imported_@bsolute_n00b Δημοσ. 20 Μαΐου 2001 Δημοσ. 20 Μαΐου 2001 Loipon.. tha eimai suntomos:<P> Exw drivers apo to kouti ths kartas grafikwn oi opoioi leitourgoun mia xara, omws ta paixnidia theloun gl setup gia na trexoun. Parolauta otan kanw gl setup ta windows kolane otan anoigw to pc (meta apo thn topothetish twn newn drivers).<BR> Kserei kaneis giati???? PLz reply giati mallon tah thn petaksw thn &$^!(%^@(! karta..<BR>p.s.1 h karta einai h Savage4 16mb inc<P>p.s.2 toulaxiston prospathisa na eimai suntomos.<BR> bye yall<p>[This message has been edited by [sM]DeaD_CorpsE (edited 20-05-2001).]
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