gherudos Δημοσ. 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 sthn anazhthsh tou exploit gia na mporesoume na trexoume homebrew sto PSP me firmware 2.00-2.60 vriskontai polloi hackers.Molis eixa mia lamprh idea kai eipa na th dokimasw,vrhka pithano exploit sto game sharring kaneis den to exei koitaksei pote einai polu periergo,dustuxws den exw 2 psp gia na to dokimasw xreiazontai 2 psp.Ena me 1.50 kai ena me 2.00 den uparxei periptwsh na sas katastrepsei to psp to exploit mou sas parakalw an exete 2 psp dokimaste to,to programataki mou kathetai sthn proswrinh mnhmh tou psp den ephreazei katholou to firmware kai einai apla ena proof of concept.Pws tha to kanete na leitourghsei. Katevaste to paixnidaki pinball Jap einai gurw sta 20mb kante extract to iso kai tha vreite ena fakelo pou legetai sharing,mesa sto fakelo uparxei ena arxeio upload.dat,apla antikatasthste auto to arxeio me to diko mou upload.dat kai meta ksanaxtiste to iso me to umdgen h to vcdromx.Molis ftiaksete to iso trekste to me dev hook h umd emulator kai anoikste to wi-fi switch phgainete sto menu paixnidiou pou leei game sharing kai peite sto filo sas na paei sto menu tou psp pou leei game sharing kai na anoiksei to wi-fi switch tou psp tou,an ola pane kala tha arxisei h metadosh kai o filos sas tha mporei na treksei ena homebrew pou evala mesa to Aenea's Decrypter.Sas parakalw enhmerwste me dioti dokimazw polla pragmata,an den doulepsei auto tha dokimasw kati allo pio eksupno pou exw upopshn mou.Makari na eixa allo ena psp na to dokimasw...
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