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Re paidia molis pao na anoikso to Morpheus mou bgainei to parakato minima.

"Your version of Morpheus is too old to connect to the network.Please download updated version from www.musiccity.com"

Pigaino sto site kai katebazo mia ekdosi pou exei ekei.TIn egkathisto xananoigo to Morpheus kai exakolouthei na mou bgazei to idio minima.Fantazomai pos prepei na katebaso kati allo.Mipos xerete ti prepei na kano?Exei kaneis allos to idio problima?


Molis katebases to Prog ekanes to apetoumeno restart?

Stin xeiroterh kanto uninstall kai katebase to kazaa i to musicCity (to idio pragma einai ayta ta 3)


O Morfeas mas einai down logo anaba8mishs epeidh to Kazaa ekleise! Eipan oti 8a kleisei kai autos alla diavasa oti telika thn epomenh Paraskevh 8a bgei h version 2.0 pou 8a einai polu kaluterh apo thn twrinh kai 8a uposthrizei pio polla searches! Opote mhn anhsuxeis, ase to modemaki sou na kruwsei mia bdomada kai apo Paraskevh vlepoume!


To kazaa einai GEMATO spyware paidia. Egkatasthste to alla kante ena 3eka8arisma protou bre8eite pro ekplh3ews..


gia perissoterh boh8eia...

O Morpheus pantws apo me8aurio 8a dia8etei thn ekdosh 2.0. To problhma einai oti den 8a exei kamia sxesh pleon me to gnwsto diktyo alla anti8etws 8a sthrizete sto gnutella to opoio einai argo kai oxi toso dhmofiles..As elpisoume oti ekanan kalh douleia kai oti ta problhmata tou gnutella 8a 3eperastoun.


Epi tou peiesthriou!!

Morpheus Preview Edition will be available in two hours, check back to download software that allows you to connect to the Morpheus/Gnutella P2P network


BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU CLICK A recent press statement announced that KAZAA/Sharman Networks has a new program that allows you to re-connect to the Kazaa/FastTrack Network. This new program is NOT endorsed by MusicCity and will NOT allow you to connect to the Morpheus/Gnutella P2P network. We find it interesting that someone sent a message to your computer earlier this week which prevented your Morpheus Software product from joining the network and now a new software installer suggests that it allows you to re-connect. Remember with Morpheus, no spy ware just a great P2P software product.


Our goal is to create the software that lets you create the network ... - - - ...


Coilworks:To sympan oloklhro exei problhma tis teleutaies hmeres ektos apo esena! <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> )

Pantws sto neo morpheus dwste ligh pistwsh xronou. Xrhsimopoiei to diktyo gnutella (h' merenta:)) kai briskei kaneis TA PANTA...kante mia anazhthsh gia iso kai 8a deite....Sto filtro anazhthshs bgalte ta .exe dioti xanete polles epiloges...Ma8ete na to xrhsimopoieite kai 8a sas aresei...Mporeite akomh na katebazete apo perissoterous tou enos xrhstes...FOberh texnologia ontws....


Loipon gia na teleionoume me to 8ema to Morpheus to palio den leitourgei pia, exo dokimasei 100 fores kai tipota, ekana ksana install ta idia! Katebasa epishs thn nea ekdosh kai mou fanhke pio oraia emfanisiaka alla ligo paraksenh, xoris na katevazo tipota mou edeixne 0.75kb/sec upload kai alla tosa peripou download!! Apo searches vriskei polla apotelesmata alla apo katevasma merika pou dokimasa telika elege unable to connect..Bebaia arxh einai akoma opote siga siga 8a ginei kalutero! To palio Morpheus pantos htan korufh, eixe ta panta!! Makari na ginei to idio kai me to neo!


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