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Kano shutdown se win98se kai auto kanei panta restart!


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To provlima den einai kati to kainourgio, apla den mporw na vrw lush..Auto ginetai sto pc ths kopelas mou,ena QDI Kinetic 7B se win98se.. Sto net eida kati oti dior8wnetai an ksetsekareis ena "disable fast shutdown" apo ta advanced sto system,alla den uparxei auth h epilogh sto pc ths (eno sto diko mou uparxei!).. Kserei kaneis kammia lush?<P>PS:Prosoxh,den milao gia to provlima opou to PC den kleinei otan to kaneis shutdown,alla gia to oti patas shutdown kai auto kanei restart panta..


File eixa kai egw auto to provlima kata kairous.<BR>Ena pragma pou mporeis na kaneis einai na psakseis ena patch pou exei h microsoft gia to sigkekrimeno thema(Peri shutdown)..nomizw eixe anaferthei se polla post ana kairous.<BR>alla den eimai sigouros<BR>epishs prospathise na kaneis install tous teleutaious Via 4 in 1 (4.29)drivers gia to motherboard isws na foivithisei.<BR>An den mporeis na tous vreis sou deinw mia url mia selidas pou exw kanei <BR> <A HREF="http://www.members.tripod.com/apoc_gr/" TARGET=_blank>www.members.tripod.com/apoc_gr/</A> <P>Mia allh epilogh pou endexetai lysi sto prob einai na pas sto <BR>System-Device Manager-meta dielekse thn omada System devices kane thn click na sou dwsei thn lista me tis ipomades ths kai kane deksi klik sthn prwth apo autes poy legetai<BR>Advanced Power Management Support kai dialekse properties.<BR>Sto neo window .Dialekse to tab Settings<BR>kai kane click thn epilogh Force APM 1.0 Mode<BR>........<BR>An pali tipota apo ola auta den doulepsei ....me ena format sigoura tha epanafereis to sistima .<BR>Den kserw an kapoios allos insomniac exei kapoia allh idea<P>Kali epitixia<P><P>------------------<BR>What is the Matrix?


Δοκίμασε(αν δεν το έχεις κάνει ήδη):<P>Start->Run->msconfig->(General)Advanced<BR>και εκεί τσέκαρε την επιλογή "Disable Fast Shutdown"<P>Πάντως έχω την εντύπωση ότι η λειτουργία αυτή στη Registry βρίσκεται στο εξής key:<BR><B>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Shutdown</B><P>στο δεξί μέρος έχει:<BR><B>FastReboot</B>~~~~~~ "0" ή "1" (ανάλογα τη ρύθμιση)<BR>1 -> ενεργοποιημένο<BR>0 -> απενεργοποιημένο<P>Ψάξε να το βρεις και κάντο "0".<P>Ελπίζω να βοήθησα....<P>Υ.Γ. Επίσης.... Copy&paste από εδώ: <A HREF="http://forums.winguides.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Board=genwin&Number=13897&page=0" TARGET=_blank>http://forums.winguides.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Board=genwin&Number=13897&page=0</A> <P><I>If you're using Win98 Second edition (4.10.2222A), here's a link to the Shutdown Supplement: <BR> <A HREF="http://www.microsoft.com/windows98/downloads/contents/WURecommended/S_WUFeatured/Win98SE/Default.asp" TARGET=_blank>http://www.microsoft.com/windows98/downloads/contents/WURecommended/S_WUFeatured/Win98SE/Default.asp</A> <P>If its installed and not working correctly, <P>Fast Shutdown registry key is enabled. <P>The Microsoft System Configuration utility includes an option to disable Fast Shutdown. If this option is unchecked in Windows 98 Second Edition, your system may reboot instead of shutting down. <P>To resolve this issue, change the FastReboot value data from 1 to 0 in the following registry key: <BR>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Shutdown <P>NOTE: When you apply the Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Supplement, which addresses shutdown issues, the Disable Fast Shutdown option is no longer listed on the Advanced tab in Msconfig.</I>" <p>[This message has been edited by Sean (edited 30-04-2001).]


File gia tous VIA tous drivers den to dokimasa, alla nomiza eixa valei tous 1.28 opote den prepei na einai ekei to provlima..Oso gia to allo pou mou les, ego den ta exo auta pou les,exo to prwto pou legetai ACPI System Button kai to deutero pou legetai Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) BIOS..kai kanena apo auta den exei auta pou les..Kammia allh boh8eia? H pou mporo na vro auta pou les?


dokimase to koubi!!den kano plaka kanonika an patiseis to koubi tou koutiou mia fora to sistima prepei na kaneis shut down den xerei kamia fora brei etsi na kanei shut down anti gia restart! smile.gif


Thn Lisi pou sou eipe o Sean thn dokimases?<P>Twra ti allo na sou pw.Prospathise apo to Bios na kaneis disable to ACPI...mhpws kai voithisei...kai sinelthei to sistima<P>


Nai thn dokimasa polu prin kano post edwpera sto forum,alla tipota..Meso registry bebaia, giati otan phgaina sto advanced gia na vrw to disable fast shutdown,e den uphrxe ka8olou h epilogh sto pc ths (eno sto diko mou uparxei)..Ti na pw,8a dokimasw kai auto apo to BIOS an kai den nomizo na exei tetoia epilogh sto BIOS apo oti 8umamai..


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