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XBOX 360 Hacking Topic


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Confirmed: Xbox 360 Elite is 'hackable' via DVD firmware flash


Hardcore Xbox modder 'Llama' has confirmed that the Xbox 360 Elite is hackable. He noticed that one of the early Elite models that he acquired did indeed have a Hitachi GDR-3120L FK7 DVD drive. This will enable the machine to have the capability to play backup games via the well known DVD firmware flash replacement. After de-constructing the Xbox 360 a little more, Llama goes on to declare the Xbox 360 as the BEST VALUE gaming system to date.

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Asxeto me paixnidia, apla vrika mia taineia pou mou aresei kai sto nfo tis eida oti kapoioi skeftontai kai to 360!!?



Rippers Notes                                                                 
   █▒ Hope everyone enjoys this kickass flick in HD                   
   █▒ Enjoy another WMV for ur 360 and PC. Too bad x264 groups cant    
   █▒ say that.  Even with the spring update you wont beable to play   
   █▒ mkv's on 360, and h264 will be allowed to have only 2.0 audio :S  
   █▒  O well we didnt make the update but this shows u again why ppl  
   █▒ should be rlsing in WMV instead of x264.                        
   █▒Windows Media Connect 2 can be found bellow:                       

Stin arxi nomiza oti riparane tin taineia me to HD DVD tou 360. Alla an katalava kala , kanane to rip se .wmv gia na paizei kai ws stream sto 360??


Des pou xwthike kai stis taineies to 360 :P :p



btw , kai to Elite vadizei ston swsto dromo. Hitachi kai ola kala :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


siga mi den itan hackable to elite 360.... thelei na xasei i micro$oft ta lefta mas?

koitaxte piso stin istoria ton consolon... oses den espasan patosan ^^


alloi kapoio problima me Halo2 sto 360? sxetika me ta mappacks?


Ναι αλλά αν τελικά το Elite βγει hackable σαν το XboxOne (και ουχί σαν το demi-hackable 360), τότε θα μας "αναγκάσουν" να το αγοράσουμε. Αυτό μου έλειπε τώρα...


Paidia παρηγγειλα ενα x box 360 και θα τοχω τη δευτερα... ηθελα να μου πειτε τι λυσεις υπαρχουν για να παιζω αντιγραμμενα παιχνιδια και περιπου ποσο κοστιζει η καθε μια.

ευχαριστω πολυ

Ναι αλλά αν τελικά το Elite βγει hackable σαν το XboxOne (και ουχί σαν το demi-hackable 360), τότε θα μας "αναγκάσουν" να το αγοράσουμε. Αυτό μου έλειπε τώρα...


ξεχασε το αυτο



διάβασε λίγο το τοπικ και θα δεις οτι δν χρειάζονται χρήματα απλά υπομονή και μεράκι και θα το κάνεις μόνος σου.Θα ψάξω να θυμηθώ ένα site που έχει το pdf με οδηγίες στα ελληνικά.


xvagos, kai se opoion allon exei problima me downloaded maps sto Halo2.

brika mia lysi sto internet me ligo google kai tha to dokimaso pio meta. etsi opos ta exigei o typos theoro pos ta leei sosta kai tha boresoume na apolausoume 720p se Halo2 :P


o logos tou problimatos ofeiletai sto oti:

So now to how to solve the downloading problems people seem to have while downloading them to the storage of their Xbox 360. First you have to know the Xbox 360 handles downloaded packets in a different way the old Xbox did, so the “catch” (the orange line informing you about the downloading Progress) is not correct. The Xbox handles these packets correct, but the catch line is not software created but hardware created. The server tells the hardware there is content to be downloaded, then the software is showing you that you can download the content and you accept to download it - then the hardware asks the server how big this pack is in the end. After that the hardware will start its calculations of the line from the information it has just recieved, for this info will now be asked by the software, and the software at least is calculating the progress bar (the “catch line”, remember the orange line). But the Software doesnʼt know about the xbox 360, and thinks it is run from a regular Xbox. It also doesnʼt know about the difference in handling packets received from the server of the Xbox 360, that is in the end calculating the “progress bar”. Once this “progress bar” reaches its 100%, it thinks you have downloaded the packet, which you havenʼt and this is causing you serious problems, yeah you are right - the ones you have…



" * Start the download, answer the question about the price you have to pay with “yes”

* The download starts

* From now on till the end you have to press the “X” button about 10-30 times according to how fast your download rate is

* Pressing “X” returns you to the “Content Download Overview” screen, just press “A” again, to just start from where you have left off.

* Doing this makes your Console recalculate the Cache Bar again, and this is the solution to the download problem.

* Itʼs important that you watch out to pause the download just before it finishes, so that the already downloaded amount of packets can be correctly calculated.

* But donʼt forget to do this also during the whole downloading process, this will lower the risk of packets being wrong calculated."


παιδια οσοι νομιζετε πως burn με 100% επιτυχια γινεται μονο με pioneer 111d & verbatim,ειστε λαθος.Εγω εκαψα ηδη 3 παιχνιδια με nec και maxell με clone cd 1χ και δουλευουν ζαχαρη!!!Τελικα αν προσπαθεις ολα γινονται...

παιδια οσοι νομιζετε πως burn με 100% επιτυχια γινεται μονο με pioneer 111d & verbatim,ειστε λαθος.Εγω εκαψα ηδη 3 παιχνιδια με nec και maxell με clone cd 1χ και δουλευουν ζαχαρη!!!Τελικα αν προσπαθεις ολα γινονται...


koita den einai aparaitito ayto opoiso to leei einai koutos ego exo kai to 111d kai ena nec kai me ta 2 ta grafo kai me diafora dual layer apo intenso apo pioneer kai oti thes kai ola douleuoun comple


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Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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