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Dj mag top 100 for 2005


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  • Απαντ. 36
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oops my bad for magda, ti pezei, techno?? periergo pou den tyn exo petyxei pote se kana set


oso gia bennasi, den prokeitai pote na kano to lathos kai na katebaso set tou, den mamietai tosoi alloi yparxoun, opote den pa na pezei kai gabba sta set tou!! Gia to styl tou, px mporeis na peis to idio kai gia tous brooklun bounce, h ton sash, h ton dj bobo ksero go, oloi ftaiksane emporiko hxo pou ton antigrapsane poloi kai oloi eixan ena koino stoixeio, they were all shit!!! Alla dystyxos shit sells, auto den shmenei oti prepei oloi na exoume some hot steamy shit sta xeria mas. ektos an einai o mr hankey apo to southpark hehe



mr hankey the shit



Benny bennassi


e mh mou peite oti den miazoun ligo


απορία...τον θεωρείτε μούφα???(τον Tiesto εννοώ)

ήμαρτον δλδ

χέστε το εμπορικό...αυτό είναι αντίκτυπο που δεν αποφεύγεται....(για αυτό όταν έρχεται Ελλάδα δεν τολμώ να πάω να τον δω Live...προτιμώ να ακούσω σε κάνα καμμένο νησί Γιώργο Σιρά να παίζει house :P -Σπέτσες 2 χρόνια πριν...καλή φάση :P )


αλλά 3 χρόνια τώρα βγάζει albums..κάνει ωραίες δουλειές...και πιο παλιά είχε απίστευτα mixes...


albums,doulies den mas niazoune

emeis milame gia djiliki

to telefteo kalo set tou itan to dancevalley 2003 kai prin apo afto to dimension 2002


Toufas...είσαι αυστηρός κριτής :P :P :P

okz...στο DJ-ιλίκι δεν μπορώ να πω ότι έχω άποψη...δεν τον έχω ακούσει προσωπικά (live)...

μόνο μέσω sets internet...


αλλά πιστεύω ότι και οι δουλειές μετράνε...και εκεί τα πάει περίφημα...

albums' date='doulies den mas niazoune

emeis milame gia djiliki


Aποκλειεται οι τοσες χιλιαδες που ψηφισαν να εκριναν ολα αυτα τα ονοματα μονο με βαση τις ικανοτητες τους στο djing.


ο DJ επειδή τώρα πια είναι και παραγωγός και βασικά είναι μουσικός για μένα καλά κάνει και αξιολογείται λόγω συνολικής δουλειάς...(αν όντως γίνεται έτσι)


ishkur has the answer :)


I really think that the whole reason behind why the line between DJ and Producer is so blurred in because of one thing: File-sharing.


The internet is a boon to the proliferation and solidarity of sub-cultural social tribes. The furries, the geeks, the goths, the anime otakus etc....all lived huddled in relative obscurity beforehand, their scenes teetering on the edge of anonymity, each of them clustering together in the cities in small, likeminded enclaves. Without any form of mass media push to represent them, they relied on themselves to push their lifestyle, largely via word-of-mouth. Because of this, the scenes moved relatively slowly and with concerned purpose for their just existence. The internet pushed all of these undercultures into prominance. The presence of omnipotent communication accelerated many of them sociologically, and broke others into the mainstream.


Such is the case with electronic music. With no real radio or television exposure, electronic music remained something secretive and separate from the music world at large. To find it, you had to know where to look. You needed to know certain people to have it, go certain places to hear it, join certain groups and record pools and mailing lists to be apart of it. If you didn't have access to any one of these things or you didn't know anyone who was, getting involved could be very problematic. For the scene wasn't interested in finding you. You had to go find it.


The internet changed all that. Now it can be found with two clicks of a button and a keyword search. But what REALLY exploded the scene was file-sharing.


File-sharing was not a new phenomenon. People had been trading music via private FTP servers for as long as music was capable of being transferred over the internet. But being apart of these collectives, and possessing the technical knowhow to run an FTP client pretty much made them closed-off to the general body of humanity who barely knew how to run their email until web-based email apps made them stupidly simple.


Then Napster emerged. Based on the FTP model, it was the "complex technology made stupidly simple" answer that made it all possible. Suddenly, every Dick and Jane could trade music. And the great fight for the digital liberation of music was on.


What resulted in this, of course, is a lowering of the bar. As what usually happens when the masses join something, the average intelligence and level of commitment goes down. Ignorance, slovenliness, and irresponsibility infected music trading channels.


Added to this was the growing prominence of electronic music, but more importantly, the people playing the electronic music. Not making it. Taking a cue from the pop world, EDM marketers figured out that something could sell a hell of a lot better if a face/name/image/style was applied to it. Thus, nameless mix CDs which in the early 90s were simple throwaway titles like "Trancendental Explorations Vol. 4" used as a means to get the music into the hands of a growing number of consumers apprehensive about getting the music on vinyl were transformed into ALBUMS...featuring someone IMPORTANT. It wasn't just "Tranceport". It was "PAUL OAKENFOLD: Tranceport".


The peons, gravitating from the pop world model of album-oriented marketing, took that cue to mean that he was the brains behind the outfit, and before long every song on Tranceport was on Napster, erronously named as a Paul Oakenfold track, from his original artist CD Tranceport.


The result: Oakenfold's infamy was hyper-inflated to ridiculous proportions, and he became the first trance superstar. To this day, I still get angry emails from kids who tell me that Gamemaster is by Oakenfold, and Binary Finary is by Paul van Dyk.


And that continues to this day. Every mis-labelled track you find on a file-sharer means there is someone out there misplacing an awful lot of devotion and worship. Because the DJs are marketed more than the Producers, they get all the press, all the accolades, all the attention, and all the fun. With so much overwhelming pressure to worship the man behind the decks and not the guy sitting in the studio, people can't help but believe there's a method to all the madness.


In all honesty, people, worshipping the DJs is like giving the guy channel-surfing on his TV unending adulation for the original premise of Lost. If you think your favourite DJ's placement on some sort of list validates your opinion of him tenfold, then you probably don't get it, and after eight years of this shit, most of us are fucking sick of trying to explain it to you.



I lista einai PALI oti na nai.

Kairos itan na pesei oTiesto! ELEOS!!!!


Blepo 22 Bennassi kai 23 Sven Vath!!!!! (se efage sti strofi o Benny, Sven!!!)




Derrick May??

Juan Atkins??

Klassikoi House DJ's?





Want to see Kosmas Epsilon/Nicola Gala/Chris Nemmo on this list sometime...

gogogogo Cambas... :)


I aformi gia ton Nicola Gala pou les, einai to Swing to Harmony?

An nai apla na sou po oti to Swing to Harmony kikloforise sti Ministry Of Sound me group name "Perasma" kai oxi "Nicola Gala & John Con".O logos einai oti o pragmatikos dimiourgos tou kommatiou, (Giannis) ekane ayto pou eprepe na kanei apo tin arxi.

An oxi, kai to anafereis kathara logo Djing OK!!!


o gala den exei bgalei mono to swing to harmony, exei pola kala komatia. An kai protimo to pio dark prog styl tou dousk.


subtera, aurelio, everything is you, blue impulse, colourles ep, light through darknes, dark side of the east...... ola kales paragoges kai diaforetika apo to swing tou harmony.


Gia to swing tou harmony ti enoeis? oti den eixe symetoxh o gala? pantos ego to xero os "nikola gala vs john con feturing perasma". Exei bgei kai me trance remixes, poly kalo to deserves an effort mix.


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