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Koufo me ta links sta win2000


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Re sis, thelo boitheia giati egine mia lalakia sta 2000 kai mou exei spasei ta neura... Den thimamai na etreksa kanena ipopto arxeio, exo skanarei to pc mou gia ious kai tipota. Sta kala kathoumena, trexo to word na grapso ena keimenaki. Me to pou to kleino (den thimamai an ebgale kanena minima lathous or kati tetoio) oti arxeia *.lnk (kserete, ta shortcuts sto desktop) uparxoun mou exei allaksei to eikonidio tous me auto tou word (!) kai otan pao na ta trekso mou anoigei to word (!!)<BR>Me ton klasiko tropo pou allazeis me poio programma tha anoigei to kathe arxeio (win explorer> tools> folder options> file types) den uparxei to *.lnk gia na to diorthoso.<BR>Piga na kano repair to office alla mou zitaei cd ton win, alla auto pou exo den einai to authentiko (einai ta advance server kai ta prof sto idio cd kai etsi den briskei ta arxeia pou thelei, gia ta prof kai den me afinei na tou po ton akribi katalogo), piga na kano repair kai ta win, alla kollaei pano pou paei na arxeisei kai den ginetai tipota.<P>Kamia lisi PLEEEEEEEEASE...?<P>Thanks prokaltabolika smile.gif<P>------------------<BR><I>The wormth of life has entered my tomb. Prepair yourself mortal, to serve my Master for eternity...</I>


windows ison desolation...<BR>an kaneis unistall to office kai to ksanainstolareis ginetai tipoota?<BR>akougete malakia opote perimene kanena kalo softweara na sou apanthsei!<P>---------------------------------------------<P><FONT size="4">RIP THE SYSTEM </FONT s><IMG SRC="http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/otn/angry/zxflipoff.gif" border=0>


Skeftika na to kano kai auto, alla den prolabena. Tha to kano simera kai tha sou po... smile.gif<P>------------------<BR><I>The wormth of life has entered my tomb. Prepair yourself mortal, to serve my Master for eternity...</I>


1. Δεν νομίζω να έχεις πρόβλημα με το πειρατικό CD Windows<BR>2. Επαναφέρεις σε όλα τα shortcuts την κανονική διαδρομή κάνοντας δεξί κλικ πανό σε αυτά και άλλαξε την διαδρομή που θέλει να παει<BR>3. Κανε αλλa shortcuts<BR>4. Δεν πρέπει να αλλάξεις το .ink αλλά τα είδη αρχείων που θέλεις να τα ανοίξει άλλο πρόγραμμα ( το κανονικο του προγραμμα )<BR>


An trekso ta programmata apo to kanoniko tous directory ta trexei mia xara.<BR>An kano kainourgio shortcut mou kanei ta idia.<BR>Sta properties tou kathe lnk, dixnei stin kanoniki diadromi tou arxeiou, den exei allaxtei se, word.exe, as poume...<BR>Sas leo, oti iksera kai mporousa na kano to exo kanei alla tipota... TA NEURA MOU Kai den einai mono ta eikonidia sto desktop, alla kai OLA sto start menu (kai einai arketa re gamoto)<P>------------------<BR><I>The wormth of life has entered my tomb. Prepair yourself mortal, to serve my Master for eternity...</I>


Κουφο προβλημα....φανταζομαι απογνωση!<P>Δοκιμασε να κανεις repair icons. Ισως δουλεψει, ισως οχι.


Ola ta koufa se mena...<BR>Telika ekana auto pou eipe o pyroman. Ebgala to office 2000 kai ebala to XP pou epese sta xeria mou kata tixi.<BR>Ola kirile...<P>BTW...to XP einai gama*o... smile.gif<BR>Thanks guys...


epitelous boh0hsa, kata kapoion tropo, kai enan insomniac!!!!<BR>hehehehehehehehehehe<P>---------------------------------------------<BR><FONT size="4">RIP THE SYSTEM </FONT s><IMG SRC="http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/otn/angry/zxflipoff.gif" border=0>


