVIEW Monster Cable GameLink 360 VGA A/V Cable REVIEW
p3tran Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2006 τι μας εβαλες τη φακιδομουρα ρε? ;ppPPppPP στο net υπαρχουνε και μερικα videακια..... και αφου αρχισαμε τα περιφεριακα, να το τελευταιο που πηρα εγω: Dlink dgl 4300 gaming router. κλπ κλπ κλπ awards.. http://games.dlink.com/awards/ http://hardware.teamxbox.com/reviews/general/10/DLink-DGL4300-Wireless-108G-Gaming-Router/p1/ προς το παρον απλως το πεταξα επανω στο δικτυο χωρις να εχω ρυθμισει σωστα το jetspeed, και παρολα αυτα ενω παλια δεν μπορουσα να συνδεθω με 3 συγκεκριμενα ατομα στο xbox live, τωρα με το καλημερα ολα καλα. τελος εβδομαδας θα γινει και το finetuning στο δικτυο μου, οποτε και θα εχω final judgement....
Daredevil Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2006 Nimblesoft's 360 Friends - Xbox Live friend list notifier 360 Friends is an Xbox Live friend list notifier. It will tell you who is online/offline, let you view gamercards and notify you when a friend's status changes. Since I'm such a fanboy of the Xbox 360 I decided to write this app. 360 Friends is an Xbox Live friend list notifier. It will tell you who is online/offline, let you view gamercards and notify you when a friend's status changes. This is the main window. It shows you your friend list and the current status of each friend.. Showing the number of friends online at startup Shows the status of one of your friends has changed. Download: Here Official Website: Nimblesoft.com
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