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Google Video isn't available in your country?


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Xrhsimopoihsa to google video (http://video.google.com/) na brw kati pou psaxnw kai enw kanei search kanonika, otan klikarw panw sta apotelesmata mou bgazei:


"Thanks for your interest in Google Video.


Currently, the playback feature of Google Video isn't available in your country.


We hope to make this feature available more widely in the future, and we really appreciate your patience."


Me allagh ths IP ginetai tipota, 'h opoios einai apo Eurwph prepei anagkastika na perimenei???

Αφενός δεν φταίει ο broswer.. άρα μάλλον φταίει ο provider σου.. απο ποιον provider έχεις internet?


Mallon auto ftaiei giati prospa8hse me Firefox, IE alla tipota.

O IP mou einai h Telecom-Germanias. Kapoios tropos na kseperastei to prob?

Xrhsimopoihsa to google video (http://video.google.com/) na brw kati pou psaxnw kai enw kanei search kanonika' date=' otan klikarw panw sta apotelesmata mou bgazei:


[b']"Thanks for your interest in Google Video.


Currently, the playback feature of Google Video isn't available in your country.


We hope to make this feature available more widely in the future, and we really appreciate your patience."[/b]


Me allagh ths IP ginetai tipota, 'h opoios einai apo Eurwph prepei anagkastika na perimenei???

prepei na allaksoume xwra dhladh? :razz: :razz:


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