Telika m@l@kies (den thelo na se prosbalo file pyroman2_99 smile.gif) an kano repair or reinstall to office ola ftiaxnoun <B>mexri na trekso pali to word!!!</B> Meta pali ta idia. Ola ta lnk ta anoigei me to word.<BR>Pos ginete to repair icons kai repair associations?<P>Gamoto kai nomiza oti eixa ksemperdepsei me auto to thema frown.gif<P>------------------<BR><I>The warmth of life has entered my tomb. Prepair yourself mortal, to serve my Master for eternity...</I>


xmmm file edgar i epistimi sikonei ta heria tis psila me to pc sou... <P>..proti fora akouo tetoio provlima kai poli tha ithela na imouna ellada na se voithiso kai apo konta...<P>tora gia na mi kano to post ayto askopa thelo na rotiso kati:<P>exeis polla eikonidia sto desktop etsi? metaxy ayton exeis to my computer, net neighborhood kai recycled bin.. ayta ti pathainoune? to idio? an ta trexeis kai ayta bgazoune word?<P>tou iexplorer to eikonidio? an kaneis dexi click properties ti sou bgazei? oti einai aplo .lnk i ta options tou iexplorer?<P>meta,<P>i quicklaunch bara pathenei ta idia? to start menu?<P>an oxi dokimase na kaneis copy apo c:\documents and settings\ToUserNameSou\Start Menu\Programs\ ena apo ta idia links pou exeis sto menu pano sto desktop.. ti ginetai?<P>episis:<P>exeis windows2k, exeis valei to sp? to 1 i to 2?<P>kane ena neo user, ftiaxe ena shortcut sto desktop kai dokimase na kaneis oti kaneis kanonika, ti kanei?<P>telos:<P>kane uninstall MONO to word - trexe ola ta ms office programmata pou exeis kanei to idio? an oxi valto xana sinexizei?<P>ouf ayta boro na skefto.. dose mas simptomata na sou dosoume apantiseis... <P>ta leme


anoixe regedit kai psaxe gia '.lnk' xoris ''<P>tha deis meta na leei:<BR>.lnk<BR> |-ShellEx<BR> | +-{BB.....}<BR> |-ShellNew<P>kai otan patas ShellNew prepei dipla na sou bgazei<P>Command "RunDLL32 AppWiz.Cpl,NewLinkHere %2" i kati tetoio dokimase na to allaxeis sto parapano kai des ean douleuei.<P>elpizo na sou doulepsei mias kai auta einai gia win98se<BR>episeis dokimase na kaneis search perissoteres apo mia fores bas kai yparxei kai allou. kapou eixan kanei post gia registry editors gia win2000 kane ena searc.<P>------------------<BR>EDgSTr5SmDY=<p>[This message has been edited by sh4dow (edited 19-04-2001).]


Loipoooon, exoume kai leme.<BR>1) Ta eikonidia my computer, net neighborhood kai recycled bin douleuoun kanonika. Exoun to eikonidio pou prepei na exoun (ola ta alla bgazoun auto tou word) kai an ta trekseis douleuoun kanonika (an den douleuan kai auta, tha to petaga apo to parathiro to pc...kai eimai kai ston proto re gamoto:P)<BR>2) Sto desktop den exo POLA eikonidio, exo arketa. Ta eikonidio sto desktop, stin quicklaunch kai sto start menu pathenoun auto to trampakoulo.<BR>3) Otan xalane ta eikonidia, sta properties OLON fainontai ola kanonika (to target kai ta resta). px. to eikonidio tou cuteftp deixnei sto target:"C:\Program Files\GlobalSCAPE\CuteFTP\cutftp32.exe"<BR>4) Exo ta win2k Prof me to sp1.<BR>5) Tis liseis pou mou eipes file onLINEr tha tis kano to apogeuma (mallon) giati eimai stin douleia tora... smile.gif<P>Opoios exei kamia sigouri lisi, as tin pei Please...<BR>Thanks gia to endiaferon sas wink.gif<BR><P>------------------<BR><I>The warmth of life has entered my tomb. Prepair yourself mortal, to serve my Master for eternity...</I>


Oooop, den eida to post tou sh4dow. Tha to kano kai auto file smile.gif<BR><P>------------------<BR><I>The warmth of life has entered my tomb. Prepair yourself mortal, to serve my Master for eternity...</I>


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