trustfm Δημοσ. 27 Μαΐου 2001 Δημοσ. 27 Μαΐου 2001 paidia uparxei kanena utility h text editor pou na kanei search mias le3hs sta greeklish kai sta ellhnika tautoxrona ? Meletwntas to 8ema egrapsa ton algori8mo pou 8elw kai einai o e3hs ...<BR><B><BR>a= α<BR>b=v=mp= β=μπ<BR>d=nt= δ=ντ <BR>e= ε=αι<BR>f= φ=εφ=ευ<BR>g=gk=gg= γ=γκ=γγ<BR>h=i=x =χ=ι=η=υ=ει=οι<BR>j=3=ks= ξ <BR>k=c= κ=ψ<BR>l= λ<BR>m= μ<BR>n= ν<BR>p=r= π=ρ<BR>q <BR>s= σ=ς<BR>t= τ<BR>u= υ=ου<BR>w=o= ο=ω<BR>y= ps=ψ <BR>z= ζ<BR>8=9=th= θ <P></B><P>mporeite na me boh8hsiete ? to msword de kanei apo mono tou teteio prama dustuxws...<P>thanks<p>[ 27-05-2001: Message edited by: trustfm ]
trustfm Δημοσ. 28 Μαΐου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 28 Μαΐου 2001 re paidia kaneis ???????? tipota ??????<P>exw arxisei kai to ftiaxnw se pascal... de mporei na mhn uparxei pollaplos ascii associator gia doc files !<BR> <P>... BRIKA TO EDIT PLUS 2 uparxei kati kalutero ?<p>[ 03-06-2001: Message edited by: trustfm ]
trustfm Δημοσ. 3 Ιουνίου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 3 Ιουνίου 2001 <BR> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR><B> K A N E I S ???</B> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
zouzouni Δημοσ. 3 Ιουνίου 2001 Δημοσ. 3 Ιουνίου 2001 Auto pou les to exw kanei xrisimopiontas to UltraEdit 8.10 me xrisi macro edwlwn an theleis mporo na to 3anaftiaxw kai na sto stilw
trustfm Δημοσ. 3 Ιουνίου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 3 Ιουνίου 2001 gia steilto edw [email protected]<BR>thanks prokatabolika !!!!!!! <BR>meta 8a to ftiaxw ki egw parapanw ama einai ...<BR>to program to exw ... steile thn macro an mporeis ... thanks<BR>[ 03-06-2001: Message edited by: trustfm ]<p>[ 03-06-2001: Message edited by: trustfm ]
zouzouni Δημοσ. 4 Ιουνίου 2001 Δημοσ. 4 Ιουνίου 2001 eixa ena problima (bariomouna) na ftia3o ta marco gia to ULTREDIT alla mporo na sou pw pws ta ftiaxneis .Nomizw einai kalitera .Sto ultra edit blepeis ena "macro" koubaki mporeis na kaneis edit / load alla kai record .Pai3e ligo me to record kai kane replace text (to ikonidio me to R) kai meta stop recoding kai sosto .<P>To makro tha einai etsi :<P>InsertMode<BR>ColumnModeOff<BR>HexOff<BR>Find "a"<BR>Replace All "α"<BR>Find "b"<BR>Replace All "β"<BR>Find "g"<BR>Replace All "γ"<BR>Find "d"<BR>Replace All "δ"<BR>... ktl isos an baleis poles entoles na min paizoun sosta ta makro opote mporeis na fta3eis 4-5 marko to proto apo ta gramata a-e to deutero z-n ktl. ,kai na ta bazeis na paizoun to ena meta to allo .<BR>An den ta katafereis na ftia3eis ta makro pragma pou den to nomizo , min distaseis na to anafereis kai tote tha prospathiso na ta ftia3w egw
trustfm Δημοσ. 4 Ιουνίου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 4 Ιουνίου 2001 de katalabes to pneuma ... de me endiaferei na ta allaxw ... apla na ta psaxw ... kai auto einai tromera diaforetiko apo auto pou proteineis esu... . Ase the pou de ginetai se mia database 40.000 tragoudiwn auto pou les skepsou ligo an kanw replace ola ta th me 8 asta na pane giati to this 8a ginei 8is ! <BR>mono POWER searching 8elw tipote allo. ftiaxnw kati alla 8 mou faei polu kairo ... bre paidia einai dunaton na mhn uparxei ena search ths prokophs plhn tou editplus ?<BR>kanenas database searcher .. tipota ?
trustfm Δημοσ. 4 Ιουνίου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 4 Ιουνίου 2001 KATAPLHKTIKO !!! EPITELOUS META APO MERES PSA3IMATOS ENAS PRAGMATIKOS POWER txt SEARCHER !!! <BR>Epeidh mallon pollous 8a endiaferei katebaste to trial apo edw : <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <P>Psaxnei ta panta me to pathma enos koumpiou memonomena h oxi files listes ktl me boolean instuctions (auto pou epsaxna)<P>Psaxnei ana lexeis kai oxi ana ascii character kanei scan sto text file kai ftiaxnei database me oles tis lexeis kai meta psaxnontai paneukola . <P>O algori8mos gia na breite strings poluplokes se terastia keimena einai :<BR>(*tmhmalexhs1* or *tmhmalexhs2*...) w/5<BR>(*tmhmalexhs3* or *tmhmalexhs4*...)<P>px<P>(*3ul* or *ksi* or *ksu* or *3il*) w/25<BR>(*liw* or *luw* or *lio* or *lio*)<P>psaxnei to ksilina spa8ia liomeno pagwto me oles tous dunatous greeklish tropous ! <P><BR>*to w/s shmainei kai meta apo 5 lexeis dhl<BR>a w/5 b shmainei <BR>bres a kai mexri meta apo 5 lexis to b<BR>KAI TO ANAPODO !<P>KATAPLHKTIKO ! Den uparxei kanena allo programma sto idos toi katebaste to twra !<BR>einai omws 15 mb alla axizei !
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