Προς το περιεχόμενο

iis user permissions


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


egw ksereis ti protinw kalitera?

na kaneis remove ton IIS giati 8a anoikseis to computer sou kamia mera kai 8a leipoun diafora!


IIS einai oti xeirotero stin istoria tis MS


Apache gia webserver

Serv-U gia FTP Server

SSH anti gia telnet


Pos mporo na balo sta server extensions tou iis user permissions? Otan paei kapoios na anoiksei kapoio web meso frontpage na tou zitaei pass or an den einai enas sigekrimenos user na min ton afinei na mpei?


Epeidi omws den apantisate stin erwtisi (oute gia tin periptwsi tou Apache) exoume kai leme:

Prepei na energopoiiseis apo to Directory Security tou IIS (gia to sugkekrimeno site) eite to Basic Authentication eite to Basic Authentication me SSL eite to Windows Integrated Security. Perissoteres leptomereies gia to ka8ena sto Help tou IIS.


gia ton apache?

o apache den ipostirizei Frontpage extensions ALLA

ama 8elei frontpage xtensions borei na katevasei module , to mod_frontpage to opoio 8a epitrepei ta FP Extensions..happy now?


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