keysmith Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2001 Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2001 Akoute problima.<P>Exoume ena diktio me NT. Enas apo tous clients den mpenei sto domain legontas to e3eis. "the system cannot log you on this computer because the sytems's computer account in its primary domain is missing the password on the account is incorect"<P>O Server ton blepei aouron ron ypologisti alla den mporei na dei ton shared disk tou leontas pws yparxei problima me trusted relationships kai kati tetoia.<P>Alla to pio basiko. Ston Server den anigei to domain user manager (den mporo na ftia3w xristes) legontas <P>"The remote network is not reachable by the transport"<P>Opoios 3erei diktya as boi8isei. (parakalw ligo analitika oi pi8anes energeies)<P>------------------<BR><FONT size="3"><B> By Keysmith </B></FONT s>
wwwtasos Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2001 Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2001 An kai den exo katalavei ti akrivos einai to provlima isos auta voithisoun:<P>Oson afora ton client pigaine sto administrative tools kai des stous users sta properties autou tou user mipos einai tsekarismeno kai to user cannot change password kai to user must change password at next logon. Mporei auto na dimiourgei provlima...<P>Me ti protocolo douleuei to diktyo? TCP/IP h' netBeui? An douleuei me TCP/IP dokimases na kaneis ping stis ip ton clients gia na elegkseis an yparxei epikoinonia? Kane prota ping (localhost) gia na deis an douleuei sosta h karta diktyou tou server. An douleuei sosta tha sou grapsei 0% packet loss. Meta kane ping stis ip ton allon pc na deis an ontos exeis epikoinonia kai me tis alles kartes diktyou...<P>Sorry an ola auta einai asxeta, prospatho na voithiso xoris na exo polykatalavei to provlima.
keysmith Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2001 Ta pings douleuoun ola apou pantou gia pantoy.<P>Se ena mono client DEN mporei na mpei kanenas xristis apo auto to mixanima. Enw me ta idia passwords apo alla cliends mpainoun sto idio domain. <P>Apo to xalasmeno client mpika mia fora ws admin (me cashed information kai elege malista oti PRIMARY DOMAIN CONTROLER NOT FOUND) alla sto domain telika empaine. Kai enw o Client eulepe ton server kai olous tous diskous, o Server den mporouse na dei tous shared diskous tou Client (error code "the trust relationship betweein this workstation and the primary domain failed").<P>Kai ipen8imizw pws ston SERVER den anoigei to user manager for domains legontas "The remote network is not reachable by the transport" kai meta try another domain?<P><P>------------------<BR><FONT size="3"><B> By Keysmith </B></FONT s>
wwwtasos Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2001 Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2001 Mpleksimo megalo!<P>Ti exo katalavei:<P>1) Enas user den mporei na kanei login apo ena mixanima eno apo ta alla mporei.<P>2) Otan kaneis login apo to mixanima_server san admin den mporeis na xrisimopoihseis to user manager for domains.<P>Giati den kaneis login san admin apo allo mixanima? Mipos etsi se afisei na diagrapseis teleios to xristi kai TOTE na tsekareis an douleuei kanonika olo to diktyo.<BR>An douleuei kanonika tote simainei oti eftaige ekeino to account.<P>An kaneis login san admin apo allo mixanima tote tha se afisei (mallon) na sviseis ton katalogo tou apo to disko tou server.<P>Ti na po, megalo mperdema! Elpizo na voithisa...
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