random Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Διαγωνισμός για το λογότυπο του dotNetZone.gr περίληψη.. Στον διαγωνισμό αυτό μπορούν να συμμετάσχουν όλοι... μέχρι τα μεσάνυχτα του Σαββάτου, 29 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Πως θα γίνει η επιλογή: Μία αρχική επιτροπή, ....θα επιλέξει τις 5 καλύτερες προτάσεις, Την 31/10, μέχρι 6/11, δημοψήφισμα μελών θα αναδειξεί τον νικητή. Το δώρο του διαγωνισμού: μια κονσόλα Xbox 360 Ο νικητής του διαγωνισμού θα πρέπει να παραχωρήσει, εγγράφως, όλα τα πνευματικά δικαιώματα από το λογότυπο στο dotNetZone.gr για αποκλειστική χρήση. αναλυτικά: http://www.dotnetzone.gr/'>http://www.dotnetzone.gr/cs/forums/5923/ShowPost.aspx#5923'>http://www.dotnetzone.gr/cs/forums/5923/ShowPost.aspx#5923 http://www.dotnetzone.gr/ Το dotNetZone είναι μία νέα κοινότητα για Έλληνες software developers, με εξειδίκευση στις πλατφόρμες και τεχνολογίες της Microsoft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ΤΟ ΘΕΜΑ Διαγωνισμός για το λογότυπο.. ΤΕΛΕΙΩΝΕΙ ΕΔΩ. Στο 1ο ποστ. Οποιος ενδιαφέρεται να φτιάξει λογότυπα, να κερδίσει xbox, να ρωτήσει για όρους, προϋποθέσεις, νομικές λεπτομέρειες, περιπτώσεις στησίματος, ποιός ειναι ο Ζαχαρίας, που πάμε, υπάρχει Θεός, γιατι ζούμε, απο που κλάνει το γατί.. πάει στο σαιτ και διαβάζει τις λεπτομέρειες. http://www.dotnetzone.gr/ Απο το 2ο ποστ και μετά... αρχίζει ενα αλλο άσχετο τοπικ. Μια έκθεση ιδεών θα μπορουσαμε να πούμε, με θέμα "Οι συνέπειες του spam στο ανθρώπινο κρανίο, σε συνδιασμό με το καυσαέριο της φθινοπωρινής Αθήνας". Ειναι μια ευγενική προσφορά του μέλους ZELDA, προς το φιλοθεάμον κοινό. Τον ευχαριστούμε ολοι για τις πληροφορίες, και ευχόμαστε για την επόμενη έκθεσή του να θυμηθεί να πατήσει το κουμπί "Poust New Thread", αντι για το "Poust Reply" που καταλάθος -ειμαστε σιγουροι- πάτησε αυτή τη φορά. Στη συλλογή προσθέσαμε και άλλες εκθέσεις, για ολοκληρωμένη ενημέρωση... . . . . . . . . . . . . . I HATE COMPUTERS by Thomas R. Fasulo A report by the United States Commerce Department's Census Bureau, and mentioned in Education magazine, listed some horrible statistics on child abuse. For example, nine in 10 school-age children (6 to 17 years old) had access to a computer in 2000, with 4 in 5 using a computer in school and 2 in 3 with one at home. Two-thirds of households with a school-age child had a computer, and 53 percent had Internet access. Schools are also giving computer access to children who do not have one at home. Thereby negating the wise decision of their parents. So what kind of country is it that can place a man on the moon but can't provide a safe school environment for our children? And why are we required to have child-proof locks for our guns, but not child-proof locks for home computers? This season's new shows on Geek TV: When Big Ambitious Projects Attack: Live footage of deadlines colliding with clients wanting to add something to the specs. Unbelievable project requirements. See demands that an e-commerce system handle one million hits a day and run off access. Watch as coders go insane. If you'd like to know why coders go insane... Visit http://www.nwcair.com/planner.html to get an idea what their work week looks like. How Do you Know When You Are Over 40? People call at 9 pm and ask "Did I wake you?" Speaking of children and computers... Here is some news for our Apple friends. In what is widely believed to be the single largest educational technology purchase by a state, Maine signed a four-year, $37.2 million contract with Apple Computer to equip all seventh- and eighth-grade students and teachers in the state with laptops. Teachers should begin to receive their computers within the month. Things you would never know without the movies: When confronted by an evil international terrorist, sarcasm and wisecracks are your best weapons. Speaking of international terrorists... the FBI now has information on the whereabouts of bin Landen. According to the latest intelligence, he has been successfully hiding out working as a cab driver in a major US City. Attorney General Ashcroft advises all American to take the bus. Maintain a healthy level of insanity in your workplace by: Call the psychic hotline and don't say anything. Speaking of good news for Apple... When the federal judge rejected the proposal by Microsoft to settle class-action lawsuits [this is not the suit being waged by the other nine state attorneys general] with donations of cash and technology to schools, he said objections to the proposal could be overcome if Microsoft donated more money to fund the plan. The judge suggested that