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Creative X-Fi Driver 2.07.0004


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Καινούριοι drivers για τη νέα σειρά καρτών ήχου από creative. Σύνολο 39mb


This contains an improved version of the driver found on the Sound Blaster® X-Fi™ installation CD. For more details, read the rest of this web release note




# Removes randomly occurring audio distortion that may occur after you install drivers and restart your computer.

# Improves host CPU utilization performance when you play 3D/EAX games.

# Improves the usability of the Bit-Matched Playback feature in Audio Creation Mode. Resolves some MIDI/SoundFont® compatibility issues.

# Restores EAX presets properly when you select default settings in Entertainment Mode.

# Resolves the issue of a mode console sometimes not responding after you switch modes.

# Restores proper functionality to the EQ sliders when you select EAX effects in Entertainment Mode.

# Removes the error message that sometimes appears in THX Setup Console when you switch modes multiple times.

# Resolves the issue of your computer not responding when you change the Reverb Aux effect in Audio Creation Mode. .




# Windows XP SP2

# Sound Blaster X-Fi series audio device


The fun thing is ... it alsdo works on Audigy 2 and audigy 4 soundcards with new openal drivers, note that u have to extract the BXF_PCDRV_LB_2_07_0004.exe and run the setup.exe in the drivers folder)<- on Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) operating systems.


X-fi Drivers 2.07.0004

The fun thing is ... it alsdo works on Audigy 2 and audigy 4 soundcards with new openal drivers' date=' note that u have to extract the BXF_PCDRV_LB_2_07_0004.exe and run the setup.exe [b']in the drivers folder[/b])<- on Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) operating systems.



O drivers folder pou vrisketai?toys dokimase kaneis se audigy 2?exw audigy 2,aksizei na tous valw?


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