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IOL, Insomnia Open Linux


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para3eneuthkate?<BR>oxi den prokeitai gia kapoia perirgh ekdosh tou dhmofilous os<BR>alla isws na ginei!!!<BR>ta eipa kai se allo topic alla kanw post gia na to doun oloi<BR>loipwn, lew na baloumai, oi linux tupoi, ta dunata mas kai na ftia3oumai mia insomnia ekdosh tou linux, ti lete?<BR>---------------------------------------------<BR><FONT size="4">RIP THE SYSTEM</FONT s> <IMG SRC="http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/otn/angry/zxflipoff.gif" border=0><P>


Kai ti to idiaitero tha exei auti i ekdosi?<BR>Pantos endiaferon mou akougete... smile.gif<BR>Den eimai linuxas alla tha me endiefere na to egatastiso sto pc mou smile.gif<P>------------------<BR><I>The warmth of life has entered my tomb. Prepair yourself mortal, to serve my Master for eternity...</I>


Paneksipno....vevaia tetoies stigmes euxomai na iksera oste na mporo na voithiso frown.gif <BR>Pantws an ta kataferete tha einai korifauia fasi kai fisika tha endiaferomoun na to egatastiso.<BR>filika


oute gw kserw, dhl mono kati liga, alla liga...apla prospa0ousa na to egkatasthsw (peri tous 6mhnes) kai twra pou to katafera peiramatizomai me diafora....<BR>pantos opoios kserei na boh0hsei, akomi kai an baloumai liga opws px ellhnika ktl, wraio 0anai!<BR>ehehehehehehe<BR>---------------------------------------------<BR><FONT size="4">RIP THE SYSTEM</FONT s> <IMG SRC="http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/otn/angry/zxflipoff.gif" border=0><BR>


Moy fenetai pio eukolo na ftiaksoun (oi linuxades insomniacs) tipota san windows manager me themata sxetika me to Insomnia (tora pou to skeftomai, den to kanoume kai gia ta klasika windows auto).<BR>As akousoume omos kai tin gnomi ton eidikon wink.gif<P>------------------<BR><I>The warmth of life has entered my tomb. Prepair yourself mortal, to serve my Master for eternity...</I>


wge den eimai iedikos alla pisteu oti 0atan kati to diaforetiko kai to a3iologo mia tetouia ekdosh ka0ar apo xrhstes kai malista insomniacs!<BR>---------------------------------------------<BR><FONT size="4">RIP THE SYSTEM</FONT s> <IMG SRC="http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/otn/angry/zxflipoff.gif" border=0><BR>


Oraia ta oneira kai giati oxi kapoia stigmi<BR>mporei na ginoun pragmatikotita.<BR>Pros to paron as prospa8isoume apla pragmata<BR>pou stin praxi mono apla den einai.<BR>As arxisoume me ton exelenismo tou kde.<BR>Osoi exoun eidi oloklirosei me epitixia as voi8isoun ekei pou kolan oi alloi.<BR>


hehehehe, oligon oneiropolos eimai e?<BR>kako den kanei!<BR>a, douka, mhpws exeis icq/msn messenger/yahoo messenger gia na mhlhsoumai?<BR>---------------------------------------------<BR><FONT size="4">RIP THE SYSTEM</FONT s> <IMG SRC="http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/otn/angry/zxflipoff.gif" border=0><BR>


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pyroman2_99:<BR><B>para3eneuthkate?<BR>oxi den prokeitai gia kapoia perirgh ekdosh tou dhmofilous os<BR>alla isws na ginei!!!<BR>ta eipa kai se allo topic alla kanw post gia na to doun oloi<BR>loipwn, lew na baloumai, oi linux tupoi, ta dunata mas kai na ftia3oumai mia insomnia ekdosh tou linux, ti lete?</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Insomnia ekdosh tou Linux h Linux ekdosh ths Insomnia smile.gif????[<BR><IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm11.gif" border=0> ]


hehehehe, insomnia ekdosh tou linux:P<BR>basika molis 3anakatebw Ellada gramh sto papaswthriou gia linux...exw ena alla auto apla se bazei sto nohma...<BR>---------------------------------------------<BR><FONT size="4">RIP THE SYSTEM</FONT s> <IMG SRC="http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/otn/angry/zxflipoff.gif" border=0><BR>


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