Microsoft make an all-cash donation or provide extra cash with software. Such moves would allow schools to purchase software from other companies besides Microsoft, according to the judge. Last week Microsoft indicated that it intends to pursue further negotiations to settle the lawsuits. What makes these lawsuits [over 100] interesting is that they were based on the fact that people were paying too much for Microsoft software. So Microsoft offered to donate about $800 million dollars worth of what the plaintiffs said was already over priced software. Microsoft said it was doing this to help "schools in poor areas." When told it couldn't donate the over priced software, Microsoft decided to back out of its offer to help these schools in poor areas. Is there a pattern here, or what? Dumb Stuff: How can you recognize a burned-out hippie? He used to take acid, now he takes antacid. Speaking of dumb stuff... Ziff Davis reports that Microsoft has been issuing security patches and other updates for Windows XP over the past few weeks -- only to have those fixes cause new problems. XP users said the updates cause systems to become unstable and some device drivers to stop working. To read the story, see http://eletters1.ziffdavis.com/cgi-bin10/flo?y=eNn80DDhiT0DUm0d160AP Now that gene-splicing has become a reality...A combination of a lamprey eel and a baboon created at a famous American college gives you the Harvard Lampoon. After spam e-mail, what I hate most about the Internet is Webmasters who think that once you are on their sites you shouldn't be allowed to leave. I can handle the annoying extra browser windows that pop up to advertise digital cameras, gambling sites and such, as these are the means that provide the funding that allow many sites to provide free services. But there should be a special level in Dante's Hell for Webmasters of sites - like the Ziff-Davis site above - that put in coding switching off the "Back" function so that you can't return to the previous Web page - like my newsletter. So while I apologize for linking to such sites, they still have information I feel you should know about. But if you will right click on the Back icon in Netscape [i have no idea what you do it IE.] you can then select, and return to, the issue of I Hate Computers you accessed this type of site from. Actual Questions Asked of Rangers at National Parks, : "So, where are the faces of the Presidents?" [Tom Fasulo answers: Due to the recent terrorist attacks the faces of the presidents have been removed to a safe, but undisclosed location. We regret if your trip to the Grand Canyon isn't as memorable because you have missed seeing the Presidents faces, which were carved out of solid macrame by local native American artists. For further details, please see http://www.pbs.org/amex/rushmore/, and thank you for asking.] OK, so you go to the Microsoft site to update your Windows software to add the security patches - only you can't. eWeek reports that millions of users were unable to access the Windows update site due to errors on that server. For details see http://www.eweek.com/article/0,3658,s%253D700%2526a%253D21231,00.asp. These continual security problems, or actually the bad publicity surrounding them, has caused Bill Gates to state that security is now Microsoft's number one priority. Microsoft's products always had performance and security problems, just like most software, but usually Microsoft ignores or even denies them until the publicity gets too bad. "Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handy: I scrambled to the top of the precipice where Nick was waiting. "That was fun," I said. "You bet it was," said Nick. "Let's climb higher." "No," I said. "I think we should be heading back now." "We have time," Nick insisted. I said we didn't, and Nick said we did. We argued back and forth like that for about 20 minutes, then finally decided to head back. I didn't say it was an interesting story. Speaking of Deep Thoughts... Bill Gates said that Microsoft must become the industry leader in security and will place a premium on protecting its products from privacy breaches. In an e-mail to company employees, chairman Bill Gates said that if given a choice of "adding features or resolving security issues," to pick security. Microsoft's products have a well- deserved reputation as easy marks for hackers. Microsoft said that the latest release of its Windows operating system [Windows XP] was its safest ever but hackers found a major security hole in it soon after. Gates said users must not worry that their electronic