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Vampire: Bloodlines UNOFFICIAL 1.9 PATCH


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This is an unofficial patch for Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines by Troika Games. It is build upon Dan Upright's great unofficial oma patches, whose readme is included with some minor corrections added.


To install it extract this archive into your game folder keeping the directory structure intact and backup any files being overwritten if you want to remove it later.


This patch attempts to fix many bugs and improve other things but no guarantees are made, since not everything could be tested. It can be installed easily on top of the official 1.2 patch from Troika Games.


Confirmations of fixes marked with a "*" would be nice, also reports of any other problems, glitches and non-crashing bugs that have been missed up until now.


Tips and Tricks:


Don't try cheating with the histories, you won't get far that way.

Before reinstalling the official 1.2 patch clean up the registry.

When using the console, be sure to activate it from the menu only.

WMP may change sound files and prevent them from playing in VTMB.

If a container auto-closes right-click the objects to choose them.

Blood Shield stays on until exhausted or removed, this is no bug.

Some feed victims stay in trance so don't bite quest related ones.

Have four inventory slots free when getting Imalia's Tawni quest.


Not done (impossible?):


"Skip intro" and special fonts only work at resolutions > 800x600.

If the Skyeline apartments elevator won't work use vents instead.

Sometimes Beckett stays in his animal form when first meeting him.

Game may hang on Beckett's "wait" cutscene, reload or use sewers.

Occasionally mailboxes do not receive rewards or objects drop out.

In Mings hideout the bar may not move, just reload until it does.

You'll have to crawl and jump in the Nosferatu lair to get around.

The news report a bloodbath even if you just sneak-killed Johnny.



Made the Hallowbrook hotel's naming consistent throughout the game.

Let Ra blade cause more damage instead of not working faster attack.

Fixed a bug with Patty appearing in the alley although she is dead.

Replaced location labels of the missing sewermap with worldmap ones.

Put two of the unused female raver models into the club Confession.

Resized unspectacular lower resolution fonts for better readability.

Made Hannah actually die at the time that she is supposed to do so.

Corrected the corrupted Intimidation font "W" at higher resolutions.

Relocated Pearl of Dubai and cut pulltoy to Kilpatrick's bailbonds.

Put unfinished dogs at Giovanni Mansion and fixed Mira dialogue bug.

Removed critical bum cutscene and illogical Pisha feeding cutscene.

Made Grout's wife fully visible and repaired a Muddy quest shortcut.

Granted occult hacking powerup as reward for doing Mitnick's quest.

Placed Obfuscate and lockpicking powerups at Nosferatu and LA haven.

Fixed a possible quest breaking bug with the Fu Syndicate elevator.




Ναι, απλα μην ξεχνάμε ότι εταιρεία έχει κλείσει... Οπότε το παιχνίδι σταμάτησε να έχει την υποστήριξη από official patches (εδώ και ΠΟΛΥ καιρό).


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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