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Υπάρχει πρόγραμμα που να μετατρέπει αρχειο από Access 2000 σ


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....κάτι έχω ακούσει για κάποιους converter που το κάνουν αυτό.Ξέρει κανεις????<P>------------------<BR>NICOLAS...ή κατα κόσμον tHE kiLLeR.....


Δεν εχω το Office τωρα, αλλα νωμιζω πως το κανει το Access. Απλος οταν κανεις Save as... βαζεις " τιπου 97 " πιο κατο απο το ονομα. Για δοκιμασε


...αυτό γίνετε μόνο σε Word και Excel απο ότι ξέρω....στο Access δεν γίνετε....δηλαδή το εψαξα και δεν βρήκα κάτι τέτοιο.....πάντως ευχαριστώ....<P>------------------<BR>NICOLAS...ή κατα κόσμον tHE kiLLeR.....


xmm kanonika to office 2000 einai to proto backwards compatible me to office 97 kai de tha eixes provlima... <P>dokimase mia bakalistiki methodo pou molis skeftika.. den xero an tha doulepsei opote mi me kinigas meta smile.gif<P>- highlight ena table<BR>- pata file > export<BR>- as mdb<BR>


Den nomizo oti ayto ginetai. Katarxin h Access 2000 exei diaforetiko format apo thn 97, oi grammatoseires einai poly pio liges,o kodikas einai diaforetikos, gi'ayto kai otan exeis ena arxeio se access 97 kai to anoikseis se access 2000 tha to metatrepsei se 2000. (Omos sou afinei kai to arxiko athikto kai dhmiourgei ena neo arxeio.)<BR>Katarxin poy tha trexeis thn access 97, den einai oti pio eykolo na peraseis apo office 2000 se 97.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by NIKOSP:<BR><B>...αυτό γίνετε μόνο σε Word και Excel απο ότι ξέρω....στο Access δεν γίνετε<BR></B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P><BR>Μου εκανε εντυπωσι αυτο και εβαλα το Office.<BR>Γραψε στην βοηθεια converting access 2000 to 97 και ...........<P>1. Open the Microsoft Access database that you want to convert. If it is a multiuser database that is located on a server or in a shared folder, make sure that no one else has it open. <BR>Important If you have protected the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code, you must supply the password before you convert the Access database. To supply the password, start Microsoft Visual Basic by opening a module; then click databasename Properties on the Tools menu and enter the password in the databasename Password dialog box.. <BR>If you are converting a secured Access database, you must have Open/Run and Open Exclusive permissions for the database itself, and Read Design permissions for all objects in the database. To secure the converted database, you must open it in Microsoft Access 97 and apply user-level security. <BR><B>2. On the Tools menu, point to Database Utilities, click Convert Database, and then click To Prior Access Database Version.<BR>3. In the Convert Database Into dialog box, type the name of the new previous-version database that you want to create in the File name box, and then click Save. </B><BR>Note If your Access 2000 database contains code, you may need to fix missing references after you have converted it to Microsoft Access 97. Also, if your Access database uses add-ins or library databases that were created in Access 2000, you must convert them back to Access 97 as well. <BR>Learn more about converting an Access 2000 database to Access 97.<P><p>[This message has been edited by Xplayer (edited 21-04-2001).]


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