communications and transactions will be compromised. [Look at that sentence again. Gates didn't say that these communications and transactions wouldn't be compromised, he just said that users shouldn't worry about it.] When you're finished reading this issue of the IH8PCs newsletter check out the Non-Computer Humor and Other Reasons to Hate Computers sections of the IH8PCs site for the new, so-called "humorous" files added to the top of those lists. Taliban Jokes: "Did you see President Bush throw out the first pitch of game two of the World Series? The White House said it was a strike. The Taliban said it missed and killed several innocent people." - David Letterman For the latest anti-smoking news check out Action on Smoking and Health or the Smokescreen Action Network... The Environmental Protection Agency has classified eight substances as Group A carcinogens. One of them is tobacco smoke. The other seven, including asbestos, benzene, arsenic, and radon, are illegal in the workplace - but tobacco smoke isn't. Could it be that many of our elected officials are perfectly willing to trade American lives for hefty campaign contributions? A recent study shows that 50% of smokers suffered from low back pain, compared with only 20% of nonsmokers. What's more, smokers also suffered more from disabling leg cramps and generalized back pain. More generally, we know that smokers have slower bone cell production, faster bone loss, more severe vertebral disk degeneration, weaker spinal ligaments, longer healing time after a cut, fracture and surgical incision, and more complications following surgery. Do you know a science/biology teacher in middle/high school, or community college who could use university-developed computerized knowledgebases or tutorials on beneficial and pest insects? Including Free downloadable tutorials on butterflies. If so, then tell them about the University of Florida's Buggy Software WWW site available from: http://pests.ifas.ufl.edu/. Due to cost recovery, these tutorials now cost 40% less. Tell school administrators/teachers/parents about the School Integrated Pest Management site at: http://schoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/. The site has free downloadable presentations (Adobe Acrobat and PowerPoint) on School IPM design, cockroaches, ants, fire ants, and head lice. The Featured Creatures WWW site is a database of text and photographs of insects, mites, nematodes and other crawlies. Learn all about the red ring nematode and sap beetles at http://creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/. If you are interested in a 2x3 foot, color poster on head lice (which includes advice on control lice and their nits as well as a detailed microscope photograph of the sucking mouth parts of a head louse), then send $1 to me at: Thomas R. Fasulo, BLDG 970, Natural Area Drive, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-0640. The poster and postage are free, the $1 pays for the mailing tube. Sorry, this offer is for the United States only. Doctor Science was asked another important question lately: When drugs are abused, do they feel pain? http://www.drscience.com/. Speaking of school administrators... They are developing more software that works to discover cheaters. Cheating detection software, that looks for shared phrases in an effort to evaluate term papers, was used last year at the University of Virginia and uncovered 122 possible violators. Now even computer code isn't safe. Cheating software developed by Georgia Tech professors can determine if a student has cheated on computer programming homework. The program, which detects exact duplications of computer code, turned up as many as 186 possible violators out of about 1,700 students that were enrolled in one of two computing classes. The students apparently cheated even though they were told that the software would be used . Officials said the students' work even had similar grammatical markings and errors. Not to worry, these kids can still get jobs at a very large software corporation that has a reputation for incorporating other company's products in its software. Question: Why do beer companies brag that their products are "cold-filtered" or "beechwood-aged" or "dry-brewed" or "genuine draft" although no one knows what the terms mean? [Answer at end of issue] Here is more good news about spam e-mail. More e-mail users are filing lawsuits against spammers, and nineteen states have passed laws against spam. Most laws require spammers to place labels in subject lines and also forbid false headers on messages. The false