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MS Office XP, MS Visio 2k2, MS Project 2k - Kanonika kai me


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psilo moufa i istoria. diabaste ti grafei meta to sing up (http://www.microsoft.com/office/trial/default.htm )<BR>Get the Office XP Professional 30-Day Trial for $9.95 US/$14.95 CAN (plus applicable sales tax), and you will: <P>Experience productivity made simple. <BR>Experience a more effective way to collaborate. <BR>Extend your experience beyond the desktop. <BR>You can begin ordering the trial on April 2, 2001, and shipments will begin on April 30, 2001. For answers to questions you may have about this trial, visit the Office XP Trial FAQ page. <P>Note: This offer applies to U.S. and Canadian customers only. In Australia, you can order the Office XP trial directly from the Microsoft Australia Fulfillment Centre. To find information about Office XP trial availability in your country/region, visit our Office Sites Worldwide page. <P>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR><IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm7.gif" border=0> <p>[This message has been edited by SATELLITE (edited 05-05-2001).]


xmm omologo oti den to eida auto...ekana signup kanonika kai de mou zitise pouthena lefta credit card klp... <P>tha tous kathariso an mou zitisoune!! edo exo tin final kai tha plirono trials? >:|<P>tespa... tha dixei me ton kairo


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