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Ξερετε τι σκεφτηκα?

Οτι η epic ειδε οτι εβαλε πολυ απαιτητικα γραφικα και το καθυστερησε επιτηδες για να πεσει η τιμη του hardware, και ειπε μετα για δικαιολογια οτι το καθυστερουν και καλα για να το καλυτερεψουν.

Λες...?:twisted: :mrgreen:


Παντως αν εκανε ετσι, καλα εκανε, γιατι εγω με την nvidia 6600 τι θα κανω?:P

Εσεις εχετε 7800gt και κανετε παραπονα, εγω τι να πω?Αντε, οταν βγει μπορει να παρω κανουρια vga.Για να το παιξεις τοτε υπολογιζω πως θα χρειαζεται μια vga κανονικης τιμης(η λιγο ακριβη).

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Streamline Studios Creating Content for Unreal Tournament 3



Independent developer Streamline Studios, currently working on the Unreal engine powered HoopWorld, announced that it will be creating 3D content service solutions for Epic Games' upcoming Unreal Tournament 3.


“Epicʼs ability to create games of AAA quality is unrivaled, making them a perfect partner for Streamline Studios digital content services,” said Alexander Fernandez, CEO of Streamline Studios. “Unreal Tournament 3 will be the fifth next-generation title weʼve worked on, and weʼre excited to apply that learning as we push forward the boundaries of high resolution digital art.”


“Streamline Studios is one of our key external providers of digital content for Epic. Weʼre pleased with the great content theyʼve provided for games such as Gears of War and the Unreal Tournament series,” said Mark Rein, Vice President, Epic Games, Inc.


Streamline enters its fifth year of business as an established global player in digital content creation. Where other companies create assets, Streamline delivers complete service solutions that provide not only game-ready digital content but also an evolutionary development process and content pipeline augmented by experienced staff with world-class knowledge and ability. Highly specialized and developed, Streamline solutions add value by providing access to seasoned professionals supported by best-in-class infrastructure and process.

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Tim Sweeny on UT3 requirements


PCGH: Is there a possibility to make deferred shading and edge-smoothing work at the same time on DX9 graphics cards?

Epic: Unreal Engine 3 uses deferred shading to speed up the calculation of dynamical lighting and shadows. Integrating this feature together with multi-sampling requires control of the edge-smoothing at a much deeper level than the DX9 interface can provide. So, on the PC, multi-sampling will only be supported under DX10.


PCGH: How do the general hardware requirements look like?

Epic: Since optimization work is still ongoing, these details may change every day. Generally speaking, the game runs quite smooth with DX9 hardware released by NVidia and Ati since 2006. On high-end cards, including the DX10 models, UT3 runs incredibly smooth already. Additionally, we also support shader 2.0 graphics hardware, with only a few technical limitations.


PCGH: Will SLI and Crossfire provide significant advantages?

Epic: We're testing SLI configurations on a regular basis. Their positive influence can be felt significantly, especially at higher resolutions. So, if one wants to have full details at very high resolutions, a SLI-system would be the ideal way to secure optimal performance. We had no opportunity to test crossfire systems yet, but we are expecting similar results.


PCGH: How exacly are you utilizing the functions of Direct X 10?

Epic: Unreal Tournament 3 will ship with full DX10 support, with multi-sampling being the biggest visible benefit of the new graphics interface. Additionally, with DX10 under Vista we have the possibility to use the video memory more efficently, to be able to display textures with a higher grade of detail as it would be possible with the DX9 path of Vista. Most effects of UT3 are more bound to the fillrate than to basic features like geometry processing. That's why DX10 has a great impact on performance, while we mostly forgo the integration of new features.


PCGH: Will UT3 players be able to benefit from a 64 Bit environment and is there a 64 Bit version anyway?

Epic: To assure compatibility, we tested UT3 with Vista x64 as well. Nonetheless, we're planning to wait and see first, until the OS and its applications will have ripened, before we'll be taking further steps in the 64 Bit direction. With UT2004 we were one of the first developers who ported a title for Windows XP x64. We would've liked to do this with UT3 and Vista x64 as well as shifting all the PCs we're currently developing on to the 64 Bit version of Vista. Unfortunately, full software and driver compatibility isn't there. The basic OS runs stable and it's fun to work with it isolated. But as soon as you want to print something or want to run Maya or 3DSMax together with some third-party plugins you'll get massive problems. But I am sure those can be fixed via service packs and software updates, so PCs with 4 to 8 gigs of ram can establish themselves during the next 12 months.


PCGH: What is the maximun number of threads that can be calculated separately? Will there be a performance-boost if a quad-core system will be used?

Epic: We're able to scale the thread-structure pretty well. There is a primary thread for the gameplay and a second one for rendering. On systems with more than 2 cores we run additional threads to speed up various calculation-tasks, including physics and data-decompression. So the overall performance benefits greatly from a quad-core processor. Although we haven't looked into the matter yet, I expect an even further performance increase through CPUs with more than 4 cores in future UE-based games.

  • 1 μήνα μετά...

oι φωτος ειναι με κινητο απο το official xbox magazine του αυγουστου. συντομα θα εχουμε καλυτερη ποιοτητα (18 στο συνολο) και καποιο video.


μεχρι τοτε, διαβαστε τι λεει ο αρχιπρογραμματιστης του unreal tournament αυτο τον μηνα (και jonhy μη κλαψεις, please! :P )


And while the game is in simultaneous development for both PC and 360, it's the Xbox [360] that dictates the detail. "Our visual bar is based on Xbox 360," reveals Polge. "How beautiful can we make it and still have it run solid 30 frames per second? Then, after that, we go and look at PC. It's very good for keeping us focused on what we need to do, what's reasonable spec. The Xbox 360 is powerful enough that we're not having to change the game visually. In fact, on PC, we're worried about how we scale back to lower-end PCs."



Steven Polge, the Lead Developer of Unreal Tournament 3 at Epic.


Αραγε ενα high end pc μπορει να φτασει και να ξεπερασει τα γραφικα του Ps3 σε HD TV? Πολυ θα ηθελα να δω ενα τετοιο σε λειτουργια...


Καλα μια ερωτηση εκανα μη το παιρνεις τοσο προσωπικα.... Ακομα και προμηθεια να επαιρνες απο τη Microsoft, δε θα εκανες ετσι για το XBOX.. Νισαφι πια...


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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