headers prevents people from tracking the origin of the spam. Some laws also allow recipients the right to demand they be taken off a marketer's future mailings. While these laws do not prohibit unsolicited e-mail, recipients can generally find violations in many of the messages they receive. Since the mid 1990s, Internet service providers such as EarthLink and America Online have been awarded millions of dollars in judgments and settlements against spammers based on computer fraud, trespass, and other laws. True Tales of In*duh*viduals as reported to Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, from his fans in the field: During my recent attempt to get a pay raise, part of the conversation went like this: Me: "I have many more responsibilities than I did when I was first hired, so you should pay me more." Pointy-Haired Boss: "No, because if you weren't here, we'd just do without the extra functions that you're performing, so why should we pay you to do them?" Speaking of pointy-haired bosses, thank God that there are fewer of them... eWeek reports that more than 530 Internet companies folded in 2001, almost twice the number that closed in 2000. According to the same report, things look better for the survivors as the failure rate has slowed in recent months. Which is too bad, as the IH8PCs Center for World Control holds a party every time an Internet company fails. In 2001, we hardly got any work done, but we were happy about it. George Carlin Imponderables: If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't people from Holland called Holes? If George Carlin were to start a museum, then I guess the museum will house a collection of items that have a deep affect on the American psyche. So I was surprised that he was not associated with the Condiment Packet Museum. This collection on small, finger sized packets of mustard, relish, hot sauce, lemon juice or whatever are part of every American's fast-food diet. I can see the people lined up now, waiting to enter The Condiment Packet Museum to view the latest in condiment packaging. Parent's Dictionary: HEARSAY: what toddlers do when anyone mutters a dirty word. For example, one of my nieces' first words were "Ah, thit." Speaking of parents and Big Brothers... A U.S. District Judge ruled that the FBI acted legally when it installed a keystroke logger in alleged mobster Nicodermo S. Scarfo's PC. The FBI did this to find the password he used to hide his confidential business data. The FBI was able to find evidence of a gambling and loansharking operation that Scarfo is allegedly involved in. Scarfo's lawyers [Hey, let's call them "mouthpieces" like they do in the movies.] say that this constitutes violation of both wiretap law and the Fourth Amendment's outlawed "unreasonable" searches, but the judge wasn't impressed with this argument. This is the first case of its kind to employ the keystroke logger and privacy advocates are worried that the decision will expand the government's surveillance powers over the rest of us. On a side note, I'm happy to see that, once again, Italian-American mobsters are again named properly. After all, when you want to rub the mob it's much better to be named Scarfo, then Gotti or some other non- threatening name. How can you intimidate people if they are told that Domino Chicolini wants to make them an offer they can't refuse. They'd be laughing so hard they wouldn't hear the offer. This is also why so many Italian-American's get into the pizza business. It's much nicer to invite your significant other to dine on pizza at Chicolini's. But if you invited them to eat at Scarfo's, they would wonder if the health inspector had been paid off. And before someone gives me a hard time about making fun of Italian-Americans - please look at my name again. Scott Adams' True Tales of In*duh*viduals #2: I'm the Webmaster at my company. I asked the PR director to give me the most up-to-date list of our business locations so I could update the web. She downloaded my web pages and gave them to me. This from the Scripps Howard News Service - "The United States Marine Corps unveiled its new digitally designed camouflage uniforms the same week that Victoria's Secret catalog offered a new camouflage bikini bathing suit - suitable, we assume for beach landings. A coincidence? You decide." Computer Acronyms: SCSI: System Can't See It I always like to read Bob Lewis' column in InfoWorld, if only because he features a translation of "management speak" in every issue. One of his latest was very funny and certainly came from real life [We won't mention