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asxetos me azureus


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Afou eida kai apoida me to emule lew na dw kati se azureus.Epsaksa na vrw pws kanw search alla tpt :P

Kai oxi min me koroidevete ;P Mipws tha mporouse kaneis na mou elege ti thewria tou azureus?Dld ti prepei na kaneis gia na katevaseis ena rimadiasmeno file?


Tin theoria tou azureus den tin xero, an kai nomizo oti yparxei sto site tous. Gia na katevaseis ena arxeio tha prepei prota na vreis to *.torrent arxeio apo auto pou theleis na katevaseis. Ean paradeigmatos xari tha itheles na katevaseis ena trailer apo mia tainia, to arxeio torrent pou xreiazesai einai kapos etsi: Onoma_Tainias.avi.torrent.


Auto to arxeio to apothikeueis sto skliro disko kai meta mesa apo to azureus kaneis open torrent kai apofasizeis pou thes na to apothikeuseis sto skliro sou p.x. My Documents.


Meta apo auto arxizei na katevainei to arxeio analoga me tin taxitita pou exeis kai poso megalo einai to arxeio pou katevazeis.


Ειναι πολυ απλο: Μπαινεις σε ενα torrent site και κατεβαζεις το torrent αρχειο που θες ..Μετα ανοιγεις το Azureus και κανεις file -->οpen torrent file και εισαι ετοιμος..Το torrent σου αρχιζει να κατεβαινει ;-)


pio aplo einai anti gia 'save' patas 'open' stis epiloges twn win otan pas na katevaseis to torrent kai anoigei aytomata to azureus opote den xreiazetai na kaneis 'open torrent' oute tpt allo..apla na exeis ypomonh:D


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