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battelfield 2 spesial forces!!!


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paides kala kala den exoume paixei to game,ematha pwserxete kai expansion gia na mas teleiwsei!!!exei pou exei to paixnidi xilia duo pragmata erxetai kai expansion...neoi xartes,stratiwtes,oximata kai apoti diabasa kalitero gameplay...ti allo mathate?ande kalo liwsimo me to kalo otan erthei...)

  • Απαντ. 45
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Ε το πολυ πολυ το expansion να επιβαρυνει ακομη περισσσοτερο τα γραφικα, χωρις ουσιαστικη βελτιωση στην ποιοτητα (βλεπε BTF2)...


pou na breis expansion free stis meres mas...)se opia morfi kai na to pareis authendikh h mi tha plirwseis...den to exw paixei to expansion kai se kapia site sto internet twra to parousiazoun ws review..anyway elpizw na axizei kai na mhn einai mia arpaxth basismenh se ena ekpliktiko game...

  • Moderators
Filaraki to expansion exei vgei edo kai arketo kairo...anyways kanonika tha eprepe na einai free kai oxi epi pliromis...alla ti na peis...


Αρνητικό. Το expansion δεν έχει κυκλοφορήσει ακόμα. Ούτε στον κόσμο, ούτε εδώ. Υπάρχει μόνο σαν pre-downloadable από direct2drive αλλά θα παίζει όταν γίνει 'launched'.


"Get Battlefield 2: Special Forces via EA’s new download service and save time, gas and money. You can pre-download the game now, and be ready to play on launch day."


Δεν έχω official date αλλά υπάρχει ένας Test server.


BF2.se is reporting (thanks BFNation) that on the day of release for Battlefield 2: Special Forces (22nd November), there will be a patch for both the expansion-pack players, aswell as those who are still on vanilla Battlefield 2. It seems that at first BF2 and BF2:SF players won't be able to be battle on the same server, however, after applying the patch this will be possible.

Battlefield 2: Special Forces (BF2 version 1.1) readme:



When Battlefield 2: Special Forces is installed, a new update is applied. However, with this new content it is not possible to play on the Internet or LAN with Battlefield 2 1.03 users.


To be able to play together with Battlefield 2 core users, you need to have update 1.1 or later.


- In order to play Special Forces in multiplayer on the internet you will need to download the latest patch from EA.


- The NIGHT VISION is bound to the "7" key by default. When it is enabled, it will allow you to see better in dark areas. There is a battery life on the goggles that will deplete with usage and replenish when not in use.


- The GRAPPLING HOOK is part of the Assault and Anti-tank kits. Throw it using the fire or alternate fire buttons. Press "E" to get on and off of the rope.

Use the direction keys to climb the rope. The rope will connect to any static object in the world, which means it will not work on terrain or vehicles.


- The ZIP LINE is part of the Special Forces and Sniper kits. Use the fire button to shoot the line and use the alternate fire button to check if the target is a

viable connection point or not. Once the line is in place, use "E" to get on.You will slide down the line automatically.


- The FLASH BANG is used to stun other players. The FLASH BANG is part of the Assault kit. Use it like a hand grenade. When it detonates, anyone in the effect area will be deafened and those looking at the explosion will be blinded as well.


- The TEAR GAS will linger in an area for a short time. The TEAR GAS is part of the Support kit. While active, anyone in the cloud will become affected. While affected, players will be blind and unable to sprint. Use the GAS MASK (default key "8") to avoid being affected by the gas. Once affected however, the gas mask will not cure you. It will only prevent further affects.


-Unlocks: By playing on a Battlefield 2: Special Forces map, you will gain the priviledge of being able to unlock some of the Battlefield 2: Special Forces weapons for use in regular BF2 maps. These unlocks are considered to be tier 2 unlocks, where as the original unlocks are considered to be tier 1. You must first have unlocked the tier 1 weapon for a particular kit before you can access and unlock the tier 2 weapon. As an example, if you must unlock the G3A3 for the assault kit before you can unlock the F2000 for the assault kit.


- The grappling hook and zip line take roughly 15 seconds to reload at the resupply crate.


ΟΧΙ !!!!! ΜΗΝ!!!!!! ΠΡΟΣΕΧΕ!!!!!! ΑΧ!!!!!!!




Ρε παιδιά το μόνο που τους νοιάζει είναι η κονόμα! Αντί να βγάλουν κάνα σωστό πατς για το υπάρχον παιχνίδι αυτοί βγάζουν καινούργιο!!!!!


egw pandws den xerw telika an tha to xtispisw to expansion.to game leei apo mono tou.as diortothoun taproblimata tou kai meta blepoume.stis photos kalo deixnei poso stathero einai tha to mathoume sto mellon...:)


Για τί bugs μιλάμε?

Έχω κατεβάσει το expansion, αλλά ΔΕΝ το έχω εγκαταστήσει ακόμα, γιατί κάπου

"μπάζει" γενικότερα η δουλειά με την EA(βλέπε το πρώτο επίσημο patch του BF2). Αν

το εγκαταστήσω ΟΝΤΩΣ δεν θα μπορώ να παίξω BF2 με όσους έχουν την 1.03 ???


Καλά μιλάμε είναι ελλεονικοί οι της EA.... Πολλά άτομα δεν μπορούν να τρέξουν το expansion επειδή εμφανίζει λάθος σχετικά με το CD key!!!! Από πλευρά ΕΑ είπανε ότι εργάζονται πυρετοδώς για να διορθώσουν το bug!!!!! Υμαρτων!!!!!!!!! και ΟΥΣΤ!!!!!!


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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