the name of the software corporation I'm thinking of.] Management Speak: Our customers are part of the team. Translation: They're the test department. Rules for E-mail Writeres: Verbs has to agree with their subjects. Speaking of literacy... Apparently Americans believe they are more computer literate than they really are, as concluded by a poll done by Gallup and the International Technology Education Association. Three-fourths of those who answered the poll said they can understand and use the technology to a "somewhat or great extent." But Gerard Salinger of the National Science Foundation said the approximation is overestimated and that most people are not as computer capable as they would like to believe. Those who provide tech support already knew this to be true. One of my favorite responses, when I am helping someone over the phone and ask them to go to Windows Explorer, is "What's that?" Then there are the millions of people who have no idea how to cut and paste a message to a word processor to eliminate the yards of routing information, let alone all the ">s" and just forward it to the next unfortunate people on their list. Whoa.... I apologize. I almost got started on this subject. That could take entire issue by itself. Actual Classified: Our experienced Mom will care for your child. Fenced yard, meals, and smacks included. Speaking of classifieds and people who aren't literate... I've received the following spam message several times: "Win a Ramantic Evening for two. Send your story of the most romantic time between you and your mate. The best story will win a romantic evening for two. The more detail you give the better your chance of winning. Prize includes: Romantic Dinner for two at a 5 Star resturant in your town. Limoseize trasportation to a from the Dinner 1 Night stay at a Romantic Suite at a Hotel in your town. champayne in your room when you return Breakfat in Bed Send your story to [No way will I give them free advertising.]" What do you think they mean by a "ramantic evening for two" ? Would you really want "champayne" in the room and to "Breakfat" in bed ? And how can they afford to give you all this stuff when they can't even afford a dictionary? I counted at least six misspelled words in that short message. Question:Why do beer companies brag that their products are "cold-filtered" or "beechwood-aged" or "dry-brewed" or "genuine draft" although no one knows what the terms mean? Answer:In the old days, when we were small children, a "draught" beer came out of a tap, and words had specific meanings. Today, there is beer sold in bottles and cans that purports to be "draft" beer. We are thrilled at the debritishizing of the word, but you have to admit that the total subversion of its meaning is a strong reminder that we live very close to the End of Time. Obviously, the reason beer companies use these terms is that customers respond favorably and buy more beer. This is called "marketing." Actually, all beer is cold-filtered, which refers to a type of filtering in which a fine screening removes not only all particulates, but even microbes. "Cold-filtered" sounds better from marketing-communications standpoint than "'ultrafine microscopic screening' or some other term," says a vice president at Anheuser-Busch. This filtering process also allows a canned or bottled beer to claim to be "draft" beer. The filtering is so careful, and the conditions so sterile, that nasty bacteria are eliminated. That means the beer doesn't have to be pasteurized. (Pasteurization involves briefly heating the beer to a high temperature, which kills not only the bacteria, but also some of the flavor.) The old-fashioned "draught" beer wasn't pasteurized, either. So that's why this new stuff claims to be "draft," though it creates problems, such as what to call a "Miller Genuine Draft" that comes from a tapped keg. A Miller Genuine Draft draught? But don't be cynical about marketing. It is through brilliant marketing that the beer industry makes the profits that can be funneled in the form of advertising to the TV networks that broadcast the major professional sporting events that provide the jobs for athletes not yet old enough or fat enough to appear in beer commercials. Attention K-Mart Shoppers! There is a Blue-Light Special in the Manager's Office. Make the right offer and you can purchase our entire chain of stores!" What a shame to see K-Mart file for Chapter 11, but hopefully the company will emerge from the bankruptcy protection next year as its official statement promises. The University of Maryland's University College