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SymWSC.exe trwei oli tin CPU


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


paidia tis 3 teleftaies meres to laptop mou argei arketa na kanei otidipote se sigrisi me prin.

isws na ftaiei pou eixa norton internet security kai evala to PC-Cillin.

Pantws iparxei ena .exe sto windows task manager apo oti vlepw (SymWSC.exe)

pou trwei oli sxedon tin CPU.einai full sinexeia...

kai fovamai min einai tis symantec afou exei arxika Sym...

egw pantws den exw tipota tis norton twra sto pc...

Thelw na mou peite ti einai to SymWSC.exe kai an to exete kai eseis.an nai peite mou ti antivirus kai firewall exete


Oson afora to onoma SymWSC, kata megalo pososto einai tis Symantec.


Einai alitheia oti o Norton trwei polla Resources tou Sistimatos, omos

ti mixanima exeis ?

Ean exeis 256MB RAM tote einai dikaiologimeni auti i argi simperifora.


Les oti eixes to Norton IS , kai twra ebales PC-Cilin.

Den ekanes UnInstall Plirws to NIS ?




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