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GDC 06: Mass Effect Update

BioWare reveals its progress and innovations to IGN.


Couched in the Career Pavilion in what seems like a swarm of ever-moving, beer-drinking, long-haired and rather smelly job-seekers is that little developer we like to call BioWare. You know, the humble Canadian team that always makes hit RPGs and that continues to grow in size, prosperity, influence and power? Yeah, BioWare, those guys. We met with those guys today to talk a little about their new Xbox 360 game, Mass Effect.


Without revealing anything terribly specific, Dr. Gregory P. Zeschuck (BMSc MD MBA), corporate VP and director, and Raymond A. Muzyka (BMSc MD CCFP MBA), joint CEO, otherwise known as Greg and Ray, shot the proverbial breeze with the humble Doug Perry (B.A. Literature, UC Berkeley and OBG (official bald guy)) about the course of their game-in-progress, Mass Effect.


According to these fellows, Mass Effect is a squad-based action RPG, believe it or not. Much like Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire, players take on the role of a single upgradeable character who befriends and corrals others to join his quest. Due in winter 2006/2007 (BioWare wouldn't commit to a year), Mass Effect enables players to travel across solar systems and galaxies and to discover obscure planets in which to explore and, discover, and combat. Exploring new hidden planets is a major feature in the action-RPG as is BioWare's traditional weapon and armor progression trees.


Mass Effect also enables you to swap characters during battle, but more than anything, it puts you in the position of building up your squad in unique ways so that come a giant confrontation with evil, you have a wide variety of tactics and strategies at hand. When building a character, players can distinguish their characteristics, be they long-range or short-range attacks, healing abilities, or special attacks. Before each battle, players will, more than ever before in a BioWare game, plan strategies to activate in battle. And, according to Greg and Ray, the battle will take place in real time, real real time.


One of their main focuses, however, is building better, more credible characters. There will be less but more poignant dialog, and greater facial animations that will work to function as dialog much the way humans interact. Instead of a character standing straight up at a bar, he might be leaning on a bar with a distinct look on his face. The game features finer detail than Jade Empire, and the more credible characters feature expressions, movements, and animations created by animation experts. Natural animations can do more than text or even dialog can do, said Muzyka. "More than anything else, we want gamers to buy our games because they know that when they play one, they'll experience a handful of powerful and emotional moments, the kind that they'll remember," added Zeschuk.

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Microsoft closes in on Lionhead deal


Acquisition could be announced within days, as Molyneux' studio finally nears sale


Chatter at the Game Developers Conference in San Jose is strongly suggesting that Microsoft is on the verge of signing a deal to acquire British developer Lionhead, with rival bidder Ubisoft reported to be out of the running.


Well-placed sources in the development industry claim that the two companies are in the final stages of negotiation and may announce the deal within the coming days - but warned that further job losses at the studio could result from the acquisition.


Earlier this month, the Surrey-based studio laid off 50 staff and scaled back its project portfolio to two titles, in a move seen as a response to the poor commercial performance of PC titles The Movies and Black and White 2.


Lionhead boss Peter Molyneux' supposed attempts to sell the studio have been the subject of speculation for several years - with stock market flotation known to be under consideration at one point, while more recently the firm has been attached to possible suitors including Elevation Partners, Electronic Arts, Ubisoft and Microsoft.


Now it would appear that this saga is finally reaching an end, with Microsoft - publisher of the studio's only successful console title, Fable - closing in for a final bid, while Ubisoft, the other company reportedly left in the negotiations, has been left on the sidelines. "Ubisoft are furious," one insider told us today at GDC, "they thought they had it in the bag."




simera pira to oblivion gia to XBOX360 kai ta ehw pexei... ti katapliktika grafika ine auta stin SAMSOUNG HDTV 32'??? gia na kataferei na ftasei torino pc ta grafika auta , tha prepei na kostizei 2000 euro... me 2000 euro protimotero ine gia mena kapios na agorasei mia HDTV kai to xbox360 kai na apolamvanei ekei tis pehnidares tou opos kanw egw!


kali apolafsi se osous to agorasan! :D :D :D


pano το σετακι 360-hdtv, παιζει και να ειναι το πιο γ@ματο consumer electronics προϊον της τελευταιας δεκαετιας 8)


εγω μολις βγηκα στην υπαιθρο απο τους υπονομους, χαζεψα λιγο, κολυμπησα, χτυπησα ενα μεγαλο μπαρακουντα και κατι καβουρινες

και μετα ξαναμπηκα καπακι (!!) στον αρχαιο ναο απεναντι απο τους sewers.. παλι στις υπογες!!

τι τρελο game ειναι αυτο!!?! greedy.png


περιτο βεβαια να πουμε οτι ΟΛΕΣ οι φωτογραφιες το αδικουν το oblivion.. ΟΛΕΣ!!

το παιχνιδι κινειται α-ψ-ο-γ-α και στους κλειστους χωρους, αλλα κυριως και στην υπαιθρο (!!)

εγω φοβομουνα για αρκετα χαμηλο framerate στην φυση, αλλα ο μαγκας τρεχει και χοροπηδαει σαν καγκουρο αμα λαχει να πουμε!! :D


το oblivion ειναι μαγεια!

simera pira to oblivion gia to XBOX360 kai ta ehw pexei... ti katapliktika grafika ine auta stin SAMSOUNG HDTV 32'??? gia na kataferei na ftasei torino pc ta grafika auta ' date=' tha prepei na kostizei 2000 euro... me 2000 euro protimotero ine gia mena kapios na agorasei mia HDTV kai to xbox360 kai na apolamvanei ekei tis pehnidares tou opos kanw egw!


kali apolafsi se osous to agorasan! :D :D :D[/quote']


gia na doume, se ligo tha to pezo kiego sto pc mou. blepo sto gamespot ths idies eikones exei sto xbox360 thread kai sto pc opote malon den prepei na exoun diafores


Κρίμα για το angels το περίμενα καλύτερο. τα γραφικά είναι μέτρια και κάποια σκηνικά όπως τα ανθρωπάκια που τρέχουν σαν μύγες γύρω από τον εαυτό τους στην δεύτερη Αποστόλη θα μπορούσαν να μην υπάρχουν. καλά δεν το βλέπουν από μόνοι τους ότι κάποια πράγματα είναι μάπα τι διάολο τυφλοί είναι?


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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