offers an online master's program that accepts credits from a program run by the United States Naval War College. Beginning this term, senior-level civilian staff members and military officers who have completed the War College's Joint Professional Military Education certificate program can transfer 18 out of 20 credits toward an online master's degree in management. The Maryland-based institution will treat the program as a course in national security and naval operations. University College has made similar deals with other institutions to turn civilian degrees into military degrees. The new degree will also be available to military personnel through the Navy E-Learning Network. No word yet on how high a level you need to get to in Castle Wolfenstein to earn college credits. Things my mother taught me: My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM - "Will you *look* at the dirt on the back of your neck!" And we'll end this issue with news of yet more trouble for Microsoft... It seems that AOL Time Warner filed a lawsuit against Microsoft on behalf of AOL's Netscape Communications division, alleging that Microsoft damaged the unit's fortunes by using illegal stratagems that cut off the distribution channels for its Navigator browsing software while giving Microsoft's Internet Explorer the edge. According to AOL's general counsel, "This is a logical extension of the court findings that Microsoft thwarted competition, violated the antitrust laws, and illegally preserved its monopoly at Netscape's expense." Apparently, the suit helps the state attorneys general involved in the antitrust suit to amend Microsoft's business practices, one of their aims being to unbundle Explorer from the Windows operating system. Explorer currently controls about 80 percent of the browser market. Read more at http://www.eweek.com/article/0,3658,s%253D700%2526a%253D21546,00.asp. Great Geek Gifts: Continuing with our theme of electronic insects... Hammacher is offering the Wonderful Window Walking Robotic Bugs. No, these are not Microsoft Windows bugs - those come free with your operating system - these are two insect robots with suction feet that can climb any clean, dry surface in forward or reverse mode. They come in two models: Walligator with eyes that automatically scan back and forth, and the Vertibug with autoscanning antennae. Now all you have to do is convince yourself why you should spend $14.95 for either. But if you looking for a totally useless gift for a Geek associate then either of these might fit the bill. Check out item #65037J at http://www.hammacher.com/. You should never believe anything you read or hear. Especially if you read it here. The I HATE COMPUTERS WWW site is at: http://extlab7.entnem.ufl.edu/IH8PCs/. http://Http://entnemdept.ifas.ufl.edu/ is the University of Florida's Department of Entomology and Nematology WWW site. The site contains links to over 400 buggy extension publications, plus the Florida Insect and Nematode Management Guides, Featured Creatures, Buggy Software, Pest Alert, School IPM, our department's newsletter and many other insect related sites. It takes many hours to produce a newsletter full of information, wit and wisdom. Fortunately, I HATE COMPUTERS isn't that kind of newsletter. That's because much of the information in this newsletter was stolen from InfoWorld, eWeek, Inter@ctive Week, Windows For Losers, political campaign announcements, the Victoria's Secret catalog and many other electronic and printed media. I copy, revise, editorialize, digress and share it with you in the hope that you will learn to hate computers as much as I do. My opinions are definitely not those of my employer, but were once shared by M. D. Jerry. I (Tom Fasulo) have a day job as an extension entomologist at the University of Florida, but its only purpose is to provide funding for my real career - Civil War living history. This e-newsletter actually began in 1991 (as BITS & BYTES) as an attempt to share my distorted view of the computer industry with a select group of other Luddites. The I Hate Computers newsletter officially began in July, 1994, and back issues under that name are available on its WWW site. The newsletter used to be published every Friday, but now it is published only when threats from readers force me to post another issue. I make numerous comments about the computer industry and other topics and do not apologize for them. ['Cause I'm an ex-Marine.] If you don't like these comments, then please don't read my newsletter. ISSN 1076-7967 Copyright© Thomas R. Fasulo 2002 . . . . . . .
ZELDA Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 ειμαι έξαλλος κατσε ρε φιλαράκι δηλαδεί με ποιο δικαιωμα μου κάνεις spam mail που βρήκες το mail μου? τα έχω πάρει στο κρανίο άσχημα με τα spam μήπως ψάχνεις κανένα μάγκα να σε στίλει κανένα εξώδικο να γουστάρεις?
random Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Μέλος Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 "ρε φιλαράκι" ηρέμησε, και ζήτα συγνώμη. Σβήσε ή κανε επεγεργασία μυνηματος γιατι ειναι άσχετο και hijacking. 1. αν ηθελες να τα σούρεις ετσι υπάρχουν τα pm 2. στο συγκεκριμένο σαιτ ειμαι απλά μέλος στο φορουμ, και οχι ιδιαιτερα ενεργό. Ουτε ιδιοκτήτης ειμαι, ουτε διαχειριστής, ουτε moderator. Ζήτα τα ρέστα απο τους εκεί υπευθύνους. Να στο μασήσω ακόμα περισσότερο: δεν στέλνω εγώ τα mail. Απλά διέδωσα μια είδηση που αφορά το ελληνικό ιντερνετ.
ZELDA Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 πρώτον δε με ενδιαφέρει να στα στείλω σε πμ θέλω να το διαβάσουν όσα περισσότερα άτομα δευτερων αν δε είσαι ενέργό μέλος τότε τι παίρνεις σβάρνα τα φόρουμ και λές για το διαγωνισμό δε το καταλαβαίνω? τρίτον μάσα καμιά τσίχλα και δε πρόκιτε να κάνω εγγραφή για να μιλήσω με κάποιο υπευθηνο να σαι σίγουρος οτι άμα ξαναδώ mail απο το συγκεκριμένω site θα έχουμε κακά ξεμπερδέματα και τεταρτον δε πρόκειτε να κάνω edit η να σβήσω κάτι αιστοδιάλα με τα spam..
ZELDA Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 και μια απορεία Ο νικητής του διαγωνισμού θα πρέπει να παραχωρήσει, εγγράφως, όλα τα πνευματικά δικαιώματα από το λογότυπο στο dotNetZone.gr για αποκλειστική χρήση. και κάτι άλλο δηλαδεί ο νικιτής πως θα είναι εξασφαλισμένος οτι θα πάρει το xbox? υπάρχει κάποιο συμβόλαιο η κατι αναλογο?
random Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Μέλος Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Σειναίχυσαι να πωστάροις να κρατηαίτε πάνο τω θαίμα κσοιδάκει! -------------- mpas kai grafthkes pote sth "lista tou Zaxaria" ? "tolis" mou, den xreiazotan na grafteis poy8ena: http://gcapnias.blogspot.com/ Contact George J
Highlander Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 ZELDA, κατά πρώτης, ο νικητής έχει ήδη κάνει συμβόλαιο με το Θεό. :grin: :grin: :grin: Κατά δευτέρης, θα ήταν καλύτερο να ηρεμήσεις και να μην δίνεις το email σου όπου, όπου. :???: Κατά τρίτης, ενδιαφέρει αρκετούς το θέμα, οπότε καλά κάνει και το διαδίδει ο random. (στα forum) :wink: Κατά τετάρτης, το επώνυμό σου είναι Καλογερόπουλος ; (είδες που το προκαλείς μόνος σου ; ) :grin: :grin: :grin:
paschalia Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Μου επιτρεπετε να ρωτησω κατι που δεν κατανοησα πληρως απο τα ανωθεν ποστς . Ζελντα γιατι αυτος ο κλαυθμος και οδυρμος επειδη ενα σαιτ σου εστειλε ενα σπαμ μειλ ? Δεν θα πρεπει να ειναι η πρωτη φορα που λαμβανεις σπαμ μειλς για να εξανιστασαι ετσι ( και αντε πες οτι ειναι) ο χρηστης Ραντομ σου εξηγησε οτι απλα το ειδε , του αρεσε σαν κινηση και θελησε να το βαλει εδω . Εσυ γιατι συνεχιζεις να βαρας τον ''ταχυδρομο'' αντι να βαρεσεις τον αποστολεα ?
Gary Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 τα έχω πάρει στο κρανίο άσχημα με τα spam μήπως ψάχνεις κανένα μάγκα να σε στίλει κανένα εξώδικο να γουστάρεις? εγω λέω να του κάνεις μήνυση και αμα δεν πετύχει να τον πάρεις στο ευρωπαικό δικαστήριο
Chinaski Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Μου επιτρεπετε να ρωτησω κατι που δεν κατανοησα πληρως απο τα ανωθεν ποστς . Ζελντα γιατι αυτος ο κλαυθμος και οδυρμος επειδη ενα σαιτ σου εστειλε ενα σπαμ μειλ ? Δεν θα πρεπει να ειναι η πρωτη φορα που λαμβανεις σπαμ μειλς για να εξανιστασαι ετσι ( και αντε πες οτι ειναι) ο χρηστης Ραντομ σου εξηγησε οτι απλα το ειδε ' date=' του αρεσε σαν κινηση και θελησε να το βαλει εδω . Εσυ γιατι συνεχιζεις να βαρας τον ''ταχυδρομο'' αντι να βαρεσεις τον αποστολεα ?[/quote'] Ela re pasxalia pou den katalabes kiolas :PPPP Alla mou aresei o tropos pou to ferneis to thema..pos na to po...na to po tekmiriomeno xosimo..lololol...Thes na bgoume gia kafe :PPPP Zelda kunhgato man....na zhthseis kai leftagia psuxiki odini.
ZELDA Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 μάλλων βλέπεις την απαντηση στο inbox μου http://www.kalogeropoulos.gr
ZELDA Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 και το mail μου δε το δινω αλλα δε παυει να ειναι spam tespa δε τα χωνω δε κανενα ταχυδρόμο....μα που ειναι η ομάδα εξωντοσεις του spam??? ε ναι λοιπων ζητω το ΣΠΑΜ!!!!!!! random εκανα και ποστ και δες τι βλακεια απαντηση πήρα μαλλων ειχα ενεργοποιησει κατι στο προφιλ μου πριν γινω member όταν έλαβα τα mail οσο το αν παιρνω πρωτη φορα spam στο συγκεκριμενω mail τα εχω περιορισει και δε τα γουσταρω που βλέπετε το κακό γιατί σε ενα mail server τον οποιο πληρωνω να εχω spam απο ασχετους?? εμπας περιπτώσει δε ξερω τι ρολο βαραει ο random sto site ισως να στα χωσα μάλλων αδικα σορρυ.
Gary Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 μήπως ψάχνεις κανένα μάγκα να σε στίλει κανένα εξώδικο να γουστάρεις? αμα καταφέρεις να στειλεις εξώδικο σε καποιον που δεν έχεις γνωρίσει ποτε απο κοντα - που δεν ξέρεις καν το όνομα του - επειδή εκανε σε ενα forum ποστ παρομοιο με ενα mail που σου έστειλε ενας άλλος παλι αγνωστος σε εσένα τοτε θα παραδεχτώ οτι εισε ο πιο μαγκας
ZELDA Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 δε λεω οτι θα στειλω εξώδικο ρε αδερφε λεω οτι μπορει να τυχει καποιος και παλι μη νομιζεις οτι εινε τοσο δυσκολο.. πιστεψε με κατσε σκεψου λιγο.. απλα δε ασχολειτε κανενας. μην αλλαζετε τα λογια μου και εσυ random ξεκόλα με την ειρωνεία και τραβα φτιάξε κανα logo να κερδίσεις το xbox
sikaztarek Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Οκτωβρίου 2005 mhn tsakwneste. prepei na eimaste oloi edw agaphmenoi. elate twra.... dwste ta xeria kai agkaliasteite...
Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις
Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.